FFXIV surpassed retail wow / classic wow subscribers

I have no idea where it gets any of this data. It’s not like the actual figures are publicly available.

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that makes things look even worse!

114m people tried wow but 110.5m didnt like it enough and stopped playing!



Sometimes i wonder why i even bother. This is so basic.

Wow topped at 12mln simultaneously subscribers. All at once. Wow has many more players / accounts of course.

It’s an estimate. The site doesn’t have any real numbers, so yeah it’s silly.

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Competition breeds finesse, i hope that push Blizzard to actually try to make a better product.

Of course. I want wow to be better, more like the classic games. I am rooting for every competitor because clearly having almost none didn’t make wow better.

On top of what shumensko said it’s most likely widely inaccurate as they reached the 100M mark in 2013


So is your “99.8% accuracy AI” which screams overfitting and errors in handling the data yet here you are.

Random link just in case since you repeatedly ignored questions about how your hypothetical AI is trained and works.


It’s not mine. It’s publicity available.

Then where’s the source ?

The 2y old Reddit threads shouldn’t give you up to date models, let alone accurate ones.

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The source is the same one he uses when he’s sitting on a toilet.


ff14 notoriously has a very big LGBTQ+ following which explains this … in part. it was mostly that movement which was calling out for these lol.

they are called something pretty vulgar within the ff14 community… the race i mean not the movement.

Yeah, it’s getting so annoying seeing these posts, and that is coming from someone who loves and plays ffxiv a lot, I have every job maxed.


i didnt cap every job this expansion … you reminded me i need to go back and do that before november…

he does seem to be a genius like myself and i can say for a fact that it is where most good revelations happen.


The title is misleading tbh of the OP there is no way the have caught WoW up with sub numbers/accounts made BUT they could over take with active players but who really minds who has what as long as people are having fun .

ooo real life threats now is it? soft chuckles

No… A simple gif of Darth Vader activating the carbon freeze chamber will be quite sufficient for your little internet tough guy gainsay attempt.

To quote the great man himself…

“All too easy”.

I replaced it with a “poke them until they snap detector.”

It worked perfectly.

I mean seriously.

Shall we all laugh at this together and enjoy the ride together? Oh let’s do.

So… Is he going to get his big brother to help him out or his friends?

Time for a Rocky montage with suitable music while Baltic prepares himself for the imminent arrival of Souldefiler in his ominous black Jag and my two heavies look for him with orders to “sort 'im auht for the gav’nahr.”

Here, I’ll even provide the soundtrack for him, suitably motivational.

Tried ff14 a long time ago now. Way way too much stuff to read.

:joy: You’re making me laugh. We should play together sometime. Since you know a lot about me, I’ve got a follower it seems.

If you think that’s a real life threat, I can see how sensitive you are. Quite easily shaken for someone who likes to call people a muppet behind a keyboard, The point was I bet you’ve not spoke to people like that outside before, Go back to watching your anime. Fake hard man.

If you’re going to call someone a muppet do it to their face, The hardest thing you’ve done in your life is think of your Emo name.

This says it all :joy:

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ironically me and my savage raid guild in ff14 used to raid to that bonnie tyler song lol…

that and…

Push it to the limit…

So they’ll start by giving us back classic warcraft 3? Or maybe giving us what they promised and make it not laggy?