FFXIV surpassed retail wow / classic wow subscribers

What did you write? Come on. Dont be a pus pus. What did you type? :smiley:

Found the person who actually still uses IE.

And combat is still clunky and un-fun.

Play Destiny 2 instead! :waning_crescent_moon: :ghost: You can be a robot too.
(there’s no gnomes there, like what else do You neeed?)

Bruh I work in AI, and this sounds like BS. When an algorithm with limited data has a 99.9% accuracy then it’s most likely overfeating and unreliable.

And idk what algorithm you’re using but most computers should be able to run it.

Outdated data, and that’s not even the main issue.

More importantly is what data you used to train your models, a Reddit post talked from 2y ago talked about keywords in Google queries but even that is fairly unreliable.

I could try to train a model on the sub count up to WoD and the number of people drowning in pools every year and the machine learning would still give me an estimated sub count for SL despite the data making absolutely no sense.

But which data did you even use ? That’s where more data is important, not how many people tried their luck

Because the website does exactly the same thing, doesn’t mean that any of you are right.

You sound like flat earthers patting themselves in the back for agreeing with each others.

AI is a fancy word for basic algorithms.


TY for existential crisis. Not cool.

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Tech is hyped as hell and movies didn’t help.

Basic neural networks can be created with ~200 lignes of code. Basic machine learning is a glorious “If X>2, else if X > 1, else …”, basic chatbots are mostly “If I hear this then say that” etc.

What’s glorious is that it works, but the tech is clearly overhyped

Of course there are much more complex systems but at its core it needs to learn from something and is mostly tailored to do one single thing right

For instance I once worked on pharma research project’ data. The data is so simple (a thousand attributes for a few thousand elements ? Compared to the deep learning “imma take everything” that’s nothing) that all the fancy deep learning models are a complete waste of time, while the most simple machine learning decision tree algorithm created almost 50y ago works perfectly fine.


Only blizzard knows the actual numbers and they are not reporting it, so every other source to me is not credible as it has bogus evidence to proove theese numbers. They have no acces to blizzard database so that is the end of story. Im not bashing any other game, i have nothing agains final fantasy or other mmos. It is i just do not like seeing numbers pulled out of thin air with nothing backing them.
World of Warcraft is estimated to have 3,289,806 players per day this month- World of Warcraft - MMO Populations & Player Counts (mmo-population.com) “Estimated” that is the key word they have no real numbers, i can estimate wow has let us say 2m people playing but have nothing to back it up as i have no acces to blizzard database obviously.
By combining online social activity, sentiment tracking, public statistics, rankings and more MMO Populations estimates the total subscribers, players and active daily players for the top MMOs. Above is the total number of tracked players by the site- Total MMO Players - MMO Populations & Player Counts (mmo-population.com) They have very off numbers then, it is impossible to get close to real numbers with public sources like ranking sites etc. So this is their methodology how they estimate it like they have 0 data from blizzard database, blizzard would never relase it untill they decide so, i bet you have to sign NDA when you work in the department that allows you to see the numbers. I doubt any former blizz employee would risk breaking that NDA as it means end of their career forever pretty much.

I was refering to fact that I’m just humble forum bot.

And with this post You just ruined enterity of Terminator franchise. Also goodbye next Prometheus sequel.
brb going to lab to see that Cr3+ concentration.

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i really want to try it out, im not sure why i didnt try finaly fantasy yet, but from what i heard it lacks competetive content. also i dont know any who plays it, but as soon as they add competetive gameplay in final fantasy im gone from wow, cause blizzard/wow does not respect players and have some giga OP classes/specs and some really bad ones, despite the fact gearing up and getting sockets takes just as long for both good and bad specs/classes

I played FFXIV to max level several months ago with a colleague at work and I have to say that this is not surprising to me whatsoever.
It wasn’t me that wanted to start playing it but I just went along with it and I quickly realized that the game gets a lot of undeserved hate just because WoW players are judgemental and start mocking the game for its looks or apparently its for “weebs”. I played the game to max level and really have never met anyone who is into anime nor did I feel like it was an anime game. There are cat girls but unless you stand there and look at their ears and tails specifically they might as well be humans.

FFXIV feels a lot more like an actual game with content. Some things are tough, some are easy unlike in WoW where content only matters if it is hard. You can do questlines to unlock new dances or just completely random questlines to learn more about an area. In the Shadowlands NPCs have their own story and their way of life and yet there are barely any quests that show us more about their every day life because it is too insignificant whereas in FFXIV in every area you go to there are random unimportant quests that are not about you saving the world but are just about you helping some farmer make some rare cheese. It’s what WoW players have been asking for but Blizzard’s not interested. To top it off FFXIV has the friendlies community of any game. People will frequently go out of their way to help out and I have never seen someone be toxic whatsoever. People literally started buying me items from the AH when they saw that I was new.

The only thing that keeps people chained to WoW is their addiction to their achievement points. The idea that they lose their hard earned achievements and progress drives WoW players into depression. Considering 9.1 is coming in August this is only going to get worse for WoW.


Have You even seen ffiv fan? They go full nuke and talk absurd amount of :poop: if You just mention WoW. Now they whine that ppl like You ruin game because You come from WoW and want competetive game (they don’t).
Talk trash about other franchise but just try critisise ffiv…

this guy again

Sylvanas once said: “This world is a prison and I will set us all free”… and proceed to open a portal who leads to an expansion that might kill WoW… :stuck_out_tongue: All free to go to other games.


Retail wow feels and looks pretty dead, i’m not even shure about 2-nd place, tbh.

But don’t you get it? It has to be -EVERYONE’S TASTE- and if you don’t like it, you have to be told to like it…

And two away from being shown that the figures stated are incorrect…

So…no actual factual data then? Seriously…Google, Youtube and Twitch?

Yeah those are definitely credible information sources that cannot be manipulated…like…totally, Heck, I know a guy who used to work for a company who were -hired- to artificially alter hits on websites. They are -not- reliable. For goodness sake I could google a website telling me that the Pfizer vaccine makes me a cyborg entity under the direct control of Bill Gates.

Doesn’t make it true, does it? (Don’t bother googling it, the answer is ‘no, it does not make it true’ )

Let us be honest here, this is about playing the Doomsayer. It isn’t about some altruistic attempt to halt a decline, it is about spamming forums to try to look like you are cleverer than anyone else.

You can always tell people who are a bit tense and nervous that their chosen game is not working out. They will spam other games forums trying to convince them, as opposed to having the damned common courtesy of letting people play the games they enjoy…

I believe that is what is called “A Business”.

No they didn’t. They really did not. I was born in 1974, even in the old days of Commodore and Sinclair rivalry you would see the exact same rubbish we see now, and that was before any of those game platforms you mention were even invented.

How can you say that? That simply isn’t true in the slightest! It has been a continually present factor throughout the early days of home computers, before the Internet was even commercially a thing, and then when it was a thing it carried on, and now it is still here, and likely will still be here with any future iteration of gaming.

This idea that it is a new thing, is absolutely rubbish, to any of us old enough to actually -remember- those times.

If they actually had the courage of their convictions and stay there, that would be awesome…

Sadly however… Points at thread title

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Both companies don’t publish official data, so yeah it’s just using statistics to “guess” the number based on the correlation between google searches, twitch streams/etc. and active subs.

Having actually played the game I can say that I did indeed seen FFXIV fans and they are not like this at all. The novice chat on FFXIV is actually spammed to the brim about WoW because most new players on FFXIV are WoW players and I have never ever seen anyone tell them to stop talking about WoW. Those people you are referring to are most likely ex WoW players and that is why they are being toxic. FFXIV players just play the game and do not spend half their day on the internet to cry or rage like WoW players do. Go have a look at Twitter and check the FFXIV hashtag. What do you see? 99% of the posts are WoW players just whining and arguing. The WoW community is whiny and toxic and has been for a long time. Every time there is anything that bothers them they start coming to the forum to throw insults at Blizzard or call Ion incompetent.
I have played both games and therefore my opinion is significantly more valuable than yours. Your opinion literally means nothing since you have only played WoW.

I also have proof that I am right, do you want to see it? You’re my proof. Your post is utterly toxic and meaningless. You make zero points with your idiotic toxic use of emoji and generalization while posting on an alt so you can quickly switch to other characters when people here block you. You’re the prime reason this community is considered a joke.

Not a new thing but one cant deny that gaming as an industry was absolutely booming in the last couple decades and as such the industry has adapted.

Proff? Yes?
No? Too bad. Played ff and know that I don’t like combat very much. It also lack proper rogue class.

You so toxic.

Proff? Or are You just toxic?

Yes, yes You are. Just proved my points about ffiv fans. Spot on.
TY now I don’t need to post more while You did that for me.

So toxic eww.

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one day everyone will realize the truth and thank us.

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we do it all the time
But with reasonable arguments not with weird sites you can’t even proof that they are accurate