well its not because ratio sorry to say but its about allys dont like pvp thats all… When I playing with ally char at ashbringer ( ally has more ratio) still ally try to flee from any wpvp when they see some fight at road, they change their way… pvp players at horde side pve player at ally side thats simple. I dont have any problem cuz I dont like honor farming like this pysco maniacs playing 18 hours a day for shtty pvp gears… when this honor farming madness stop, maybe I should play normal AV with doing objectives and pvp not like pve zerg rush
it happened due to the imbalance of the map, not the system. If map had good design than premades would not be able exist.
Yes, because AV map made for horde advantage. Need rework map to fix this. Without it solo game is waste of time.
Huge of amount allies players need exalted reputation. But it is impossible to farm it for ally now. So, many allies players stop to play AV and change to WSG. I wait 2-5 mins in queue for WSG. Where are you horde?
We should blame Blizzard, not horde. But horde players dont see AV map problem and try to blame alliance players for premades.
Horde has advantage map therefore allies PUG cant win. Punish those cheaters!
It is true for any side. Or what do you mean?
It was predictable even before the Classic release. So i chosen PvE server.
it became possible due to the fault of Blizzard, not players.
Alliance can have healers in AV.
Why ? Because the Alliance meta is full healers Paladin/Priest with Warrior/Mage/Hunter + some Warlock/Rogues. They spam AV, they don’t need to do other stuff than AV 7mn rush. Healers can rank. Queue is instant, there’s no need for WPVP between BG.
Horde ? You have to do WPVP between BG due to queue time. Can’t have Healers in AV because if you go Healers, you can’t do WPVP between BG (or if you are in a group, it’s less efficient for all players, so nobody will join you because you will do more honor in WPVP solo). So basicly, a Priest in Horde is Shadow Priest. A Shaman is Enh or Elemental. You’ll rarely see a healer doing PvP because of the AV meta. Maybe sometime a Druid that pop from nowhere, or a Priest/Shaman that is dumb and don’t know how to rank. Not to mention most Horde player have a “solo mindset” (and I don’t blame that, I’m exactly like that), so they want to play DPS instead of healing.
But I agree with your point about map advantage in AV. That doesn’t mean it’s impossible to win as PUG vs PUG. If Ally PUG loose, it’s mainly because the rankers and great leader are in premade and don’t want to play with plebe. See the #1 week of AV, Alliance winrate was really high even with the map … Premade exist because APES, SALAD BAKERS, and all top Alliance guilds realized they can create mafia to rank. Then, the scheme-copy started. You are dellusional if you think map is the cause of premade honestly.
About WSG, it’s a no-go-zone as Horde. To much premade, and you got 0 honor + graveyard camping when you face premade. Not to mention this BG is less fun than AV (because it’s 10vs10), and not to mention it provide less honor than AV. The only guys I know that do WSG, is people that play for fun, or rankers in Horde that are in premade for WSG when AV queue time is going high after Sunday. And when they face a premade, sometime the game last for 1 hours and they realize it’s just not worth to spend times in this fiesta.
He is plain terrible so does not reciev any healing > uh oh horde no healers.
In fact horde pug has many healers, i’ve noticed that too.
Few years ago “Waah alliance AV advantage”
Nowadays : “Waah horde AV advantage”, even though alliance can cheat by using premades lol.
You can literally google “AV map advantage” and all you’d find is alliance ones from the past and only “horde” ones recently XD
Pretty much the same on Razorgore I found, horde could be fighting you and the alliance players would just walk past you… and then the guy would kill them and repeat.
The easy solution to fix the lack of players beginning(So we don’t begin with 5-15 players is simple) - Punish the players that leave the queue without joining by giving them deserter and don’t open the gates before 40 players on each team are there.
yeah! all orcs are cheaters. and undead that have ever used will of the forsaken too!
come on, you can do better than this…
yea same thing when 60 lvl hordes try kill me at BS-SG-wetlands, they surprise and panic when I charge them with my lvl 49 alt warr they expect to all allys will flee or wait for die ofc they dont know I’am horde veteran and for AV if they just remove que numbers all problems will be solved. AV ally backdoor is not a big issue if allys try to play like normal AV instead zerg rush, when they def at some points only few horde can pass and even if they reach back door, it doesnt matter with few ppl .
Have you played recently? Since i quit AV (ranking) the other week, i’ve been doing WSG solo queue almost every day. It was extermely diverse. At the start of the “honor week” i met around 1 in 4 premades. Got less and less until Saturday/Sunday when first alliance rankers were capped or close to cap. It seems some then fill up the rest by doing WSG (for rep and actually PVP). So these days i got one premade after another. Yesterday was great again. I think i only played vs PUGs all day. Overall it was very enjoyable, had even some really good games where people were communicating with each other, using loads of consumables and both sides playing to win. Of course there was horrible too, but after the AV grind it feels like holidays.
You answered for priests:
It is true for both fraction.
Pallyes can’t be the healers till T2 (or R10) because they dont have enough SPD on items. For example, Flash Heal max rank do 500 HP. Any Shadow priest or Shaman can do it easy.
I play with premades with the same result as PUG vs PUG. So it is not the argument.
I explained it. It was possible because alliance was allowed to win horde (horde didnt make a turtle).
It is a consequence of the outflow of alliance players who are tired of constant losses. At the end there are only alliance premade in AV.
Huge of amount people stopped to play at AV as PUG because they tired loses. Premades are not guilty at this case.
Alliance has advantages in rush game.
Horde has advantage if they make turtle. Even versus premades.
I googled and answered you in next to topic. There are no advantage for alliance.
Do you offer defend base for alliance? How alliance can win at this case? Describe it plz. For example: 30 horde players protect IB line. 10 going to burn bunkers. Next…?
Turns into a massive turtle…
Fun but no one wins
like we did 15 years ago, fight at middle, who ever wins will try to take close GY or tower then fight again, collect mats, save wingmasters etc to support you on rush to enemy base.
15 years ago nobody knew about horde advantages.
Some times ago we (alliance) summoned Ivus. Do you know what he began to do? Nothing! He just stayed at the middle of the map and didnt move to the south.
beucase atleast some1 honored with AV should talk with him and give him order
More fun to just camp horde at graveyard till they afk out
I have exalted.
Any competitive game that is not starting with even teams is obviously buggy.
horde side or ally side dont matter for me, this version of AV sux. horde pugs try to camp allys at GY, ally premades try to rush win in 7 min. if both side start play like normal version of this AV maybe I can join BGs again but not now. I gonna raidlog and lvl alts for now.
The design is an epic fail because it starts the BG based on the queue instead of the players in the instance.
It has nothing to do with premades, this issue also exists on retail.
Somehow amazing that an error at this scale was not patched 15 years ago when players reported it in beta.
Your own faction is doing this to you.
Never mind the QQ’ing in this topic trying to derail it from the truth with excuses.
Your own buddies are dropping queue’s because they can’t fathom farming r14 without 6 minute rushes accross the map.
You clearly don’t see the real issue here: doesn’t matter who drops the queue and when, the team count should not be based on the queue.
There is literary no other online competitive game on the market that have this issue, because it is so huge design error that there is no system designer with a single functioning brain cell who would approve it.
And again: the same issue still exists on retail.
Or you are telling that retail BGs are also fcked up by alliance premades?