Filthy casuals on GD calling arena garbage



Its obvs a troll man. Additionly i dont care for opinions of casuals. If a player hasnt done any endgame content in pve or pvp but has 440 itemlvl, cloak rank 9 and hasnt even cleared lfg its a casual, dont care. Same for classic chars.


And it is, arenas are a spit in the face for people that want real mmorpgs.

I want massive open world pvp battles with siege weapons, ships and destructible object/building

If you like arenas go play a moba then an let pvp in become what it should be in an mmorpg

Not a troll post. People on GD genuinely despise PvP, and you can clearly see that in the replies.
I wouldn’t care either, but when such posts gain visibility and upvotes, Blizzard employees get the memo and may act on it, destroying PvP even more.

What if I don’t enjoy 5 button games?

Yes becouse pvp is an half abortion compared to how pvp should be on a mmorpg, instead of having proper RvR.

Arenas should not be most important form of pvp progression in any mmorpgs.

Rated bg and random bgs should be the main source of character progression in pvp.

Hiding behind a classic char equals troll or casual dont bother.


in the post linked i linked mine main not one, not 2, not 3, but 4 times, still doesnt not change that the only time i did arena was to get C&S on the main, and i stopped when i got the rank 2 becouse it was the most unrewarind experience i had pvpwise in any mmorpgs.

even getting looted by another player when i started playing Ultima Online before wow or DaoC felt better than doing arenas.

Arenas have no place in an mmorpg and if there are in they should not give any reward.

As i said, casual. Your bad. No point discussing with you, have a nice day.


you look more bad that prefer carebear mode to play as a mmorpg should be.

but i guess player looting has become too hardcore for generation z people

Arenas were the single biggest mistake in WoW 's history

Game Design, Rob Pardo

His speech

We didn’t engineer the game and classes and balance around it, we just added it on, so it continues to be very difficult to balance. Is WoW a PvE cooperative game, or a competitive PvP game? There’s constant pressure on the class balance team, there’s pressure on the game itself, and a lot of times players who don’t PvP don’t understand why their classes are changing. I don’t think we ever foresaw how much tuning and tweaking we’d have to do to balance it in that direction.

I prefer open world battles myself, but that doesn’t mean arenas can’t exist for people who do enjoy them :stuck_out_tongue:

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but they should not been the main source of player progression in pvp.

you want to play those, okay, but rated bg or a proper open world pvp setting should be the core souce of character progression.

As long as it’s rated, why not both?

I used to prefer larger scale PvP, Back when i could obliterate 5+ people solo in BGs with full Elite. Hence the early HotH i got on this.

And Rated BGs WERE a main focus for a lot of top players back then, sure most of the day would be spent in arena or dueling outside but the thing on the calendar that bought the guild together was RBGs (member PvP only guilds lmao?)

Yet slowly but surely over the years the balancing for PvP has been focused more on players like you for some reason, the people who only do arena for a minute, don’t get instant gratification then leave, and unfortunately, those balances affect BGs too, which has killed them for the majority of PvPers.

Arena didn’t kill RBG’s in this game, The balancing being aimed at the casuals did.


becouse rated arenas damages rated bg.

arenas are quicker, from making the team (you just need a friend being online) while bg you have to organize a proper team, means organizing a schedule.
Arenas are more pug friendly while rated bgs arent.

this make people loose interest on rated bg wich the closest thing we have in game to real RvR pvp on contrary of arenas.

Then I would simply ask for better incentives to get people in there. Removing a part of the game that people enjoy isn’t the answer. I do share your concern with BGs though, because I prefer them far more than arenas.


you can add all the incetives you want but arenas will always be more time efficents for pvp progression due of them being quicker compared to organize and play Rbg.

arenas should not reward conquest but just a 10th of the honor that random bgs give, and with pvp vendors coming back even if most gear is bad this is the time to do so.

No body is stopping you world PvP… You realise most MMORPG games have arenas right? World PvP didn’t die because arena killed it, world PvP died because people don’t walk/ride around a zone anymore, they fly around it. So there’s much much less interaction, why do you think they locked flying behind path finder? they tried to encourage more interactions that will lead to world PvP, get your facts straight before spewing your hate crap on the forums.

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there is no wpvp becouse there is not character progression by it.

we have open world with no loading screen in the same continent and the the only think you can do is fight.

You cant take controll of other faction settlements/cities.
You cant use siege weapons to destory a gate/wall/tower.
there are no objectives relics that gives an advantage to you faction.

people dont do wpvp becouse there is no character gain that justify doing it.

you can make the best resource of conquest is taking controll of enemy factions settlements in kul’tiras and zandalar, and when a siege is in progress you cant fly when you are close to it.

Okay, so how exactly did arenas cause that? world PvP died because flying as I said, no interaction = no conflict, when that goes on for long enough why would the devs put any incentive into content no one wants to participate in and is heavily on the decline? plus little or no gain from it or reason to do it. They tried to revive it somewhat with the introduction of path finder and first iteration of world quests in WoD, but few people enjoy that kind of content anymore, Arena didn’t cause that.

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