FFXIV surpassed retail wow / classic wow subscribers

When did you lost your sarcasm detector?


Thanks for your time, I appreciate it. <3

People still play DAoC???
I also don’t believe, that they have nearly as much subscribers.

PS: two of my buddies never liked WoW, and still say that DAoC was a better game.

@Hinklink: As has already been noted both in this threads and others before it, that site is totally unreliable. To be frank, it fails to even agree with itself in multiple ways. And there are numerous details that simply can not be correct. Games that have been shut down have daily players? Urgh! Same game is currently both bigger AND smaller than some other game? Even bigger URGH! And specifically regarding WoW (both retail and Classic), some of the listed data is literally impossible to accept as valid.

@Brigante: Even though RealmPop, WCR and CensusPlus had their own issues, I miss the days, when they at least gave me a baseline for looking at certain things. Some of my investigations have been reduced to pen and paper notes and using the calculator supplied with Windows for the moments the maths exceed my ability to do them in my head… really deep sigh


I agree.


Wise words. I actually liked it and will likely play it again at some point, but right now three different versions of WoW, WarThunder and MechWarrior Online already make a huge dent in my limited time supply. :smiley:

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With Baltic?

Never used it. But my “muppet detector” is blaring like an air raid siren.

If they say so, then it is true!! They have a global vision!

We have vulpera, pandarens, taurens and Worgens… Ye no furry stuff in this game.

They don’t, the live servers are dead but the private servers (google daoc phoenix) are alive and kicking.

Daoc is still the better MMO for me, no game has nailed PvP as well.

Soooooo much this.

Do what’s fun. What’s fun tonight for me is farming some WoW reps then hoping over to FF to get some levels on the new job.

I see you like being as edgy as your name. Imagine calling people muppets while you sit behind a keyboard. I love the fact that I clearly get under your skin. It gives me pleasure.

If you ever feel like calling me a muppet to my face, I would love to give you the chance some day. Until then continue to enjoy my posts. Have a nice day, big man.

Insert “oh, you’re hard” gif.

I love that I’ve made an impression on you, I honestly have no idea who you are. I guess you need to try hard to get noticed.

Even if FFXIV has actually surpassed WoW, during its worst content drought in the game history, what’s the surprise?

When there is nothing new to do in WoW, people will always play something else and flock to the nearest WoW alternatives.

What’s the point of this thread again?

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Sounds like he got under your skin mate.

It give me pleasure :smiley:


Not really, because my laptop has one built in, and even if it didn’t, I would not want to be the cause of traffic accidents worldwide, as grown women and men of that inclination saw me on a camera, heard my voice, and collectively swooned and slammed vehicles into things. It’s a hard life, but you know, I manage it. I’ve come to terms with it.

I mean this is also a compelling argument, I’d say that raises streamers and youtubers up to the level of Plankton, in terms of how wise in the ways of wisdom they are?

It also even says, right there, bold as brass, on the front page “These are of course, estimates”

It’s like some muppets are blind to words like ‘Estimates’ ‘Guesses’, ‘Projections’ and ‘A bloke called Dave down the pub told me…’
It’s madness, but we get it every week, and every week it’s a different flavour “Whoooo, Classic is doing so well! Whooo, spooky!” Nah it ain’t mate, I wouldn’t touch it with yours, “Whoooo, Final Fantasy XIV will be the WoW killer, Whooo, spooky!” “Nah mate, people said that at the start, and it failed, also, what is going on with that, can they take the headbands with cat ears off please, and just start playing seriously? Oh Gods…That’s what Final Fantasy XIV is like? That is actually what they have people hyping? Put it away! It’s not normal. Stop it…I don’t like it, and you keeping chanting it ain’t gonna make me like it…stop it, it’s all estimates and guesses and they think it’s real, why are you so determined to persuade me to do this?..it reminds me of my time in prison…”

Basically nothing says “Sinking Game” like it’s fanbase trying to stab the air out of another game’s inflatable liferaft with a shiv.

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Says the person pretending to be an elf in an online video game

Umm…right…I don’t think you really understand how gaming works. You know people aren’t their characters, right? It’s like acting, a bit…people aren’t actually their pixelated characters, you do get that, don’t you?

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I actually really hope you are joking :smiley:

Or perhaps my statement was lost on you.

Either way, have fun man!

It is safe to assume that I am -Always- Joking. I am just generally very Dry Humour when I do so :smiley:

Never played FF but been watching a few videos on the differences between their devs’ interaction with their player base vs. the modern Blizzard and our player base. A lot of criticism we give out of our love for the game and wanting to see it improve just seems to get completely ignored these days. :frowning:

Sure, except it says the exact same thing as multiple ai outcomes. There is merit of truth in it. Sure 4 milo might jot be true, could be 3.8 or 4.2.