Fix AV glitch

OP is a hypocrite that are asking for changes in a recreation of a game from 2006.

That’s far from “a humble request” and it’s not easy to fix. Blizzard would have to go in and change the database and they already spoken about how this is like opening Pandora’s box and they see it as almost as sacrosanct. It’s also a slippery slope, I mean where does it end when they start changing things we can all agree are authentic (please spare me of any Straw Man response).

Don’t you understand that they have an authentic database that they have fitted the modern client on top of. They spoke about all these things at Blizzcon.

So no, it’s not a humble request.

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My man, do you work at Blizzard to know what is easy and what not? Putting an invisible wall there is super hard? :joy:

It is not a slippery slope, it’s fixing a bug from 15 years ago that has a big impact on the gameplay experience, Alterac Valey in this case. Where’s the problem?

Again, I know it doesn’t affect you because you play horde, but I’ve lost AV games because of a bug.

Do I need to know what is a Straw man response? I didn’t agree on anything, I’m simply playing the game and I’m reporting a bug, and I’m not the only one.

I get your point, you’ve said it already that you don’t care about this and it’s fine, but I care, that’s why I’m here. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Blizzard talked about this and how they will not fix bugs that was such a big part of the original experience. This bug, if it even is a bug, is available for both bases and was part of every patch of Vanilla.

Dude, alliance use the backdoor to ninja cap towers all the time in horde base. Alliance can also glitch pull the boss. All these things was part of the original experience and should not be changed.

They talked about this on Blizzcon. They even showed videos and screenshots and talked about how big of a challenge it was to fit the new client texture on top of the old terrain database. They can’t just add stuff in the old database nilly-willy. They talked about how changing the database is like opening Pandora’s box and they see it as almost as sacrosanct. IT’S A BIG DEAL.

Did you even watch the 2 Blizzcons before Classic where they talked about all these things and the Blizzard office interviews? Over 2 years they spent hours and hours talking about bugs, the terrain, how the game should feel, the database, that they don’t wanna change stuff, that they will change some specific stuff like the mail, progressive content, versions of items etc etc etc, they talked about all these things.

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You don’t really understand, do you? You just like to defend Blizzard :rofl:

It’s a bug, it needs to be fixed. I can see it from a mile away you are not playing AV or BGs and you just like to talk rubbish on the forums :joy:

I’ve been playing AV like crazy and I haven’t won ONCE, because of the bug from horde base. I think other ally players can say the same.

If you call that jump over the fence a bug, you have to be crazy :rofl:
But hey, if you say it’s a bug, then it should be investigated and fixed.

So you don’t work for Blizzard, okay, then please let someone from Blizz reply to this forum, thank you.

No dude, I don’t have time to watch Blizzard interviews :joy:

I’m not going to reply to you anymore. From my point of view, as a paying client, I’m here reporting a bug from 15 years ago that had and still has a negative impact on my game experience in the game.

As you can see by my number of posts I don’t spend time on forums, I pay and I play. Simple, if not, soon I’m going to cancel my sub like I did with retail back in MOP.

It would be nice if someone from Blizz replies to forums.


No it doesn’t. Listen to what Blizzard at various interviews dude.

Even if it is a bug, and that have never been confirmed, it was part of ALL vanilla patches are are part of the Vanilla experience.

They have already spoken about these things for over 2 years before Classic if you bother to watch the Blizzcon panels and various interviews.

They will never answer you on this forum. Whenever they post anything 80% of the people start nerdraging for various reasons no matter what they say.

I am not…

I am not saying it’s a bug and even if it where a bug it should not be “fixed” as it was part of ALL Vanilla.

That comment it just absurd. I do believe you are losing most AV as Alliance but they backdoor was nothing to do with that.

You are a paying customer OF CLASSIC that is a RECREATION of this 15y old game dude. Why is this so god damn hard to understand? This backdoor was part of ALL Vanilla. There have never been a Vanilla without it.

It doesn’t matter if you are having fun or if it’s fair. It’s a recreation of a game, warts and all.

Blizzard have communicated with you for over 2 years before Classic was released. They have already talked about these things.

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When you start your “tirade” with "Alliance was abusing an exploit " as a Horde player talking about AV you instantly lose considering your faction has used an actual exploit to win for 15 years.


-NEW- confirmed exploit, unique for Classic, where only one faction could join AV with a raid premade. It was hurting the Alliance pugger most before the first Hotfix. Was hotfixed 3 times in the end.

