FFXIV surpassed retail wow / classic wow subscribers

This hurts. The truth hurts a lot.

Pretty much every WoW player has disliked FFXIV before trying it but ended up changing their mind. I found the world way too massive when I started but over time I learned that there is a lot of detail in the world of FFXIV and it feels a lot more real than in WoW.
In WoW they only make as much space as they need whereas in FFXIV there are areas because that’s simply how it is meant to be. Not everything has to be populated.

This video gives a pretty good explanation from a WoW perspective.

Strong competition hopefully will be a wake up call from Blizzard. Very long overdue, but I see this as a win-win for mmorpgs in general.

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Exactly the same. We all know wow isn’t what it used to be. The only way to make wow better is to have other mmorpg’s be better. Competition drives innovation.

I’ve heard that there is no “Payin for progression” in FF14 like WoW has with the WoW token.

So that’s a pretty big reason as to not switch to Final fantasy.

I don’t really enjoy the “Play more, get more” aspect of games, and i want some way to keep up with the efficiant 24/7 players while still not having that many hrs myself

and more players need to realise that, Blizzard does not care about them or the game.

They care about money.

Well from my experience games actually worked day 1 back then at least all the games i’ve played, it’s only in recent years that games have started to ship broken and buggy.

I can say that because games at least worked back then, now they launch broken and buggy and companies refuse to fix their games.

Just shut the door in peoples face instantly after they’ve received the money.

and before you reply… remember the “The games i’ve played” read it a few times just to have it sink in.

Just so you don’t come and say X game was broken Y game did not work.

I’ve played plenty of games on the consoles listed, and all of those worked day 1 with no bugs throughout all playthroughs.

You literally sit here all day crying about WoW and spamming ffiv.
What are You even doing here?
Guess ffiv is soooo great and superior that you would rather sit on WoW forums than play it :rofl:

Go being toxic somewhere else. Shooo.

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Competition only makes your product better if you have people with ideas driving the development. Blizzard is not run but devs but by finance who look at stats and ratios.
All the big names with their big ideas have already left the company. Even if Blizzard really wanted to they would be unable to come up with new fresh ideas to push the game forward.

This is what a Blizzard founder wrote when he left the company and this is very clearly a reference to Blizzard. Ion is not a game dev, he is a numbers guy and he talks like it. Even if all the shareholders screamed at Blizzard to make it a “better fun game” they wouldn’t know where to start. All the talent left.

“We’re almost trying to create a haven for creators who want an environment that is development friendly, values product, and player experience over short-term financial pressures,”

Remember Windows Vista?.. Microsoft only really started improving Windows once Apple became huge. Competition is good. Now hopefully Blizzard will finally start tuning WoW into a quality product.

Ignorance is bliss when you hear how badly they also police the game, sure the development is unique and done well but I don’t think I’m going to play a game where I can get banned for using an addon which stores data :joy:

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Sadly I do. But Windows 10 is not much better atm imo. Apple is so far ahead with it’s MacOS it’s not even funny anymore. And I mean that with everything besides gaming of course. Here’s to hoping MS leaves Azure a little and spends more time creating Windows 11?

Yeah I agree. But you could at least sense that Microsoft started to put more effort into their products once Apple rose in popularity.

After spending and hearing so much about FFXIV I thought I’d give a trial this weekend as I have some time on my hands. Much to my puzzlement, both my primary emails addresses are ineligible for a trial (I’ve never played a SquareEnix game) and I got a random error code on a third (brand new) email address.

I’ve taken that as a sign.

odd… sounds like you might have a malware problem :stuck_out_tongue:

never had problems with ff14 login myself and played it on and off since day 1 on ps4, ff14 launcher and on steam.

? What does a GPU have to do with all of what you mentioned? Like data reading, algorithm etc? :expressionless:

The tensor cores are optimized for such stuff. I believe they use AI for denoising.

Doesnt that make sense for the business model theyve clearly developed though.

Retail - Classic - Retail - Classic

They are all still subs. If anything it will add to their belief that the business model is correct and will continue like this until at least the end of WOTLK.

PS - i dont like the model but… They aint bothered subs are subs they wont be seperating them come quarter reports

I can’t find for the love of Yogg anything on that website that would lead me to believe that these numbers are more than an estimate.

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Because he cant log an alt after getting his main blocked instead?

I expect that will normalise again when 9.1 arrives.

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