Firemaw realm

Is it possible that noone wants to do anything with each other just min/max and grind all day? Where is the social aspect of the game. You’d need a time machine to get that. Current state is really sad.


My “social aspect of the game” is doing just fine on Firemaw. Sounds like a “you problem”.


We are playing a different game then. Define social aspect, what it means to you?

Having fun within my social circles.
Raiding current content with my current guild, slamming some kara/za with former guildies every now and again, chilling on various discord servers connected to wow activity (guild/server/whatever). You know… being social.

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All I see is an empty world.

Well, if you are in the middle of nowhere in the last months of the expansion then you won’t see many players. Nothing to do with socializing tho.


If you mean socializing with attitude like that then no, thanks. I am looking for something more enjoyable.

If you want socializing please go this way:

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The last two months i leveled a Paladin alt on Firemaw … the right way . I mean zero boosts , questing and dungeons . The only Azeroth dungeon i didn’t find a group for was Scholo and UBRS (well they are unpopular and for the right reasons) . The open world was alive just fine . Outland . Oh boy , all 7 Outland zones are still a killzone even in phase 5. I killed and got killed by the allies around 4-5 times per hour . I managed to do every single group quest just fine . If you know how to use the bulletin board addon you can run dungeons alll day . I absolutely had no problem grinding exalted with 4/5 dungeon related factions (skipped Keepers of time because Black Morass farming is kinda depressing) . And about the social aspect ?Of course there were many fun conversations and my friend list got a lot bigger
Firemaw is pretty very alive , if you want to do any kind of group activity you can . You personaly just don’t know where to look .
P.S Yes a lot of people are raidlogging afk in Shatt and the raiding pug scence is 90% gdkps , this abomination the community has normalised will always be there .

That realm is the same case like Firemaw. I actually went from there to FM.

What are you even expecting from the game if Hydraxian Waterlords is the same as Firemaw in your eyes? The only thing connecting those 2 realms is that they are both EU.


A better experience than this.

The social interraction happens in the early/mid game of the expansions. Late in the expansions ppl are just burning through everything. It has always been like this. The social aspect is still there but the need to communicate in dungeons are not that great late game.

Join a guild, any decent one will be social. Being in the open world is not social, that’s being a loner.

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I agree, used to have 2 70 hordes on firemaw. It’s a toxic wasteland… Glad I moved them off

I also agree: Firemaw/Gehennas(H-only) are the most toxic and weird places, that I’ve seen in gaming in general.
However: If you just find a guild, or have a good pug, it won’t matter at all.
Protip: The highest density of toxic people are afaik hosting T4/T5 GDKP, so just avoid those runs aswell :wink:


What do do you mean by toxic? People seem to have different opinion on what toxic is

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wait are you saying that its the people who kill the social aspect/being toxic in the game and not a game feature such as rdf? thats crazy, maybe we should tell this to blizzard


Most people attribute anything inconvenient to ‘toxic’. Lots of thin-skinned bubbas.

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Firemaw world is dead you are lucky to see
Opposite faction in all of stranglethorn which should be the most active levelling zone…

Fresh when tho :slight_smile: