See, attitude problems like this is why fewer and fewer people want to engage with rated Pvp (arena) in Wow. What you offered here is the perfect example and I thank you for that. If all of the “sweaty arena guys” are still left playing the game and a leaderboard like S10 Cataclysm Classic is what you get from it then you can keep enjoying your dead game mode competing vs each other for the “challenge”.
In fact why would you even apply Pvp changes then, if there are only 8 rank 1 spots fine, just get good or get better and claim them according to your logic, right?
So you guys are upset you are not good enough to claim them and now you need more added to the game?
To give you an idea about how a casual or average Pvp player looked like during the season of Wotlk Classic:
Feel free to do more research and you will understand, because how Pvp looks without these casual players is what you can experience right now.
Gladiator/Rank 1 spots are based on % of overall participants during a season and as you can see the average Cataclysm Classic player did not even engage with rated Pvp to the point of reaching 1200 rating.
We need gear to be more accessible, we need knowledge to be more accessible and rewards too otherwise there will be no point for non “sweaty arena players”
to engage with this kind of content. The playerbase of this game is pushing 40 years of age, nostalgia driven and not juvenile, aspiring talent looking to push themselves to compete in a video game like this or to fill out an interview every time they are looking for arena partners. Hence, adding Solo Shuffle is one of the best reasons to solve it.
My apologies for offending your idol by giving some background information about what this post is also about, coming from OP, a guy that has verbally attacked Blizzard many times before calling them bad names and so on.
Glad for 2s is the absolute worst idea. The only reason you want 2s glad is because you play this game as a “job” and want to queue 2s all day and boost people for money.
Maybe its time to realize that playing 30 year old games and begging viewers for money is not a career and get a real job
Fair that you dont want glad in 2s but could you make an actual valid point instead of pushing your personal hate towards some streamer? Because nobody cares.
Titles for 2s is great because it makes the bracket more active with little to no downside at all. And we have seen that removing titles doesnt equal more 3s queues.
And yeah, theres enough people who just enjoy qing some 2s for fun. Am working full time and i enjoy qing 2s in mop. Different people like different stuff, thats how it works.
No, im not going to explain myself. Nobody cares and blizzard wont read this thread anyway. Stop being delusional and thinking they actually care about some made-up reason a random pserver streamer with 200 viewers writes xD
Well, first of all the author of this thread is a known booster and i think its doesn’t take much to understand why he wants to bring glad in 2s bracket back. Second of all, the WoW community is not interested in Arena as it is only a minor part of this game. If Blizzard actually wants to get some input for improvements in pvp they go to some well known and good PvP contributers such as Venruki, Xaryu, Ziqo or Payo. So don’t put effort into this topic.
You are completely oblivious of your own words apparently, and you dont get to talk about attitude when yours is pretty bad. Just because there are sweaty nerds replying on a forum post doesnt mean there arent casuals here or average players, and mostly the casual pvpers dont even bother to write on forums, you are just trying to create drama and attention because you are bored or something, complete lack of constructive feedback on what is being purposed, instead you just hate PvP and decide to spread your worthless opinion with others and insult the streamer just like the other two haters on this thread named “Muhkuhl” and “Babamesisch”.
If you got nothing positive or constructive feedback to add to the original post, just dont say anything and ignore it, just like you ignore being good in a video game as it is easier for you to hate and demand free stuff as a “casual player”.
Completely off-topic and insulting Minpojke for reasons even science cannot answer.
Instead of being a weirdo, you could just try to provide a proper feedback to the topic.
We cannot ask Blizzard for much, assuming they do not have much resources for Classic servers, but i guess again, it is easier to hate than to use your head to provide feedback, right?
The reason arena participation is dead is because people like the author boost 24/7, making it impossible for newer players to get to higher ratings and causing them to just give up. But sure, believe someone that massively profits from 2s titles wants them to be in the game, because he thinks 2s is actually fun xD
If blizzard actually took pvp serious the author would be perma banned
People gatekeeping the ladder and selling glad/rank1 pilots (there are no rank1 selfplay boosts) are a indeed a problem, a problem for the top 0,5% though. You act like every 2nd game at 1800 mmr is against a rank1 player boosting someone.
A lot of people buy boosts to 2200, 2400 etc. for elite set/enchant/weapon. Also it is a problem for people trying to get to glad rating for the first time.
And adding glad title to 2s only affects the top 0,5%, so my point is still valid
Do they? Ive seen quite a few in wotlk classic, but I dont feel like there even is a demand for it right now in cata. The elite set is just cosmetic and weapons arent bis for almost all classes, on top of that a boost to 2,2 should cost much more than a bis weapon in a gdkp.
The boosting or piloting? I mean, if youre close to gladi you wont lose to a rank1 player carrying an ape (and lets me honest, only apes pay for boostings), so youre talking about piloting I guess. But then again, this also happens in 3s so as much as it sucks, people who are willing to pay more than 10k for an ingame title will find a way to get this title, doesnt matter if its in 2s or 3s.
