FFXIV surpassed retail wow / classic wow subscribers

Do you get off on being negative 24/7? Move on with your life already.


What? Am I missing something? This website is clearly showing WoW is top… Unless 3,289,974 is somehow less than 2,502,984

It’s hinklink anyway, better take anything what he says with a huge grain of salt.


I just come back to WoW after a long break and i can never understand why mmorpg players who loves this genre can respect other games in same genre. I have played since PSO on Dreamcast and i love and respect all mmo in market.

I pay for WoW (again) and FFXIV since that game was released plus i play for SWToR game and then i have ESO and other games i play but not pay for.

Sub numbers are just numbers for me, I love and enjoy all my games i play. :smiley:

:candy: :candy: :blush:


There are several rankings. The one OP is talking about is active players.(but all the numbers on that site are made up imo)

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Which there vast majority of people don’t do. Much easier to sit with a petted lip and scream at (INSERT YOUR TARGET HERE) or tell everyone how better (INSERT GAME HERE) is than WoW.

Best reply yet, closely followed by

Which I am doing in WoW else I would simply stop playing it.



No its just the usual suspects who can’t wait to have a pop at retail and grasp for whatever stick they can find to beat that dead horse. But kudos to hinklink, at least he’s moved on from telling everyone how superior classic was to retail, now he’s given retail SOME minuscule crumb of recognition by adding it to classic for the “WoW sux… FF14 good!!” bandwagon entry.

Pathetic generalization.

Whereas before Blizzard just handed everyone a game for free?

No that video gives the creator’s perspective. It certainly does NOT give WoW’s perspective

You know what I’m gonna say now right?

“WoW has been dying since patch 1.1…”

Errmm… You do realize the vast majority of games created for those systems didn’t last 5 months (and that’s being VERY generous) before players either threw them out or traded them in for something else right?

Without fear of being proven wrong by a game developer, every developers would kill to have the longevity and profit WoW has brought Blizzard.


Playin ff14 rn and it’s good, those who like Bioware games and Dragon Age franchise in particular will enjoy ff14

[quote=“Candymuffins-magtheridon, post:107, topic:287045, full:true”]
I just come back to WoW after a long break and i can never understand why mmorpg players who loves this genre can respect other games in same genre. I have played since PSO on Dreamcast and i love and respect all mmo in market. [/quote]

believe it or not i even like wow to a certain extent… i know it doesn’t often sound like it because there isn’t much good right now to talk about and the bad far out shadows it.

but wow is a decent mmorpg in it’s own right … sad that we will probably never get the glory days back of this game now… but it has more than served it’s purpose over the years…

You have good taste. Let’s be friends :+1:t2:

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Well, I’ve seen some people in the community that are under the impression that blizzard care for the state of the game & player happiness.

Which is obviously not true.

Hopefully more people will realise that we are just $$$ to Blizzard not something they have respect for.

Lead ‘developer’ gave us a hybrid of classic+retail mixed together. After pushing out most of the casual audience they’re now aiming to put the squeeze on M+/raider loggers with patch 9.1 as that is the core group of people left playing Shadowlands semi-seriously.

Also, this horrible expansion (more like regression) comes hot off the back of BFA which was a quite mixed bag for many people, including myself.

I’m not surprised that WoW is failing atm.

Developers are totally going to have to hit the expansion end button very soon, perhaps before 9.2 is even out.

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i dont think they will end the expansion prematurely … they seem to me to be blissfully unaware of the state of the game… either that or find it funny or actually want to kill the game off by bleeding the player of any ounce of hope they had for a once great game.

EDIT: i know that Jeff Kaplan left the company a lil while back … but part of me wished he stayed and Ion left… at least that Jeff guy still had some passion towards gaming. (imo)


There - fixed your claim.

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It’s accuracy has been questioned many times. It’s not reliable.

There is no doubt that many are bored and doing other things atm.


except it’s not. by every metric retail wow is well, bad. Almost nobody is still playing retail, sadly. It is about 5-8% of the total playerbase. That doesn’t mean everyone dislikes it. I mean there are people who like Soccer or the Kardashians lmao, that’s horrible as well but aye.

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You will of course be providing reliable sources to back that up.


No you will provide a reliable source to backup your argument. Waiting.
Tell us the current WoW subs with your reliable source or quit posting.

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The fact is: WoW is very polished - a component of being around for a very long time. It also has the luxury of having gotten its hooks in people to a point where trying others may often feel ‘wrong’, especially if - like many - WoW was your first MMORPG or one you’ve played for a very long time. It’s also in that awkward position of being one of the few remaining sub-based models, so you’re not exactly inclined to subscribe to more than one unless you have money to burn – and if you do, you’ll often ask yourself “Why am I here when I could play the other ‘polished’ product I invested in?”

Meanwhile, FFXIV had an infamous crash and burn in 1.0, leading to one of the most spectacular “Kill it with fire” endings, with Square themselves on the verge of bankruptcy. Rather than take the loss, they rebuilt it again. The irony is that A Realm Reborn - essentially ‘remake-vanilla’ also had plenty of problems, some of which still plague it today when it comes to new players, such as the very slow-burn story, the old days of some classes not needing to press more than 3 buttons (on top of the 2second GCD, meaning it wasn’t very engaging to play, combat wise, and not many are interested in a story-centric MMORPG experience), giving you even more reason to ask why you were even there or lent it a poor initial impression.

Despite that, any who stayed were then treated to Heavensward - still in competition with Shadowbringers as people’s favourite expansion. Stormblood was decent, but Shadowbringers is the pinnacle (and it’s no surprise how the game began to skyrocket from that point).

With that said, it’s now at a point where it, too, is polished (and getting more improvement to boot).

Sure, it’s doomed to get trite ‘weeb’ or ‘furry’ comments - despite WoW being a cartoon with its own collection of furry classes - but it’s extremely Western, whereas FFXIV is extremely JPN with a definite anime aura.

The current state of both - population wise especially - is only important if Blizz/Square deem it to be. Square don’t have to care nearly as much as Blizzard do right now, seeing as WoW has been in a decline and garnering a lot more mixed or negative attitudes as time goes on, whereas FFXIV is still enjoying growth.

The question is if Blizzard decide to act on it in some way, or if they even care. Judging by their actions at past Blizzcons, I don’t believe they have any connection with their audience whatsoever and just assume what the players want – invariably leading to people being pretty unhappy with what they actually get, a lot of which they never asked for.

Basically, it allows you to do limited parallel computing for a relatively cheap cost.

But that doesn’t really change the fact that Hinklink’s AI is just a waste of watts, trying to figure the next result of /roll.

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First honest review of FFX.