False reporting is still RAMPANT in Classic

“They are abusing a report system, sending people off to falsely have their right to speech taken away, but atleast theyre not rude”

-Deveon, average modern WoW player


Actually I don’t think it’s ever griefing to kill other players unless it stopping them playing for quite some time, I’m talking weeks.

That’s not really specified. In retail you can now choose the option ‘preventing progress’ when reporting someone. I know not the same game but it shows blizz at least takes this stuff serious.

Seeing as the op goes out of his way to do this I’d say he deserves the bans/silences. Even if they are small automated ones.


The only part they deserve a ban for is killing NPCs.

I believe the word used by Blizzard is in “extreme” cases when killing another player on a PvP realm.

Also retail has no PvP realms, just warmode.

Guys really? Is it that big of a problem if he killed the NPC’s? He is right, he wiped them all off once. I was there atm, and i did wait for 3whole minutes to turn in the quest, wooow what a game breaker… After that a few 60’s came and he was gone. I really dont understand why you ppl play on a PvP server and then complain when some1 kills or gank you. What should i say when i did this escort DM quest to Moonbrok, and a rogue keeps killing the NPC right before the quest should complete!? This kind of sh!t happens on PvP servers, you have to deal with it. You do some other stuff until the guy is bored out and logged off. Then you can continue to play the game. Wtf, really?


Yeah, but if you constantly kill the NPC’s so that ither players can’t turn in they’re quests. Which is not what here happened

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It depends on how many times they did it, in my opinion.

I guess they are used to Wrath PvP realms where one faction dominates the other population wise so PvP things rarely happen.

Yea because youre evil and dumb.

Like i said i was there. He killed them once and thats it. Ppl these days really are snowflakes


I saw you edit in that ‘dumb’ lol. And this just goes to show how immature you are. Grow up kid.

If it’s only once then that’s not too bad, personally I play on both factions on the PvP realm just in case someone is continually ganking me then I can change over. I wouldn’t complain to them though.


Youre perfectly fine with people being falsely reported.

You are evil and dumb.

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I’m curious how his guild will act if someone show his replies on the forum. Sure he is making good PR for them.

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My guild Casual No Meta Fun Club endorses my opinions.


I don’t think it will endorse insulting other players on this forum giving them bad fame.


Calling a guy who condones false reports “evil and dumb” is a pretty accurate assessment.

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Stop being such a drama queen and get it in your head your opinion is not a fact :joy:


Its a fact that you condone the false reporting of people like myself

Its a fact that youve been proven wrong via game master response

Its a fact that youre evil and dumb.

You now cant let that stand of course so you try to hide the fact away with more nothing burger replies and derailing but thats how it is.

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Well… PVP on PVP realm is OK. And so is Mass Report, right? False Report =/= 60 vs 20 “PVP”

you get the service you pay for,

whining on forums (or repeating yourself) isn’t going to change that.