hard to love pvp then your core abilities doesn’t work against enemies
and yes, most players who care about pvp and looked forward goes horde, so they don’t have to fight against gamebreaking racials, and even have it for themselves as a bonus from fair play loving blizzard
actually, I not having much problem while playing with my dwarf warr and paladin vs horde, yea sometimes my hoj resist or fear counter with forsaken but thats not a big issue if you ask me, you still need skill and better gear… racials is just little bonus if you ask me and stoneform op btw
Alliance, please stop complaining about BG’s. Horde have it much worse. Every single one of us can join a premade that will give you infinitely better games than you’d have with PUGs. We still get instant queues, and win most of the games. Some take long, some are quick…
Alliance rankers are usually done by Friday, and that’s without sleep deprivation. You can still dp other things, like social stuff, while ranking.
Horde is out in the world trying to get as many kills before their queue finally pops, after every single game they move back out into the world asap to continue the grind. They’ll tell you they have it better “we can take 30 minute micronaps”. They don’t. They have to do this day in, day out until they reach their desired rank. 14 or more hours every day for the higher ranks.
The problem is in Alliance pug you have no chances of getting honor cause 10 are low levels farming harpies and 10+ are afk.
So you are forced to premade which is not really a premade cause you can’t choose to pick the players you want; you just know you will have 30-35 willing to play and not afk.
On horde you can still have decent honor gains when facing alliance premade, if only you played with this goal; unfortunately most horde would rather chase the premade and watch them finish the game from 200 yards away instead of getting honor. 7 minutes would be more than enough to kill all NPCs if you didn’t have 5-7 only trying to do so. (i’ve seen games where 2 horde alone were trying to do Lts lol)
Bempri is conflating two different issues, and misunderstanding the reasons for them.
The problem in retail is caused by a lower threshold in the hidden metrics for the matchmaking for a BG to launch, due to a priority set towards launching a new BG instance.
That’s not the case in Classic. Classic has more people pvping actively in BGs.
The problem in Classic is caused by premades skipping the queue, due to not ending up in the same ID.
Normally, you may see some people missing the queue pop under normal circumstances, but there’s so much “noise” in the matchmaking that such occurrences can be relatively quickly replaced.
But when you see over 20+ people all declining close to the same time, then this is not a random occurrence. It’s a coordinated occurrence, which the matchmaking system was never designed for.
This is when you see so few joining a BG, because the matchmaking system then rushes to try and fill those holes but it can’t make players appear out of nowhere.
This is a direct consequence to the premades creating non-randomized occurrences which negatively affects the matchmaking process.
Basically, the game wasn’t designed to allow premades using such trickery in the queue timings, and the consequences of when they don’t get enough ppl into the same ID.
Allow raids to queue up normally for AV. Problem solved.
they just want to get carried, premades don’t want them, no one wants them, which is why no one plays with them, and now they cry because of it. They should go back to retail imo… the game assists them way more in retail
Yes but you can’t compare a Horde PUG to an Alliance PUG. Horde has no other option, pugging is all they have. A Horde PUG will mix people going for R14 together with people that want to do a quick AV for fun.
Meanwhile on Alliance, it has become so easy to premade that there are no longer any requirements to join them (other than having an epic mount, but why would you even want to play AV without epic mount…). Not all premades will be of the same quality, but even the worst premades will be a lot better than the best PUG. Because of the low barrier for entry to join premades, any alliance that is even halfway serious about PvP is now joining premades. There are no downsides, there is no reason not to.
Premades are the reward to the Alliance players that stayed true to their faction during Phase 2. Horde tasted the advantages of being a dominant faction back then, but are now realizing what that means for their BG experience.
Face it guys, BG’s have only been out for a couple weeks now, and people are already complaining about 1hr queues. Imagine how bad it will be in a few months…