-> Feedback thread with the goal of increasing Arena Participation! <-

As a Horde PVPer in Cataclysm Classic the biggest change for me would be the cross-faction suggestion. The biggest factor in deciding if I want to play some PVP is if anyone on Horde is currently online. Especially for RBGs as it can take upwards of 2-4 hours just to find 10 active Horde players to play with.


If they add solo shuffle to MoP I’ll quit on the spot, that’s such a terrible gamemode. Completely killed every other bracket and it’s not even normal arenas, 6 rounds of full zug-zugging the squishiest target is dumb.

Just make LFG better and cross/faction/realm. Who cares what race your teammate is.


I don’t like Cross-faction at all, but maybe that’s something the community needs considering how low participation has been.

Other then that all great suggestions, agree with all of them.


Hello everyone!

Thanks to Minpojke for calling out the real issues with the current PvP System.

My post here also will be a bit longer and I hope its understandable for everyone who reads it, since I’m german and englisch isnt my native language.

I play WoW PvP since original MoP and I’m not an PvP-Legend as Pojke who won all these tournaments but I’ve achieved some decent ratings too and always care alot about WoW PvP and its future.

The PvP-Systems we currently got are discouraging for alot of players I’ve met during the cataclysm classic expansion, lots of them already quit the game because they felt their goals are gatekeep’t by the systems.

The 0.5% gladiator and 0.1% rank1 cutoffs as an example were an good/working system back in the days when the pvp-playerbase was at an way higher number - but right now this isnt the case anymore.

S9 of Cataclysm classic had around 200~ gladiator’s and 40~ rank1 gladiator’s.

200 first of sounds like an ok’ish amount, till we count in that players who reached with multiple characters certain ratings took most of them, which felt unfair as a player who tried his best to obtain 1 of these 200 spots while someone else took 5 or even more, also players the top 200 gladiator cutoffs are more about 160 considering 40 of them are the rank1 cutoffs.

Same problem go’s for the rank1 cutoffs which count for multiple characters too, thats why I’m also totally for a change.

I think the best 2 solutions are the ones pojke already wrote into his post:
Make it either 2.400 rating + 50 wins as in retail or increase the cutoffs to an settled amount inbetween 400-500 (in my opinion 250 is a bit low and not achieveable for the average player), but if we would go for option number 2 it needs to count for 1 character per account, just make the titles(gladiator/rank1 of season xy) accountwide I don’t think anyone would be mad about it.

MMR Inflation:
I think MMR inflation from start of the season is an good idea which increases every week - it would encourage more players to start their season earlier instead of grinding rbg’s, waiting that they MMR is high enough to reach their goals easier.

Cross faction Arenas:
I can’t wait for it let us get any quality of life change we can get

Solo Shuffle/Support System:
I know lots of people enjoy SoloShuffle in Retail and would love to see it coming into mop classic, but I’m still against S-Shuffle since it made rated 3v3/2v2 in retail an wasteland.

A great change instead would be to bring back the PvP-Tab and give us more options to filter.

My examples are:
-Give us an option to select classes/speccs we’d like to play with
-Give us an option to set minimum/maximum Arena Achievement (0/1.5k/1.75k/2k/2.2k/2.4k/2.7k) as an requirement for the groups we open, same as the option to filter for those groups as someone who’s looking for one
-Give us the option to enter our current rating if we open an group, and the option as someone who looks for an group to filter for players which are in certain rating ranges.

More Season Rewards:
To encourage players giving PvP a try, it would help alot getting a larger variety of rewards on certain milestones/ratings.

Right now on cataclysm classic if a player knows he won’t be able to hit gladiator or even rank1, there is simply no reason left for them to play arenas at all after they reached their 2.200 rating and unlock the elite transmog gear and weapons.
Most of us know that this is the case currently, even if players like pvp in general they’ll lose interest when there is no reward/goal they can get/achieve.

2v2 and 5v5 Titles:
This would be a great addition to the game, I’m also more a fan of regular 3v3 but I can’t see why the players shouldn’t be able to get their titles from any arena-mode they prefer, it harms no one and I’m sure it will increase the arena participation overall.

Class Stacking/Role stacking in Arenas:
The stacking of healers in arenas or even tripple dps shouldn’t be allowed, its not fun to face 2 healers with an dps class, same as tripple dps.

Class stacking shouldn’t be allowed to increase the variety of classes you’ll see in arenas while also prevent overpowered classes/specializations from being abused.

Thanks to everyone who read this post - I know we won’t get huge impactful changes to the current PvP-Systems during the last phase of Cataclysm classic but I’ve hope left that this thread could change WoW-PvP towards a good direction for everyone.

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I agree with most things Minpojke said.
I want to mention that you have to put back Group Finder cross-realm again,since Dragon Soul this features has been turned off.

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Classic doesn’t just refer to Vanilla. Classic is every expansion that is not current retail. Pojke wants to have higher anticipation in Arena and has listed good changes that hopefully could increase the amount of people doing arenas.


