False reporting is still RAMPANT in Classic

Today i received 3 behaviour warnings while ganking a low level player.

Within a 10 minute timespan of standing on the persons dead body, i received 2 separate behaviour warnings. The third being during another time.

I now filed two online tickets about the whole situation and its absolutely ridiculous that i have to. Doing PvP on a PvP server shouldnt make me feel worried about having the account that i played World of Warcraft on since 2004 penalized. The modern outrage WoW community should not be able to falsely report people with a system that treats people guilty until proven innocent.


“In general, PVP on PVP servers is allowed in all forms. Nothing will happen to you if you are simply killing low level players, they would be expected to find a solution like getting high level players come fight back ETC. As long as you are not using any exploitative means you should be fine.”

“If you chose to create your character on a PvP realm, Game Masters will not address situations where you are repeatedly killed by the opposite faction. This includes situations that may be considered dishonorable such as corpse camping or killing players well below your level.”

Later i got proof that the guy i suspected reported me for “language” while i cant even speak to him!

Do these people ever get penalized themselves for abusing the system?


Or because you post like cringelord, making people disliking you even before they interact with you.


Okay level 70 Dracthyr Evoker.


Case pointed, enjoy having to appeal for your reports every day then.



You mock me but its only a matter of time until some people falsely report you for your name and force a name change.

The report system is entirely flawed.



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I’m not so sure it was “PvP”. Simple gank don’t get you reported and you posted even here so there likely is a part to the story you aren’t telling us.

Yes, if human checks the case and notices an abuse.

In which part? That they will gank lowbies with 100% win rate because it’s “PvP on a PvP server” or that people will over-optimize the whole game including mass reporting system to their advantage?

And Era is connected so no monofaction realms. No every “PvPer” will be able to cope with that :wink:

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Sure let me give you an example. Im standing on this persons body in shimmering flats and receive a behaviour warning. Obviously im baffled by how thats even possible, so i screenshot/record it and start writing on my online ticket. About 6 minutes later, while im still writing on my ticket, i receive another behaviour warning. of course i screenshot and recorded that too but i cant post it here cause it includes the persons name.

TLDR: the guy falsely reported me for griefing and language WHILE I CANNOT EVEN SPEAK TO HIM. And killing a guy on a PvP server isnt griefing.

In the past ive also falsely been muted for stopping raids from resetting the buff NPC in Stormwind. I stop cheaters from colluding, and i get penalized for it. Great report system! Now thankfully these mutes have always been lifted, but i shouldnt have to go through all the trouble of proving my innocence every other day because this community is unstable and has the power to abuse the system.

I dont care how much people dislike me, i dont care how much you dislike me, but you must agree that the report system is a total abomination while its in the hands of this outrage community.

Is there any evidence for that? Ive never seen confirmation that people who falsely reported others have been penalized.

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Since when can you be reported for PvPing on a PvP server? There’s more to this than you’re saying.

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You can be reported and receive behaviour warnings for saying HELLO. Heck this guy reported me for language from the other faction. WE CANT EVEN COMMUNICATE. Thats the whole point of this thread.

No einstein, theres not more to this. As stated before i cannot show the evidence here because that names the person and gets the thread deleted. The gms have it though.

The example i listed will be resolved. Its just one of thousands of examples. The thread is meant to once again showcase that the outrage WoW community should not have the power to abuse an automated report/penalty system cause i dont want to have to prove my innocence in tickets every other day.


Well shame that something like this still happens. I think we all can remember all the posts since 2019 where ppl complained of being false reported in Bg’s just for being " competition "… The system just don’t work as it should, it’s been like this for years. Ppl these days complain for every little thing, if they right or not, doesn’t matter…

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Upright has been ganking lvl 20s for years now. Make sure to keep reporting him. He is also known to be whispering racial slurs.


Well maybe don’t act like a scumbag in a video game then?


Hahaha i also kick puppies

Im very sorry you cannot follow a simple thread my friend!

Players in this videogame could organize to mass report and get YOU muted for writing “HELLO” in chat, or for even writing nothing at all!

THATS WHAT THE THREAD IS ABOUT: The report system being an abomination. Its been proven to.

How is that so hard to grasp?

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ok boomer.

Here is a example. I helped this alliance player do a escort quest ( i play horde atm ), one hour after that i was fighting a mob and that same player which i helped before kills me mid mob fight. Sorry but if i see a red name on my way i dont look anymore if he’s yellow, green or gray. Ganking low players isn’t griefing.


I don’t think so…

Sorry if it is red it is dead. If this is as reported, than yeah you did nothing wrong. The guy could have called some guys to help him, or he could have got near guards, or hearthed.

This has been part of open world pvp since day 1 so no idea why this was even reported.


We see it on these forums. Players call all kinds of PvP or entertaining gameplay “griefing”.

Blizzard gives these people the power to report and penalize others BEFORE the reports have been checked by a human.

Thats where the whole issue lies. I have to write ticket after ticket to get false penalties lifted from my account and i really shouldnt have to. Not only is it a waste of my time, no, the brief disconnect usually allows the false accusers to get their will, for example reset an onyxia buff NPC. And ive yet to see any instance where the people who do report falsely get banned or muted in turn.

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Have you ever wondered why it is only you that has to do this?

I mean, i haven’t had it ever happen to myself, despite engaging in PvP. Nevermind every other day, ticket after ticket, thousands of them as you say. Nor have i heard anyone else suffering from such a barrage of false accusations, except you. Not on this forum, not in the game.

Anecdotal evidence, sure. But if this was a widespread problem, it would be a hot topic in the community as a whole. Which makes me think you aren’t telling the whole story.