FFXIV surpassed retail wow / classic wow subscribers

Citation needed, citizen. By which I do not mean a third party website.

That term doesn’t work. How much is ‘almost nobody’? I mean ‘almost nobody’ is the height, the absolute maximum number of players who have ever played an MMORPG ever in the existence of MMORPG’s. I mean the number of people who played WoW at it’s height, was still ‘almost nobody’ in terms of global population.

Sorry to break that to you, but whatever streamer told you that, told you that to get those sweet, sweet subscriptions, and if it wasn’t a streamer, I bet it was a third party website, and lets face it, we know they are -never- owned by rivalling companies who will unscrupulously use them as sock puppets to put out information that may be somewhere to the south of true…Coughs Gamespot…

You’re just factually incorrect. Admit it and move on.

By Every Metric Real WoW is 5-8% of the total playerbase? Is it? Show me the facts. Come one, lets see them. I bet this involves a third party website which has an owner…

But come on, lets see these ‘facts’…

In fact we should just have an emoji on the forums for precisely that…

Any time someone starts shilling for Classic or FFXIV just an open palm with a finger pointing at it.

“Show me the facts.”

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So from a game that doesn’t release sub data officially we have three huge facts that are obviously true.

  1. we know the subs apparently
  2. apparently we also know how much percent of this number play retail specifically.
  3. we also apparently know that another game is ahead when they don’t release sub info either.

This is very impressive given we have no data as a starting point. Super impressive. Especially the “8% of playerbase play retail” part when we don’t actually know what the playerbase number is, or even how many people play retail at all.


I heard that “0.58% of people play retail”. It’s true, I saw it on the internet. I had no idea that Blizzard had actually perfected computational Necromancy, but there it is. More people are playing Retail, than actually are alive, to the factor of 0.58%. I was kind of shocked to learn that through Streamers and Third party websites, I was part of that ‘Gamers of the Damned’ cohort, as apparently I’m dead. Probably Undead, given I was a Goth. So I’m really sorry if I break into your house as one of the ravening hordes of the Undead, You have free licence to go ham with the shotgun and or fire axe…


The oddity about this slinging contest is that the two companies themselves, SquareEnix and Blizzard have a really good relationship, both play each others game by admission, square devs have been to Anaheim on many occasions that have been published, with the favour returned by Square, Yoshi himself is a massive Blizz fan.

It is so tiring when we get these slinging contest between the minor toxic elements of the fanbase when the two games are arguably complimentary to one another.

FF14’s story
WoW’s dungeons and raids
FF14’s housing
WoW’s cosmetic, pets and mounts
FF14’s feedback system and PR
WoW’s high end content

God, what a game that would be.

As long as ppl buy en masse delux editions, pets, and mounts they have no reason to get better. It’s pretty clear that Blizz “quality” is all about monetary gains rather than gameplay quality.

As is every companies. Or are you discounting the heavy monetization in FF because it is convenient?


I think someone who sits infront of a webcam knows better than you, Do you even own a webcam?

Ahh you lack reading comprehension

aS iS eVeRy CoMpAnIeS…

No, it’s not it. I’m not talking about ignoring making it profitable, I’m tlaking about making it their sole purpose at the cost or completely ignoring any other factor. I’ll make one example for all: Devil may Cry 5 has been one of the top releases of its genre and won several prizes because the game, the story and the marketing has been perfect, I personally bought it again on PC with the DLC too becuase the Devs deserved any cent they asked for.

On the contrary, WoW keeps going downhill in terms of enjoyement. some specs keep being underdeveloped and subpar, the general feeling has shifted to be more like those autoplay chinese mobile mmos and expansions from WotLK have been worse and worse (as the playercount showed, 1-2 exceptions might apply since I hear that a decent amount of ppl generally enjoyed MoP while others enjoyed Legion). There is no saving grace for WoW if not its legacy derived from a universe and Dev team that was completely different and built some masterpieces that are still played after 30 years.

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Very true. No one knows better than streamers and youtubers.

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So companies with decent products (by your definition) deserve to earn money from products they sell? Well I’ll be damned.

As for how WoW is, yeah, but that’s been the case since release in my personal opinion. Characters and MMOs in general haven’t been as fleshed out as they were years ago. I look back at all the classes in EQ and DAoC with disappointment that the way forward from them was to dumb down things.

I’ve played both for many years, ff14 and wow since they both came out. Both extremely different games though. They both have stuff miles better then the other. Just depends what kind of MMO you like.

WoWs end game is leagues above FF14 with raids, m+ and PvP. FF14 ain’t even close for content like that. FF14s story, crafting and chill content destroys WoWs though. FF14 is miles ahead in terms of no bugs and class balance, and delivering what the fans want.

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That to me is the difference. FF14 devs will acknowledge issues and say they’re being worked on. However some things are a steaming mess on FF as well, the PvP is hot garbage and for collecting I’d say WoW is miles ahead, especially on the 400 limit for glamour. I really hate the idea of having to delete good mogs.

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I just hope that this will be a wake up call for Blizz to get itself together. Granted, I’ll give them a small leeway since the pandemic complicated things. Emphasis on the word SMALL. I tried FF14, but it’s just not for me. Plus, I have invested quite a lot of time in WoW so it’s really not in it for me to start from scratch. Still, congrats to Yoshi P on his work though. I respect the guy who basically resurrected what was once a joke of a game and make it a worthy opponent to WoW

They use stats on 3rd party websites & articles to guess how many people play the game, and they don’t even bother being coherent in their own website (“FFXIV first mmo with 2.7M daily players” then list WoW as 2nd with 3.2M…)

The very definition of unreliable estimations

It’s getting annoying to see doomsayers trying to push forward a false narrative


I dont know why people make the assumption that FF14 is ‘stealing’ players from WoW.

They are quite different games and FF14 is abit newer and its style appeals more to the modern generation of players. If FF14 is stealing players, its more likely to be from other modern MMO’s and a some players new to MMO’s entirely, rather than WoW players.

WoW is an old game, the vast majority of subs and resubs these days comes from returning players. Not people new to MMO’s or from other MMO’s.

In short, WoW drop in subs and FF14’s rise in subs are largely unrelated. WoWs drop in subs is purely due to lack of content and quality. It would happen regardless of FF14 getting more quality and better content.

Quite a lot of people are playing other games atm including FF, I’ve tried it before, it’s not my cup of tea but if people are fed up waiting for 9.1, it’s certainly something worth giving a whirl.


if they were facts you wouldn’t be using “apparently”.



  1. as far as one knows or can see.

“the child nodded, apparently content with the promise”

I asked for precise data. Irrefutable data. Facts. Not “things as far as people know”. Those are not facts, they are assumptions.

And as we are unlikely to the point of impossible to get that data, any. ANY speculation on the ratio of subscribed players to a game is precisely that.

Speculation. And given Hinklink’s posting habits and repeated attempts to portray WoW retail as dead so people will presumably flood over to his beloved Classic, I will take every claim they make with not so much a pinch of salt, as a truckload.

I will also do the same with people who clearly have a biased opinion of FFXIV. I would do the same with anyone who came in these forums with claims of “(Insert game here) is officially (insert demographic here) than WoW!”

Ohh Baltic. You try so hard, And yet you continue to fail miserably. I’m in two minds whether you were trying, (emphasis on trying) to be facetious or if you typed that in all seriousness.

I’m inclined to believe it was the latter, as you couldn’t be subtle or facetious even if you tried and we all sat back and gave you the time.

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I really wish I could like this more.

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