And I dont wanna whiteknight the “famous streamer”, but if youre mad about people piloting in classic, pojke isnt the right target, there are others.
So instead of personal attacks, lets just keep this thread constructive and cope that blizzard will actually do something about pvp, so we can all be disappointed together once mop gets released and nothing will change.
this topic has been discussed around 1000 times. Too much resources go into this for a player base of 100 people, but also the game is not balanced around 2s. This also hurts 3s the true bracket. Why discuss a topic that has an impact on 0.0001% of the player base? This feels like you are just promoting this idea because you need money from boosts.
Do you know how minpojke was getting money since 2012 till 2019? He was RMTing HARD selling every boost/piloting and gold selling for YEARS. And only after a Blizzard perma-ban “DECIDED” to come clean and stream on Twitch. No, that’s his ONLY source of $$$.
People like him are the reason PvP is dead as a cumulative destruction of the game by said players. Those different “Classic RMTrs” are just taking an example of the postmaker.
He is the “austrian painter” of the RMT, those “classic RMTrs” are Mussolini of RMT.
He is the hypocrit, and I hope PvP scene dies off completely so he has to beg for money even more. Because he’s been working hard to kill it during those years
PS he streams MoP Private Servers, go ahead to his stream and report him for that
I always said its the players themselves ruining PVP. Mostly the top end players.
What we need is Hardcore Classic to die and bring back “Big streamers” Pikaboo, Xariyu, Ziqo, Whaz, Sodapoppin and Mitch etc back to streaming PVP.
(So far they having too much success with Hardcore so they don’t play PVP)
Hopefully they all hop on MOP classic and this will bring a lot more PVP players back and then “we” will get attention from blizzard back to PVP.
Update: a lot of hate towards pojke but if you actually READ what he said no matter what his true intentions are but lets assume its “Make pvp better” then he actually made really good points / suggestions
Its actually crazy people disagree just cos someone who actually plays the game tries to keep it alive. Yes it might be his work however his goals are same as mine and others which means to keep pvp alive. Personally as a Casual i can say gearing (pve gear specifically) and low amount of spots discourage me from playing cos i cba competing for these 8 spots with people who can play 24/7 or have 10 years of practise. Gearing is gonna get fixed in mop however its gonna reappear in other expansions.
Also glad in 2s is actually not a bad idea since in tbc and wotlk 2s were quite popular since its easier to find 1 player than 2 + its kinda chill.
All the hate Blizzard gets is justified as they’ve been doing terrible job for years (or rather than terrible they did nothing, the game they released works worse than private servers).
Then dont talk if youre unable to argue. It’s rly sad i’m giving attention to barking dogs and spam this topic with useless replies to them however i couldnt help myself.
Who? This name just ruined your argument. Also its crazy you put weight to these names while badmounthing the only player who (unlike them) actually plays the game. There are many people in this topic agreeing with him so why would you dismiss all these people just cos of 1 person whose interest aligns with theirs.
There were a lot of people terrible at the game who got glad in classic. If youre semi decent you get it and boosting wont stop you. If they couldnt get it till Now its their fault.
A lot has already been said. I can´t address everything, it would just be too much. To add my own voice, I´ll just focus on commenting what Minpojke said and add a little bit by myself.
I sadly kinda really doubt that our voices will be heard and our time writing about it will be rewarded tho. Classic as a whole, but especially PvP seems to be wildly neglected by Blizzard. In Cata there are still bugs in the game that have been there since day one of Cata. But let´s hope for the best…
Well, that would be the first problem. What upcoming expansions? Are we only talking about MOP? Or also TBC ? Later WOTLK again? Will there be new Era servers? Blizzard doesn´t communicate and that makes many people choose not to play at all because they don’t want to be left in the dark about what will happen to their beloved characters. And that is the first and biggest problem with Classic PvP in general. Too little people are playing, because Blizzard is neglecting us.
I have also been playing this game for almost 20 years now. At a very high level and at a mediocre level (since a lot of my friends with whom I choose to play are not that hardcore). I know both sides and I strongly believe catering more to casuals is what would be the most important thing do, to have a healthy (pvp) community. But as I already said this is where Blizzard is already failing big times. For example: “pro gamers” look up stuff like server population on external sites, but casuals just level a toon, then get to max level and see that there is no one to play with on their servers cause they are horde and the server is 99% alliance or is empty for both factions and so they quit cause they don´t want to level another character. Blizzard has an extremely bad server management, extremely bad bot management (and over time they surely lost WAY more sub money by doing that than they gained through the bots) and a LOT of other problems. But starting to talk about all of them would really go beyond the scope.
Well, the next problem is that everyone wants something else. I would (and so would others) have a lot of ideas that I strongly believe would overall make the game much better. I could write 100+ dinA4 sites in p12 just for better class balancing in classic / TBC / WOTLK / CATA alone and without making major changes in playstyle etcetera. But surely not everyone would like that, when for example their beloved class is no longer totally OP and I would also certainly never trust the Blizz of today to do so many small balancing changes to our favourite old expansions. So, the focus can only be on things that (almost) everyone can generally agree on. To me that would be stuff like:
The return of LFG for PvP. Why was the PvP tab removed in the LFG tool? That served absolutely no purpose and I think (almost) everyone can agree to this.
