Fix Alterac Valley

Alliance are losing 98% of the games. This is due to map imbalance (mostly the relation of SH and IBGY and starting caves).

Please consider fixing the battleground…



It’s partly due to the map, fix your mentality.

This is due to skill level.

And that’s why alliance wins most AB/WSG games?



What ??? We’re not playing at the same game it seems

Yes vs pugs. We rarely lose premade vs premade (2 / 10 ) most likely :wink: join the right faction for more wins.

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I have played about 50 games now, we have tried ALL sorts of weird tactics and good 'ole time proven ones… guess what? 49 losses. I have only ever won 1 AV game in these 50 games.

The things is… This BG is SO absolutely broken, they couldn’t break it more…

So… Do something about it please.


Sorry, my post was refering to your « alliance win more ab/wsg »
I agree, hord won 95% alterac
But for ab and wsg tbh, i dont loose a lot
Pug v pug its 60/40 for hord i think
Sometime i can even win in pug vs premade if we have a good fc in our pug team so for me alliance isnt superior to hord in wsg and ab

Yeah sorry about that… But still, I have won more WSG/AB games than I have lost. maybe 60/40 like you said.

But that’s not even the real point here. It is that those BGs are actually enjoyable because there is a real fighting chance.

In AV the odds are so stacked against the alliance it takes away the spirit of competition from the game.


You can’t honestly believe that the AV map is the reason behind this?

My dear tauren… It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that the map is absolutely imbalanced.

The fact that alliance loses almost every single game isn’t enough to convince you that?

If you blame the players, it’s actually the map that encourages sub-par performance and AFK play.

This is all obvious to me and to anyone who has played on the alliance side for a while.


Alliance dominated AV in Vanilla retail.

I have played emulated Vanilla on various private servers since 2015 and it was always pretty even.

This is a thing unique for Classic where the MENTALITY and the PLAYERS are the reason. My guess is that it has to do with alliance having short queue and can’t premade, so they are not motivated, while horde have long queue and are very motivated. I mean at AV launch alliance won all the time. Alliance players was motivated to win and they fought and won. After a while the premades started dominating leaving the puggers alone, and after a while the premades was stopped and all motivated alliance went to WSG/AB and no alliance that play AV now are the unmotivated afk leechers, and a handfull of motivated who actually care, while Horde have way more motivated players after a long queue.

I would even argue that Alliance have the overall favor in AV map balance as their base is much easier to defend.


Ok… the bridge is a good chokepoint… It’s a shame you can’t win the game by just defending that bridge shrug.

Also… what has happened in the past and on any other server has NOTHING to do with the situation today.


I know, you can also attack. It’s VERY easy for alliance to invade the horde base. I mean it’s laughable how easy it it for alliance to take the horde base compared to alliance base.

It’s a freaking nightmare to play AV as horde when the Alliance players actually care.

You mean that one game in 50 or 100 that alliance actually wins? Must be a real nightmare lul!!!


Ok so your only experience with AV seems to be from Classic, so I get it, I understand why you have the believes you have. But it’s a fallacy. it’s not he map. I am telling you from experience. I have played thousands of AV from various versions on various servers. I have both Horde and Alliance in Classic. I also know that Alliance dominated AV on the same map in Vanilla retail.

Let me ask you this.

If you belive it’s the map that makes allaince lose so much. Why did alliance pugs win more than Horde when Classic AV was released? Same map, different players and mentality. Could it maybe have something to do with the players and mentality? I know exactly when it happened, I was there, on both sides. Alliance was rushing and Horde started to defend, hard, so less and less motivated alliance players join AV. The map didn’t change, the players did.

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Then why hasn’t the mentality change reflected to AB/WSG games?

Maybe it’s just that the horde love to sit in queues for hours just to exercise their superior PVP mentality?


Because the motivated alliance players went there instead of AV. That’s why the queue is much longer now for Horde.

And now just WHY is that? Hmmmm I wonder… shrug

Because Alliance could no longer rush when Horde started to defend hard to counter that. And with instant queue it makes no sense to play AV when you can play WSG/AB instead where horde doesn’t defend hard.

When you have short queue you can lose in three ways. You can lose fast, lose slow or win slow.

When you have a long queue you can lose in only 2 ways. You can lose fast and you can lose slow. So you rather win slow than losing fast.

When alliance could no longer win fast, or lose fast, the motivated players left AV for WSG/AB where the rewards are better. Keep in mind, you compete for rank against your own faction.