False reporting is still RAMPANT in Classic

When i say thousands of examples, i mean spread across other platforms and other players. duh.

There have literally been cases of players mass reporting the opposing teams members in battlegrounds to get them booted, to name only one.

The modern crybully/outrage wow community should not be able to target any player with these attacks.


If i had to take a wild guess, iā€™d say your problem is not that you are killing low levels, but that you are corpse-camping them.

Up there you say you got the warning 10 minutes after you killed the guy.
An in the next post you say you got the warning while standing on his dead body.
Which means you have been standing on his dead body for 10 minutes.
In shimmering flats, where it is impossible for him to rez without you immediately seeing him and killing him again.

Am i right?

If so, you got the warning not for killing a player in PvP, but for preventing him from playing altogether. Killing is fair game, even if hes gray to you. But if, due to your actions, he effectively canā€™t play at all, well, that is frowned upon by Blizzard.

Same reason killing a quest NPC over and over will get you a warning.


Werenā€™t you killing all the quest NPCs in Crossroads the other day? You have an Ashbringer right, Iā€™m like 99.9% sure it was you killing all the Quest civilian NPCs.


Yes i killed the crossroads NPCS. Thats beside the topic though, nothing wrong with that.

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ok I remember in the chat you mustā€™ve pissed off quite a lot of lowbies who just wanted to turn their quests in as everyone was saying to report you for that.

Reap what you sow I suppose and stop killing Civilian Quest givers.


I doubt that they said that, since i never received any behaviour warnings and there were a ton of people.

Youre insane if you think people should be penalized for killing quest givers or civilians. By that logic city raids are now off limits.

Nothing wrong with wiping out the crossroads once.

Even if somebody were to do it continuously, its a horde town right next to orgrimmar, people could just SPEAK to each other in this MMORPG and organize some help. But i guess that thought is just too crazy for modern WoW players.

Another dumb take. You people ruin this game.

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I didnā€™t report you as I was not actually at XR, but you were being flamed in the chat for intentionally killing all of the questgivers.

I donā€™t care if you gank people but if you are griefing a portion of the playerbase by killing long respawn quest NPCs donā€™t act surprised when you get reported for it.


Its not griefing to kill quest NPCs or civilians. What are you talking about.

Of course anybody should be surprised for being reported for that.

In fact anybody being reported for that should write a ticket at once.


An orc rogue was doing this in goldshire. Killing William Pestle in the inn, over and over, and laughing at the queue of players waiting for him to spawn. Made a video about it, too. Sadly i canā€™t find it anymore, saw it about a year ago.

He got banned. Reason: heā€™s preventing other players from playing. So careful with the quest NPCā€™s.

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Well i didnt kill the crossroads NPCs over and over, i wiped them all out once.

If theres anything wrong with that, City Raids are now bannable. Terrible logic! Its crazy how the crybully playerbase wants to impose restrictions upon restrictions on people. All these issues can be solved by other players.

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Once is fine. Just pointing out the reasoning ā€œits close to capital, so its OK to do it over and overā€ doesnā€™t work.


Itā€™s literally impossible to argue or have a mature discussion with this guy. Itā€™s clear that everything he does is justified in his eyes, even if those things are all to kill other peopleā€™s enjoyment.

Just from this thread alone Iā€™m getting

  • killing low level players over and over while thereā€™s obv nobody coming to defend them
  • corpse camping said lowbies
  • killing low level NPCā€™s of the opposing faction so they canā€™t turn in quests
  • killing the horde priest so his own faction canā€™t reset the WB

Not to mention how he talks down to literally everyone that disagrees with him.

Heā€™s just a dbag, capital D, who has nothing else going on. You reap what you sow, I even started reporting you to nuke your ā€˜funā€™.


Nothing wrong with that. Also people were coming to defend them.

Nothing wrong with that, essential part of classic.

Nothing wrong with that. Waiting for 2 minutes to turn a quest in hasnt killed anyone yet. I know for the modern WoW player thats enough to throw a temper tantrum, but nothing about this is in any way bad.

Thats a positive. Im stopping people from colluding with the opposing faction. I dont care about anyones world buffs. If people wanna lose their minds about temporary buffs in an easy, solved game, thats their problem.

Cool thanks for posting that black on white. Writing a ticket about your abuse of the report system right now.

And overall, just another pretty dumb comment!

No you said you were ganking some lowbies. Maybe donā€™t do that?


I think blizz doesnā€™t even read your tickets anymore. Youā€™re the equivalent of a disruptive karen that nobody likes and that keep making complaints.

Youā€™re just a sad griefer making noise that nobody takes even remotely serious anymore.


Cause its fun and an essential part of Classic WoW.

Im not obliged to give members of an OPPOSING faction an enjoyable experience. In fact i have an incentive from the game to do the opposite. Its literally the premise of the game. Two warring factions. How hard is that to grasp?

You clearly are playing the wrong game if you disagree.

No im a player in this game being targeted by false reports from people that i kill in PvP on a PvP server.

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Actually that is griefing. Killing someone of the other faction, no matter how many times or their level is not griefing, but it is very dishonourable.

Those are not against the rules.

That is covered by the rules of griefing.

Ah too bad i just got a response as we speak.

GM response to my ticket about receiving reports/behaviour warnings for ganking a low level player:

"In general, PVP on PVP servers is allowed in all forms. Nothing will happen to you if you are simply killing low level players, they would be expected to find a solution like getting high level players come fight back ETC. As long as you are not using any exploitative means you should be fine. "

There we go.

Now excuse me, ive got a false accuser to corpse camp.


You might want to edit out the GMs name as I donā€™t think itā€™s allowed to show that.

I never said what youā€™re doing in an isolated fashion is against the rules. Itā€™s the fact that you seem to play the game solely to ruin other peopleā€™s enjoyment. Fine blizz wonā€™t ban you for that, but donā€™t expect the same from the players who will keep reporting you, resulting in auto bans or silences.

Edit: going out of your way to ruin other pplā€™s fun is actually griefing and against the rules iirc. It depends on the GM but Iā€™ve seen responses that state that continuing to limit other peopleā€™s progress - as in not killing them 5 times in a row but 50 - is considered griefing.

But why am I even discussing with you again. I donā€™t even think you understand a word someone says with a different opinion than you, as seen in other threads. Makes me really wonder how you are irl.