Well isn’t it abit obvious why this is bad? There is not enough people playing, you have so many wow versions that split community in so many different ways, then you leave titles in 5v5 and 2v2 (and split the already super low PVP community even further)? Look at TBC , 5v5 rank1 were ppl stacking in a team for a free title and no1 serious played that bracket, 2v2 was super active because it was most enjoyable bracket to play and 3v3 was practically dead. (this is all in tbc classic which had a huge population compared to cataclysm classic).
WOTLK - it was same thing like TBC, 3v3 was somewhat dead people were sniping and dodging because thats how little it was played, they were sniping and doding in 2v2 as well.
Balance in MOP especially in 2v2 is horrible compared to 3v3, so there will be like 6 specs in 2v2 playing vs eachother and none of them will bother queueing 3s because why queue 3s when you have some broken op comp in 2v2 (imagine pala war in wotlk where pala war ele in 3v3 wotlk is actually not also bis in 3s - there would be no warriors at all in 3v3 wotlk if that was the case, it is in MOP kinda for alot of specs).
MOP will not bring new servers in, it will again be 2 servers which is not enough to support multiple brackets.
That is reality, if there were 10mil ppl playing MOP then maybe this would be acceptable.
The reason why arena in cata died is because expansion is generally speaking dead and people are not interested in playing it, unlike TBC and WOTLK, has nothing to do with removal of titles from 2s or 5s. You can tell this by popularity of private servers, sure there were some cata priv servers but compared to tbc/wotlk and even MOP it is not worth mentioning.
If BFA classic came out there would be 1 title spot in 3v3 because no1 would even login into that monstrosity, cata is same just dialed up abit and thats all there is to it.
Its better to have 1 active bracket than 3 dead ones (and hell look at cata 3v3 has 5 rank1 spots = dead game while every1 is playing 1 bracket). Idea that MOP will be as popular as TBC or WOTLK was is just denial of reality.
There is no world where titles in 5v5 should ever be a thing no matter what population is imho.
And NO to Solo shuffle the worst thing that ever happend to wow, wow is a comp based game, with that being said some type of advanced tool for helping finding teamm8s, mybe people can queue for LFG list what comps they are interested in from availble list of most popular 5 comps for the spec (where they can ban 1-2 out of those 5 they dont wanna play) lets say and then match with other ppl of same mmr/cr where they are forced to do at least 5 games of arena and not leave after first arena is lost and queue against premade 3v3s as well with maybe 10% dampening advantage.
Rest of points made were pretty much ok and on the spot imo.