FFXIV surpassed retail wow / classic wow subscribers

Casual friendly game gets more subscribers … what a shoker.
Havent you all seen what wow is slowly becoming after each patch… exactly catering to those players. While in wow there is still some remnants of a challenging gameplay… FF will be way eayser game to go in to, for players that want to stay away from “toxicity, elitism minmaxing, raider io…blablah…”.
So … let everyone play what they want. Gl and hf :slight_smile:

@Hinklink: The site also claims the following:

“World of Warcraft reached a peak of 2,135,528 on 2021-06-12 00:01:30.” As in, today.

"World of Warcraft reached a peak of 41,860 on 2018-09-15 04:03:52. " This is even more stupid… Less than 42 000 is less than 7 servers worth and almost three years ago Silvermoon, Draenor, Argent Dawn and handful of others certainly already amounted to more than that.

Also, looking at the some of the subpages, the site also claims that WoW active players have steadily increased since 2016…

None of the three are even remotely correct and even you know it.

EDIT: Corrected a thought error on one phrase.

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You are clearly a green lmao. Did you even read how this site comes up with these numbers? Nowhere do they say they’re absolute. They’re educated guesses. This time it’s interesting that they align with AI, which is 99.8% accurate so for the known points.

So How come, given those webpages linked, WoW had more players than actually exist in some countries, and some servers have less players than can biologically exist. Can we get a hit of some crazy juice like…umm…facts? That would be mad, if any one of these FF crazy cultists could hit us up with some facts from credible sources…

I mean they literally sited a number of players for a game that doesn’t exist anymore.

Then in an amazing blast of “We don’t know what we’re talking about!” posted a subscription number for a country that has not existed for in excess of twenty years.

Amazing. Twenty Years! is that how up to date their information is? Because you know the weird thing about that?

They’re posting information about Subscription numbers for MMORPG’s that apparently existed, before they were even created.

Seriously. Those websites are claiming to know subscription numbers for WoW and it’s competitors dating back to before -ANY- of those games were released.

I mean they’d have to… to be able to reference places that haven’t existed for longer than the internet has…

This is why it is pretty safe to laugh at the FF crowd claiming numbers.
“Aww bless your little cotton socks, is that including the people who live in countries that don’t exist anymore? Did you include Narnia? How about Lilliput? Surely you included Yugoslavia?”

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@Hinklink: My text colour has no bearing on the case. Yes, I did read a of lot things. No, they most certainly are not, because those three claims are just outright utterly wrong. For those three cases I do not need an AI to tell me anything, I KNOW they are wrong.

I am going to watch Finland - Denmark and leave you to be demolished by Brigante, who is apparently having fun creating more of his famous and fun walls.

No they’re not. I just had to stamp on that. They are absolutely categorically not 99.8% accurate. I worked in an industry that used them, or rather, given how sensitive they are, was given ‘restricted access’ to said algorithms, I think you’re thinking of something else. Because even those ones are most definitely not 99.8% accurate, and they most certainly are not accessible to John Q Public and their website to generate clicks, but are instead designed for legal authorities, governmental intelligence agencies, and the banking sector, under restricted license (Which is what I worked in) .

Ironically, one of the things you would -not- be able to tell from such information, is subscription to video games.

You can tell a lot. You can tell if someone has been asking naughty questions.

Naughty questions about how to best dispose of a body, you can tell if someone has been looking up algorithm’s for code cracking, where to buy tasers, unlicensed vehicles, Dvd’s of a ‘certain’ nature. You can find stuff on there that would make your blood boil and your fists clench in anger. It’s not available to the general public, or some monkeys on the internet.

Anybody who makes a claim that they have complete access to such information, outside of being a member of said organisation, is essentially.

A Liar.

Also, how do you clock these things working? You don’t say 99.8%…Who uses that? That is how I know you are chatting utter whiff. Who says that? Nobody says that. You only use percentages in certain industries. A Gaming website claiming to have confidential information? I don’t think so.

99.8%…crazy, man, what will they think of next, that is like the guy who said that 96.4% of Blizzard Devs were Horde…

99.8% is close enough, that I nearly would go to town on someone claiming 100% and utterly destroying them…

*AI that is programmed to learn and behave in accordance with the bias parameters of those whom commissioned it.

It’s like me designing an AI program to predict people’s wow class preferences based upon their Star sign and mapping correlations where they occur, and then claiming my AI can predict someone’s birthday based upon their class preferences when in actual fact the two things are mutually exclusive.

The only data that is a direct indication of sub status is sub data, which we don’t have. Just because an AI is being programmed to make inferences it doesn’t make them any less of an inference. It just means they’re being routinely inferred instead of anecdotally.

I mean some of the data on pages of that site outright contradicts data on a different page. Like in previous months it claimed FF had the larger active playerbase, yet on another it listed wow as having more active users on a daily basis. How can those two square with eachother? The only way it works is if you aren’t using daily active players to calculate active players, which would be pretty bizarre. If not that, then what data is being used?

This is all ignoring these figures are generated from the hodgepodge above.

Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against FF and i believe people on face value when they say stuff like the Dev team is more communicative etc. But of late past few days it feels like a concerted drive to push FF on these forums and it’s quite frankly bizarre. It smacks of funny business to me how we’ve had nothing for a while and now within a week we have 5-6 threads spamming the same stuff.

Were this the other way around, I’m sure the words paid blizzard shills would be thrown around.

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Even if the numbers are somehow “correct” the site is still absolutely unreliable because they never posted how exactly these numbers were computed.

They are not as sexualized as in FF14. Viera’s are just straight up S&M adult material with their cheeks and bunny ears.

This site has such varied info as well

Blizz dont’ even publish their data so how would some third party site know let alone break it down between Classic and Retail. It’s all one sub so really you could add those two numbers together.


FFXIV surpassed retail wow / classic wow subscribers

it didn’t , it’s one sub , 1 game. different versions.

@All: Non-WoW related note: Denmark, number 10, Eriksen, is down and has been transported off the field by medical personnel, status unknown, match has been suspended. My prayers go with team Denmark!

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Im just hoping for germany to get crushed again.

I thought you were German

Thats because i am.

It’s strange how desperate people are for FF to overtake WoW in playerbase. To be honest I’m finally seeing quite a bit of toxicity from FF players in regards to WoW and it’s tiring.

Especially every day here and there it’s ‘FF overtook WoW for the first time…’ being posted like every week. From a bogus website that tracks weird subreddit activity.

Again its not about that. I’m tired of seeing Blizzard getting rewarded for bad content resulting in more bad content or no content at all.

very true. their excuse thats its impossible to calculate since last numbers in WoD and the introduction of tokens is bs. just tally the number of unique active accounts in a given time frame. easy

didnt CTBC get released a week ago? that may count for increase. why else would increase now? classic is over content wise and people have been egging for 9.1 for over 4 months now.

also as people talking about FF14, just putting it out there that GW2s newest expansion is coming soon! :slight_smile:

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wait what?

115m wow players?

what expansion did i miss cause last i heard TBC/WotLK was top with 12m?

That’s aggregate number of players over the whole wow lifespan, not active players.