Well isn’t it abit obvious why this is bad? There is not enough people playing, you have so many wow versions that split community in so many different ways, then you leave titles in 5v5 and 2v2 (and split the already super low PVP community even further)? Look at TBC , 5v5 rank1 were ppl stacking in a team for a free title and no1 serious played that bracket, 2v2 was super active because it was most enjoyable bracket to play and 3v3 was practically dead. (this is all in tbc classic which had a huge population compared to cataclysm classic).
WOTLK - it was same thing like TBC, 3v3 was somewhat dead people were sniping and dodging because thats how little it was played, they were sniping and doding in 2v2 as well.
Balance in MOP especially in 2v2 is horrible compared to 3v3, so there will be like 6 specs in 2v2 playing vs eachother and none of them will bother queueing 3s because why queue 3s when you have some broken op comp in 2v2 (imagine pala war in wotlk where pala war ele in 3v3 wotlk is actually not also bis in 3s - there would be no warriors at all in 3v3 wotlk if that was the case, it is in MOP kinda for alot of specs).
MOP will not bring new servers in, it will again be 2 servers which is not enough to support multiple brackets.
That is reality, if there were 10mil ppl playing MOP then maybe this would be acceptable.
The reason why arena in cata died is because expansion is generally speaking dead and people are not interested in playing it, unlike TBC and WOTLK, has nothing to do with removal of titles from 2s or 5s. You can tell this by popularity of private servers, sure there were some cata priv servers but compared to tbc/wotlk and even MOP it is not worth mentioning.
If BFA classic came out there would be 1 title spot in 3v3 because no1 would even login into that monstrosity, cata is same just dialed up abit and thats all there is to it.

Its better to have 1 active bracket than 3 dead ones (and hell look at cata 3v3 has 5 rank1 spots = dead game while every1 is playing 1 bracket). Idea that MOP will be as popular as TBC or WOTLK was is just denial of reality.
There is no world where titles in 5v5 should ever be a thing no matter what population is imho.

And NO to Solo shuffle the worst thing that ever happend to wow, wow is a comp based game, with that being said some type of advanced tool for helping finding teamm8s, mybe people can queue for LFG list what comps they are interested in from availble list of most popular 5 comps for the spec (where they can ban 1-2 out of those 5 they dont wanna play) lets say and then match with other ppl of same mmr/cr where they are forced to do at least 5 games of arena and not leave after first arena is lost and queue against premade 3v3s as well with maybe 10% dampening advantage.

Rest of points made were pretty much ok and on the spot imo.

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You are wrong. There are forums specific for Cata; this is for the Classic (lvl 60) games - hence why the patch notes for 1.15.* are listed on forums and Cata patch notes are listed in the Cata forums :wink:

The changes that Minpojke presented are pretty much on point, however:

I think the 3v3 dampening is perfect, as it starts 5 minutes into the game, the 2v2 is the same and dampening s tarts at the 5 min mark too. If people that play healer/dps and face healer/dps in 2v2 wanna have shorter games, and dampening to start faster, be my guest.

But that should not be the case for dobule dps vs double dps, or dobule dps vs healer/dps in 2v2, thats where dampening starting in 5 minutes is the best option as it provides enough time for both teams for mistakes, recoveries, taking advantage of enemy players mistakes, carefully managing cds prior to dampening, it enables certain type of mindgames between players.

I think this is great, as long as R1 titles are not given in 2v2 and 5v5, like, getting Gladiator and others prior is fine in 2v2 and 5v5, but the main reason you push r1 in 3v3 is for that R1 title, not for a mount or anything else. I think allowing people to que 2v2 or 5v5 to get a 3v3 R1 title is not the move, but again Gladiator is perfectly fine for 2v2 and 3v3, in fact thats how every pvp private server kind of has been doing. Like, it is not a too big of a deal but getting a R1 title from 5v5s is like buying a golden jewlery and pretending to be a rapper in real life, you look the part but you dont play the part, you know?

As far as i know Conquest gear has PvP Power to it, and its only the Honor Gear of Season 12 that has PvP Resilience, as other seasons come, the honor gear is being replaced by the previous seasons conquest gear, just like in Cata.

The only concern of the season 12 or 13 would be that some classes and specs rely on secondary stats more than others, which makes their class/spec harder to play due to too low haste/crit/mastery. I do not know how this should be tackled, but def is something that might need to be looked at.

Anything improvements to LFG should be fine, i like the idea of showing CR/XP for the character based on season and etc. but this might turn out to be a little bit too much work, as i am not sure if the devs will be willing to invest such work in it. However i am all in for it if they can and any other improvements if possible.

However, i am VERY VERY against SoloQ or Solo Shuffle being added in any shape or form, with or without rewards, it will do harm to 2v2 and 3v3 and even 5v5 brackets, it might as well impact RBGs too. The reason i hate it so much is because it kills, in this case, my example is 3v3. I get it, not everyone has time or people to que up with, but strongly believe that there are several factors that already makes MoP PvP much more accessible to other players, and most of those factors are the changes Minpojke suggested, the custom R1/Glad spots is one of them, MoP in general has the most fun class design which kind of already makes people want to play it.

I believe if your class and spec is fun, any content you do will be fun for you, but if its not fun or poorly designed and booring(like in retail wow) no matter what content you put in it will be booring and make you not play the game.

