-> Feedback thread with the goal of increasing Arena Participation! <-

I totally agree to everything what Minpojke said.
He is probably on of the most well known Druid players in WoW High Rated Arena.
And yea Arena now feels dead so please Blizzard do something. Hire that Guy make him Classic PvP Lead.

Personally i love cata as an expansion (except triple dps) however i cba playing a game that gets less attention and has more bugs than private servers with 3 devs who fix bugs for Fun in their free time. Stuff such as not working scoreboard after arena ends which doesnt show mmr (for years) nor rating gains (whole cata) is just insulting.

Also some tuning changes should be considered. Stuff such as sacred cleansing or tbc rng (even tho its part of its “charm” should not exist.

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With the amount of boosters and RMT participants replying to this thread it makes sense from their point of view to increase the numbers of available titles and spots at all cost so they can go back to doing more business and earning more money.

Will it help the “casual” player? Probably not - as a casual player does not have something in mind like pushing a Gladiator, let alone a Rank 1 title ever.

To help the “casual” player get into arena the entry barrier has to be lowered which is not achieved by giving boosters / RMT abusers more leverage and playground.


Absolutely agree!

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Agree with Pojke.

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Also how does it make any sense to reward 5vs5 with titles again while this thread claims people are already struggling to schedule 3vs3 games with other players? Coordinating a 5vs5 session and setting it up with other players takes way more effort and is less inconvenient. Rewarding this bracket does not make sense looking at it this way.

Additionally this post gets flooded by twitch viewers coming in to agree with the opinions stated here after being told to do so by the OP. And in case you missed it Blizzard, if you actually monitor this thread - the OP has spent the last few weeks playing and streaming on a MoP PRIVATE SERVER instead of the game versions you offer.

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It’s clear that you have no intention of contributing in a constructive and positive manner so why don’t you simply refrain from commenting instead? We’re trying to do some good here and what I’m trying to do is to encourage people to show that they care for changes to come through and to voice their own ideas if they got any.


It will help casucal player because if there are more titels in game like 2s or 5s more people will play the game. That means you play on high mmr you can reach 2.2cr (whit tryhard but you can reach it) for the red weapon enchant or you can reach Arena Master Titel AV.

Do you know why 5s died in Cata? Yea because there is no titel anymore it was a good bracket in TBC or Wotlk for someone who wants to get glad easyer there was some groups playing it and tryharding for glad or r1 titel.

We can also be proud that Pojke does something like this for us.
This is why Retail PVP died, nobody cares about it they playing pve m+ in arena pvp.

Sorry for my not perfect english.

Ahh yah. Because TBC will have population problems like the game that no one plays.

Ironforge pro data says otherwise, but okey :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Increasing Gladiator and Rank 1 spots will not make the average or casual World of Warcraft player think “Wow, it is finally time to engage in rated PvP because we have more Gladiator spots!”, this caters mostly towards a small minority consisting of:

Streamers, like OP, who need this game to be somewhat active in order to justify spending time to stream and playing the game

Boosters, RMT enjoyers spending money to buy rating or title spots, which the game is infested by already as a lot of arena streamers offer these paid services

Players who spent years of playing the same old expansion on private servers waiting for their time to shine and “compete” for a top ladder finish

However the amount of players in this pool is incredibly small, the average player simply does not fit into this pool and will probably never do.
So to help these players step into rated Pvp there need to be other changes than slapping Gladiator and Rank 1 titles back into 2vs2 and 5vs5 brackets.
Changes to give casual and average players something achievable to grind and work for like also awarding other titles such as Duelist or Rival with a seasonal mount or other incentives to make them feel valuable.
Lower the rating requirements across the board from 2200 to something like 1800 or 1600 because again even this rating is far from where an average or casual player will end up.

Besides casual and average players leaving Cataclysm Classic arena scene multiple streamers as well as their audience and other players who would usually be competing for Gladiator or Rank 1 spots quit the game not because only 3vs3 was awarding titles but simply due to the gameplay not being enjoyable. The game itself is the problem here.

If crossfaction arena queues get implemented Blizzard has to apply additional balance changes to racials unless they want to allow every racial abilitiy to be mixed together wildly which might cause balancing issues and has to be accounted for in advance.

For the game to be attractive again for the average player we should not exclusively listen to the thoughts of streamers or hardcore arena players as many of them will play the game regardless.

Lastly rated Pvp needs to be less destructive and a less disheartening experience for first time players or new players trying to engage into it.
The best way to do this would be establishing a Solo Shuffle like game mode so average players do not have to deal with toxic ego players when trying to find team mates and being flamed or insulted or dropped after losing one game.
Make Pvp easily accessible for everyone, let players walk up to an NPC or use the Pvp tab and engage in rated 3vs3, or 2vs2, or 5vs5, whatever seems appropriate, immediately after coming home from work.
Therefore after introducing this Solo Shuffle style game mode into MoP it should also include Gladiator as well as Rank 1 Pvp titles with mounts in addition to other rewards so players can progress at their own pace.
Most modern competitive Pvp games offer a game mode like this and it is the game mode with the widest success.
Solo Shuffle also directly combats boosting and RMT, which were a very big issue in the high Duelist, Gladiator and Rank 1 range throughout all Classic arena iterations, as doing these things in a Solo randomly matched environment is not entirely impossible but way harder to execute and also very easy to identify.