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First lets start with the fact that it’s not an exploit to go “3,2,1 Q” in voice unless you consider every single raider who has ever used voice to be an exploiter.
Second your faction can do it as well but this time around the faction imbalance that has allowed you to dominate the open world played a trick on you for once.
Third, and I am going to be blunt, with the exception of the people that have chosen to play Horde for the esthetics, nostalgia or personal preference your faction attracts some of the worst try-hards in WoW. And only a hand full of you have the backbone to admit they chose undead rogues for the racial skills (these are the honest horde players I am cool with). You have full domination of the open world, you control the best farm spots, you have more people to group with, you griefed a part of the Alliance player base in phase 2 to the point that they actively QUIT the game while taunting people. The moment the Alliance got together and started to win ONE battleground you started to collectively CRY your little eyes out to mama Blizzard to stop the mean old Alliance from bulling you because you are the ALMIGHTY HORDE!!!1!!ONE! How can you lose a single thing. Yet you bunch of hypocrites, that claim you want “fair” play, say NOTHING when it comes to all the bull your faction pulls or when you have an advantage. WSG unplayable because it’s full of Horde twinks NAHHHH it’s FINE. AB unplayable because it’s full of Horde twinks NAHHHH it’s fine. Open world dominated by Horde and Alliance economy is hurt because we have no good farm spots NAHHHH it’s fine. And I can go on and on. The Alliance has some rotten eggs to be sure but your faction holds HANDS DOWN the biggest hypocrites, narcissists and crybabies in WoW.


I support this! Shame to current Blizzard! DO you remember when they created only 2 pvp servers for all Europe?!



Wait, so you mean that only the meathod counts for exploits and not the result?

How about clicking space bar? Is that never an exploit by your logic. You are arguing that it’s an exploit and glitch to click spacebar and jump up a hill for christ’s sake! And it can be, when you are safespotting.

For the rest of you strange arguments. Alliance outnumber hore on my realm. And I am a Shaman so the choice of faction is kinda limited.

I have never said that. I fact, I have said the opposite many times. What is fair and fun is irrelevant.

Your ramble is worrying. You are talking about World pvp and how that somehow means we need to add changes in AV? I don’t get it… They are not connected in any way. Sure Horde outnumber alliance on most realm, not mine though. What does that have to do with an authentic backdoor jump in a battleground?

What I am reacting to the most is the Alliance players demand that the alliance backdoor is closed, but they are hypocrites and don’t mention that they can do the same into horde base. I don’t really care about the backdoor. I have said that many times to. It’s not an issue in nerfed AV. But forum pvp is fun.

It’s important to fight against people like you who ask for changes. That’s my opinion.

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Guys, when you see someone with almost 1k posts replying nonsense to you, save your energy and don’t reply. Try not to feed the trolls or wannabe “blizz employees” that knows it all base on what someone from Blizz said in an interview 2 years ago :joy:

Simplify things, we are paying monthly for a SERVICE that has a bug and it’s affecting the gameplay. It could not be more simple than this.

Still waiting for someone from Blizz to reply, thanks!


You don’t loose because Horde had taken the backdoor in Alliance base. Your loose happen way before that. Backdoor doesn’t provide a win. If people take backdoor in Alliance base, consider the game is already loose since 5mn because that mean you are stuck in your base and you’ll never counter that.

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Most subscribers play Horde. Why should they fix this gamebreaking exploit and upset 70% of their customers? They will never fix it.

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It’s funny how when the Horde started to whimper the “no changes” thing was dropped like a hot potato but fixing an actual exploit that benefits the Horde… NO CHANGES!!!

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Why should we change something that have no impact on win/loose ? The only advantage of backdoor is to end the game faster. If you prefer to stall the game and turtle for 40mn then loose, doesn’t change the fact that when people backdoor your AV game is already lost because that mean everything is already taken and you are stuck in your base or in your cavern.

And it’s very easy to counter, put 2/3 players (Hunter/Mage) and people will not pass.

#nochanges is getting old, I think it became a strong argument a long time ago just to force Blizz to make wow classic happen /sigh

It seems like you don’t play AV, it has a huge impact, I had to stay back to defend a “bug” and I’ve lost bgs because of that bug, that’s why I post here, on the forums.

No thank you. Why should I have to stay back to defend a “bug”? Instead of staying with my team and push the horde back from my base?

Like I’ve said before, it’s very easy to talk from the other side when you are not affected by this and if you think you can control people in a AV you are crazy.


It does benefit horde by a big margin , I literally played a game a week ago where alliance had everything capped and horde did van with12 players through that backdoor and did vann solo. Please stop being in denial


Sweet, I don’t mind changing it. But then let’s make it so alliance can’t just run in on the right side and pull Drek without killing the Warmasters, and balance tower damage so you can’t even get to the keep solo without dying.

I guess if 12 Horde players killed Van, going into the backdoor or the bridge make strictly no difference at all. It’s not the reason why you lost the game. You lost the game because you didn’t defend.

I made Friendly to Exalted reputation on my alt in 3 days of AV this week, never saw any single players said “Go backdoor”. Literally 0 game. It seem the backdoor is way less used than before. It was a thing when the meta was Alliance Premade, because of Hunters that was assigned to put trap on bridge. Now, in pugs, bridge is free.

Remove it but frankly I don’t think it will increase the winrate of Alliance.

I tried the 3 jump backdoor yesterday for the first time and couldn’t make the last jump over too the GY :cry: sad times!