Fix Twin Emps already please

Any word on a Twin Emp fix?

It’s starting to get annoying, sure, mainraids can handle bruteforcing the fight when the warlocks inevitably get killed, but for full altruns or pugs its beyond frustrating seeing Twins in this state.

What I’m talking about is the caster Twin randomly deciding to stop casting, running all the way to the warlock (wherever he stands; far away, close, doesn’t matter) and melee+aoeing him to death.

I wanna tank twins as a warlock, now we’re basically forced to do it with warriors if we want a clean kill, ZZZzzzzzZz.

examples (and there’ll be plenty more when people start to splitraid and bring less worldbuffs/gear):

h ttps://
h ttps://
h ttps://

And yes on the final clip I was standing close, yet, I doubled my range in subsequent tries and it didn’t matter, still did the same, had to use 20 LiPs in 1 night. And no, he didn’t randomly started running 40-60 yards while stopping his cast in my retail days either.


Vek’lor definitely stopped casting and moved towards its target in vanilla. There are several videos from 2006 showing this. Considering how many guilds were using warrior tanks, it was probably an issue back then aswell. Spellbatching may make it worse in classic, but did you ever consider moving away from him when he starts running towards you?

This was definitely not a problem back in vanilla wow, however we had multiple wipes on Emps on Sunday because of this. It’s definitely a bug

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And right into the range of Heal Brother?

You do realise there are other directions? People could do it when it happened in vanilla, I’m sure today’s pro gamers can find a way aswell.

If a dead warlock means a wipe, them healing is a far better option anyway.

Can’t move away, either he will be in healing range, or, which is the main issue; running away doesn’t even matter, he will run until he can melee you, how soon/far away you start to run is irrelevant.

He might’ve run in vanilla, I’ve never seen this personally back then so until you link proof I call bullshít on your statement, but he never kept running until he was in meleerange.

Batching is indeed the cullprit it seems, the delay causes him to run into meleerange, it needs a fix since it’s clearly not doable atm and not intended to be like this.

“If a dead warlock means a wipe, them healing is a far better option anyway”

Yeah because twins healing from 30% to 100% in a mere 5 seconds will surely not mean a wipe. come on. Running to Africa out of all healerrange, and the Twin emp not even stopping running after you until you’re dead surely is also a great solution. Think please before posting this useless dribble. It needs a fix.

We can already kill them by facerolling our keyboards, do you really want it even easier ?

I want it to work properly, again a low effort post by a moron.


Well, we killed them first try, what else can I say ?
I was assuming that if we can do it, everybody can, I guess I was wrong…

And the insult is duly noted and reported.

Oh man I’m sorry, you killed him first try, you’re amazing, I didn’t realise this!

…Now stop derailing this thread, nobody cares if you killed it or not. The fact is that he’s bugged and needs to be fixed. Locks losing worldbuffs for no reason is beyond frustrating.

Agreed, how dare the game ask them to place properly for a fight…

I’m sure tehre are more. Most people don’t post videos of their wipes, so any tries ending like yours are probably harder to find.


dude, these forums are utterly terrible, you can tell by how many posts they’ve done usually that they’re not worth listening to, some of these folks live here and live off being utter idiots.


It’s true that the boss moved in these videos he never did melee anybody, nor did he do a prolonged melee attack streak. Got no proof of it as I don’t record my raids but in private logs it clearly shows that the boss ran for our warlock tank, meleed him for 3 times which is just over 5 sec btw and finished off with an arcane burst.

The biggest issue with this is boss AI or the lack of it. We have had Nef warrior calls when Nef forgots to shadowflame for the entire duration of it. This is just silly.

Edit: It took us a few attempts to get it right and as I’m looking through the logs it’s even funnier than I tought. We had an attempt when Vek’lor has meleed the warlock tank with a crushing for 4114 and used arcane burst 0.4sec after for 4685.

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All the clips linked by the op contains people who mess up their tank swaps, causing alot of deaths, heals or wipes. I’m sure their opinion of whether or not the fight is bugged is 100% based on facts and figures.

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The question at hand isn’t whether or not it’s good AI, but if the fight is working as it did back in vanilla. So far we know that Vek’lor did move to where the warlock tank was standing in vanilla. We also know that a large portion of the vanilla kill videos on youtube are using warrior tanks spamming battleshout (a quick search will show you that).

If there was no issue with Vek’lor slapping the warlock tank with melee back in vanilla, why did so many guilds use a warrior tank back then?

Does your logs show you warlock trying to move away as soon as vek’lor starts moving (you can check in the replay)?

Regardless, as mentioned earlier I wouldn’t be surprised if this is just another issue caused by spellbatching. If that is the case, spellbatching should be fixed, not the Twin Emps. Spellbatching is too far away from the vanilla experience.

After watching the replays where this was the issue, there are 3 attempts when this took place. In all 3 the warlock tank was somewhat close to the guy, 2 out of 3 times not standing on the stairs, and the boss on a whim just bombrushes them.

One of them as I’ve stated above he effectively oneshot the tank so he had no chance to really move away.

On another he just rushed the warlock again didn’t melee this time but killed him with arcane burst as the healing was lacking and I guess they didn’t expect a sudden 5k burst on the tank so he wasn’t topped at that moment. He tried to move away but didn’t get far.

On another the 5 second one, the warlock was on top of the stairs pulls aggro after teleport the boss casts 3 shadow bolts after which he starts to rush up the stairs. The warlock jump down to move the boss back to the torch, meanwhile the boss keep chasing and meleeing the warlock from the stairs to the torch and casts Arcan burst at the end.

On a extra note it happend another time but it didn’t change that much as we were running up to the stairs to wipe anyway, he yet again chased down somebody to melee them to death when he had clear LoS to cast from afar.

“Oh noes! We wiped! Pls give loot pinata back!”


“Omg i can’t faceroll the content anymore it’s probably because of a bug”


dude it’s not up to you to play blizzard CS, in fact that’s a bannable offense, now what you should do is just let blizzard do their job (lol) and either confirm this is a bug or that this on their reference client and as such will remain unchanged.

Also weird to see retail chars with post #s that indicate they live here do blizzard’s job for free (and very poorly) after news has come out that blizzard doesn’t pay their employees in fair wages but instead in game time, imagine wanting to work for a company like that, but worse yet, imagine attempting their job badly for free

edit: and since you seem like the debate me kinda nerd I’m just gonna say for argument’s sake that no, we don’t know if this is on the reference client or whether or not even if it’s on the reference client if this is or isn’t another one of those snapshot bugs like c’thuns eye beam was, customers are not their QA team, nor are they the devs. And with the huge amount of undocumented changes happening since AQs release there’s no way of telling whether this is true to vanilla, nor is that our job, that is blizzard’s job, people here are trying to make blizzard aware of a bug (or maybe a vanilla feature) but it’s not up to the customers to determine that, that job lies with blizzard.

and that also means that job does not lie with you, stop doing it badly and for free, it’s their job to confirm or deny these things and throw them on the >notabuglist< which btw hasn’t been updated since uhhh end of last year? also the EU forums have no bugreport subforum so you are just going to have to deal with these things getting posted here my dude