Feedback: Warlocks - Class identity

We really hope there is a lot more change coming for Warlocks. Reign of Fire is a step in the right direction. A whole thread with great ideas from many warlocks are here:

Our class tree needs a rework. Our demons need to be impactful.

  • Bring back Call Felhunter talent, reduce the cooldown to match Spell Lock, and make it baseline. Instantly solve our baseline interrupt problem without causing double interrupt issue. you’ve already got the get out clause baked into this spell.

  • Remove the 3 person requirement for Ritual of Summoning. The actual summoning act still requires 2 person, so what’s the purpose of imposing the 3 person limitation? Because that fits our class fantasy, which in practice is nothing but annoyance?

  • Summonable Gateways to Class Hall and major cities. Look, after playing Legion (where npc warlocks are capable of summoning portals and gateways to almost anywhere) please at least throw us a bone in that regard. At the very least, we should have our personal summonable gateway to our class hall, that fits our class fantasy. A permanent gateway in the sewers felt more like an poor effort rather than a fitting theme.

  • Kil’Jaeden’s Cunning. The warlock community are crying out for this including prominent warlock streamers. It makes sense and will gives much needed mobility.

  • Demonic Circle is a personal one for me. I would like to be able to pin point our circle just like we do with Gateway, but we have two charges so it is not OP. You have to be psychic when it comes to position and you have to go to the place to plant it. Void Elves have Spatial rift. Also, Demonic Circle should be baseline.

  • Reduce the time for Warlocks to use Demonic Gateway. 90 secs for some we are meant to use for mobility seems too much for me.

  • Shadowfury to be instant cast. Other classes have their cc’s instant (i.e. Mage). This would be a great quality of life change.

  • Burning Rush needs to have it’s damage reduced. The thing we use to avoid things killing us actually kills us. Also, the strain on healers is another matter. I think the theme of trading health for power fits with Warlock but don’t make it so punishing. Have it reduce the damage by 30% or something. And git rid of fiendish stride. Pointless talent.

  • Bring back Impending Catastrophe as a talent. I see many people say we need something to apply AOE curses and the talent was great. I play Night Fae because of the soul binds, but from what I’ve read in the threads this is a great spell.

  • Remove Soul Conduit and Teachings of the Black Harvest. Pointless talents.

  • Remove Sargerei Technique and Socrethar’s Guile. I don’t understand why these are here. Pointless, gatekeeping talent nodes. Put Fel Synergy and Soul in its place and where these talents used to be put Soulburn and Soul Conduit if you insist on keeping it. Make the capstones powerful.

  • Dark Intent. A raid/party buff that provides a haste buff.


Hopefully with the use of a caster based interrupt we have use our demons for the situation. I love our core demons, but they get side lined by the Felhunter because of the kick.

  • Imp is great. We have a dispel. We can have it passively increase fire damage. I can’t remember what it use to do back in the day.
  • Sayaad (Incubus/Succubus) having the knockback return. This will help with some affixes.
  • Voidwalker becomes more tanky. My poor blue boy.

Just my thoughts. Tuning needs to be considered and also I’m sure not all would work, but some are quality of life changes. Really would like to see other people’s thoughts.

Please can we also update the spell visuals. Dimensional Rift is still the same as Legion, Soul Fire is a left over Mage spell and the green version is awful! Those are just two.


Blizzard please have a look in the warlock class forum. We listed so much stuff for all 3 specs since the launch of tww. Thank you and merry Christmas

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I really do hope someone is reading. Massive copium.

I’d like a cooler-looking Shadowbolt animation (Maybe even the “Three bolts converging on the target” glyph we had several expansions ago), for a spell that’s used so often for Demo, it looks really lame.

I’d also like to emphasize the “Call Felhunter”-suggestion, the only interrupt Demo has right now is the Felguard’s “Axe toss”, and the stun of “Grimoire: Felguard”, but the latter is also a DPS cooldown, so using that as an interrupt messes up the timing on Felstalkers/Grimoire-Felguard/Vilefiend/Tyrant. (Using a Felhunter as main minion makes half the Demo talent tree a moot point, so that’s right out.)

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Not only will this allow us to use our other pets, but would be very thematic by calling a Felhunter to do our work. Bring this talent back for PVE and PVP.

I don’t mind the Shadowbolt animation. But the community has been crying out for a more warlock inspired animation. They did it with mortal coil.

They need to update the visuals for Dimensional Rift, Soul Fire, Shadowfury, etc.

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Can we at least get anything?
Half the spells / set bonus are not even working…

There are so many quality of life changes they can make but refuse to.