And sorry to break it down to you but OP cares little about you or anyone else here, his life and job are at risk so he is trying the best he can to salvage it now as most of these issues were present throughout TBC Classic until now but “streamer feedback” was mostly given to developers through private discords and not discussed in public. You can find similar feedback posts like this one scattered in the forums over the last few years with little effect.


TLDR: if you donate enough money to Minpojke to retire, he will close this sub and will never open WoW again

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I can totally agree with everything you’ve said, but im just completely against Solo Shuffle.


nooo, they can’t play a mode that I don’t want. They have to play a mode that I like and they dooon’t :rofl: :rofl:

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That’s a non issue. A: everyone is alliance because human is broken. (should definitely be fixed)
B: While enabling cross faction queues, they should also merge both servers so that the “pvp” in “PvP server” is in effect. But I would just ask blizzard to take the opportunity with mop to just try to disabling racials in pvp. So that everyone can play whatever the hell they want without being at a disadvantage. It’s the same on retail except it’s Night Elf

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100% agree, these changes are exactly what needs to happen for MoP.

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We also need a proper working LFG tool with a pvp tab. At the moment, arenas/rbg/anything pvp related is just all under the custom tab. Also the LFG tool have been bugged since the start of season 11, at the moment you can only invite/see people from the same realm.


My perspective as a very modest PvP player (around 2.4k max in 2v2 with end-of-season inflation):

I completely agree with everything Pojke said, so I won’t repeat all the points already made.

On the Horde side, when I open my “custom” LFG, it’s absolutely empty. Not a single listing, not during the day, not in the evening. At the start of Cata, there were at least a few listings, some RBGs, but now it’s completely dead. For those of us playing Horde (especially for PvE with friends), cross-faction would be a lifeline. Even if the idea feels strange, it was common on pre-Cata private servers, and people adapted quickly.

I also agree with one of the comments about Solo Shuffle, if you’re new or not good enough, you’ll get flamed. That was already the case on Whitem***. It was an extremely toxic environment and really discouraging for non-elite players.
That said, if it helps keep PvP alive, then why not? We’ll take it!

Since Cata, Gladiator titles have become completely inaccessible for the average player. There’s not even a point in trying anymore.

One thing I’d add is that 2v2 skirmishes in WotLK were amazing. You could queue at any time of the day or night and always find a partner. 4 AM? Boom, you got a partner. And quite often, it even led to forming proper 2v2 teams later on. I will never understand why they removed that…

Thanks, Minpojke, for giving us a bit of hope. I really hope they’ll put in the work to help us!

Hope this is properly addressed, please no solo shuffle, fix LFG for pvp, add pvp power to s1 gear, add titles back to 2v2 and dampening starting sooner in 2s are the biggest imo

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I dont know how to tell you this but boosting and RMT wont stop, no matter what is done, people will always find a way, increasing the ways of RMT/Boosting makes it easier for Blizzard to catch them.

Whats your beef with Minpojke or whats is the problem that he is a streamer? He is literally trying to improve PVP not for the above average players but also to send out warnings to casuals, “Hey guys, pvp is now more accesasblem, you should try it again”. Instead you just attack him and thinks he doesnt care cuz his job is at jeopardy? You dont even know him and what he has up his sleeve, this isnt about losing his job, its about making PvP great again, stop making pointless drama buddy.

The solutions you have described as a “casual player” to attract more casual players is beyond stupid. Casual players dont really lose rating up to 1500-1600 rating, you are basically saying, give casuals free rewards to play pvp and you have the nerve to talk about jobs to Minpojke that has earned everything he has? I dont know whatt you do for a living, you could be a troll on the internet for as much as i know. But dude, Classic wow isnt really for the casual ppl, you want free rewards like in some mobile game no brainer? Go play Retail WoW.

Im not even gonna comment on Shuffle being added with glad/R1 titles and mounts, what, is it not enough that 2 other people will carry you to a fake rating you dont deserve? Yes i consider soloq or shuffle to be a fake rating, its my opition cuz im a sweaty pvp nerd, but nowadays casuals wanna bargain for free rewards instead of trying to actually be good at the game huh…

Stop attacking streamers for earning what they have and instead of being lazy and asking for free rewards, play the game and get good maybe?

P.S. I work full time too all week, so dont come at me with that BS about not having time to be good. It is all about priority. If your priority is not on being good at the game, you got no right to complain or demand anything.

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