I also think adding the possibility to search cross faction for arena partners would be a good thing (just like playing arena with your friends from other servers is good). It just makes sense for arena. But it is probably not the best idea for (R)BGs, because to many people, WoW is still an MMO with a world that has its own rules, that should be followed and one of these rules is: horde fights alliance.
Why were skirmishes removed? What is the purpose? We must add incentives to play pvp and not remove possibilities. So add back skirmishes and let us earn a little bit of gold and/or honor as incentive for doing them. (also, add back the gold that some items could be sold for to vendors after being bought through honor)
Yes, to a solo que but a big NO to making it like RSS in retail. It kinda killed the other brackets in retail (while also having huge queue times lol). Just add the possibility to sign up solo for a random group to the already existing 2v2/3v3/5v5/RBG – brackets and without the need of a healer in 2v2 and 3v3. There is no downside to this for anyone. Yes, sure, there is then the argument of people that play random not having such a high rating like people that search for partners and play with them over a long time. But that´s how it should be? (The level played in RSS is also much lower than in the real 3v3 bracket). Right now, these casuals can´t play at all. With adding a solo que, they can now also play the game. While sweats will have an easier time gaining rating. There will be more variety in comps and lower rated people won´t meet higher rated people either way so there also isn´t the problem of randoms always meeting “premades”. It just adds a possibility to play spontaneously for casuals or twinks. It just would have no downside compared to the current situation.
So that have been 4 things with really no downside for anyone i think.
Now i´ll comment to further stuff u said:
No. I am completely against that tho. At least not before minute 30 or so when a game has a max time of 47 (as far as I know) minutes. It would totally change the game style. Some comps just have much bigger advantages with dampening and would just try to play very defensively at the start and delay the game. I´d rather have people die easier or go oom. I am not sure about how it was in MOP but for example for TBC/WOTLK the problem of long games was only a problem for certain comps anyway. Maybe that is where some minor balancing changes are appropriate. For example, palas mana regeneration through that seal in WOTLK. If u half that for pvp u get rid of at least 60% of all long games in wotlk (hpala + dk & hpala + warri comps). But if u only half it for pvp and not pve then please show it in the description text of the ability! Not like in retail, where everything in pvp works differently than in pve but u have to figure that out for yourself lol. Btw, when we are already at it: make special abilities (like evasion) not +50% dodge but instead +50% parry (bombastic side eye goes to wotlk warriors)! And add more variety for professions. Give enchanting the possibility of adding resilience to rings… Oh, I could go on forever… But probably already people would be against this kind of stuff (wotlk warriors)^^ So u see… balancing changes in old expansions are always a problem to say it in short … I already wrote so much, uff… I´ll try to make a bit shorter statements^^…
Maybe, since today’s players are much better than 20 years ago and finally deserve their rewards. Don’t make it like in retail just require 2400+ tho…
Yes, top players have so many twinks…
It doesn´t? Oh, okay. Agreed.
No (i haven´t had that big of problems with 2 rogues, or any other 2 same classes?), but MAYBE add something against armor pen for resilience the next time (if) wotlk comes around. Or just lower the effectiveness of armor pen on shadowmourne in pvp. A warri with 1 legendary + the 2 pve armor pen trinkets and the right stance has over 50% armor pen through these 3 items alone lol.
I have never seen double healer. Or maybe 1-2 times but they lost anyway. I stopped playing Cata mid season1 tho. If u can respec in Cata in an arena match then just change that.
Bigger issue in Classic has been that we’ve had to PvE in order to collect our PvP BiS. Since we don´t know yet if WOTLK will come back I won´t say more about that expansion yet. I think TBC was okay in that regard tho.
About Cata: Make the legendary staff proc effect and PvE trinkets half as effective in PvP (and make it say that on the description text of the staff/trinkets) and/or add better PvP trinkets, maybe even with a little bonus for using two PvP trinkets at the same time (that would also make humans less OP = less played in Cata, so we can have a more even horde / alliance contribution in TolBarads etc…).
I don´t remember MOP enough to have an opinion on it in that regards but the same general rule should probably be: PvP gear should be the best gear for PvP (or at least an on par decision, like same itemlvl but pve is more offensively and pvp defensively). Let people go oom in arena and let them die (without dampening too early). Oh and add more rewards mid season. But i don´t know how/what exactly to do regardig that problem. A lot of people don´t like rating requirements for better pvp gear. But i think removing that + also letting people get all the gear at the end/mid of a season through a catch-up mechanic has also lowered pvp participation througout the entire seasons by a lot. :-/
Also bring back getting a bit more arena points from different brackets than 2s to increase participation level. Damn, i am editing this post a lot