Yes, thankfully mop solves this for us all, and i hope the dev team keeps the power of PVE trinkets in check and nerf them if they become problematic in PvP, as i have heard that there might be some PVE items that can be used in PVP, or should i say it is more of a prediction that people will use PVE items.


1. I think dampening is fine and no changes are needed since it starts after 5 min mark.

2. Glad titles max for 2v2 and 5v5 seems better to me.

3. Having low secondary stats during S12/S13 might be problematic for some classes and specs

4. Solo Shuffle/SoloQ Should not exist in my opnion or any iteration of it.

5. Keep PVE Gear nerfed in PVP.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:


But main issue is that there is huge lot of options, when it comes to arenas. What I mean by this?

How you can keep arenas healthy, when there is going to be same time mop arenas, tbc classic (again) and retail. Some people won’t have time to play all of those, so they would have to choose.

And most likely they choose based on whats most fun for them, right? Let’s now pretend, that all of those options are equally fun. What would be best way to incentivice people to que or get people interested into it?

Rewards, titles (give retail title approach), cosmetic rewards (transmogs, battle pets?). Now “hard core” arena players probably don’t care about those, but casual players might care.

And trust me we need more people to get introduced to arenas, to make it more appealing and interesting for them. But if there is no incentives, the likelyhood of them getting trying arenas gets less.

And regarding titles, we should make them account wide, let’s be realistic (on wotlk + cata happened this) that most hardcore arenas have multiple alts and they reserve the title spots.

Is this fair for new people who want to push for a first time? Probably not. And this can be for them kinda reason to stop playing again.

What would be best way to make it balanced if we would change it to account wide, not sure but something has to be done to prevent people to reserve title on their multiple alts.

Also i want to add regarding solo shuffle stuff:

My concern is that if Blizzard would choose to add that into mop (or even tbc classic), it could become very toxic envinronment.

Imagine new player tries arenas → ques into lobby where consist hardcore players → how likely this new player might get flamed?

warnt them season 9 and 10, do you really think they will do anything ? LOL

Merging the realms is a dire need right now. They did it on Era, it worked. Ever since like TBC or so, the PvP realms have been mono faction. Hardly “pvp”. Imagine when Timeless Isle drops and no conflict beside 4 people farming the Ordo tokens ? Nah…

I also really want some sort of soloQ, because, personally, I just hate trying to find the right people to form teams, make sure they’re good AND see if we click and vibe. If I wanna pvp, I wanna be able to log in and Queue it up. Now Shuffle is a pretty bad iteration of soloQ, which made many people dislike the idea of soloQ immensely. But in 2025 I do believe that having a (like it or not) competitive scene, and no proper soloQ is just hell.

(Also nerf human racial this time around pretty please, or try it directly with mop classic: remove racials altogether. Everyone will feel better playing because they can actually choose their race without fearing a disadvantage cough cough Every man for himself cough cough :heart: )

The random removal of PvP section in LFG back in Wrath was comical and absolutely unjustifiable. Without any explanation, no response. It just shows how much they don’t care about classic expansions in general. That’s probably why the game is released on the end-patch, they literally have no devs to maintain the game so they just let it rot and collect.

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Seems like most of this post is aimed towards MOP so not sure if my input is any good here I’m mainly just waiting for TBC again.

As much as I dislike cata I do really like the conquest/arena points system. TBC was super rough to gear a alt midway through a season deciding whether you hoard your points in case for off-season discount or to buy gear at the risk Blizzard announce the season ends in 2 weeks a day after you bought your items. Cataclysm catch up system is very nice for that reason and also less punishing if you have to miss a week of games… 5v5 is more of a chore than fun but if you want gear its the best points so you kind of have to do it.

Would love to see something like the cataclysm points system considered for TBC

Hi there,

I can get behind most of what Vezir just wrote except point 3.

Dont think much can be done about this and it has been the case for every classic re release - we play on the last patch.

With rest of the points im fully on board.

1. I think dampening is fine and no changes are needed since it starts after 5 min mark.

2. Glad titles max for 2v2 and 5v5 seems better to me.

3. Having low secondary stats during S12/S13 might be problematic for some classes and specs

4. Solo Shuffle/SoloQ Should not exist in my opnion or any iteration of it.

5. Keep PVE Gear nerfed in PVP.

Totally agree with these changes, please do it blizzard! <3

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Totally agree with Minpojke! Would like to see more people playing PvP. :heart:

100% agree on everything. only thing to add is to the rewards… having only 1 reward in arena which is on 2200 rating… from 0-2200 and 2200-gladiator there is no reward… the tbc / wotlk system with alot of breakpoints seems much more rewarding for casuals or dad gamers like myself… rn in cata gladiator is impossible… 2200 reward is useless since i have access to pve weapons… so i just troll around on low rating playing very very little arena… theres no reason to play… you can just /afk rated bg to leech full max power arena gear and join a random dungeon now to get weapons like gurthalak… theres simply no reason to que arena rn…

We forgot, disable triple dps queues and double healer queues. Rest is on point