Fix Twin Emps already please

stop being bad at the game and stop asking for bandaids.

easy solution.

there, i fixed it for u.


Those are target changes that result in movement. That’s not what we’re seeing. What we’re seeing is that the boss randomly decides that he’s in fact no longer a ranged mob. He’s now melee. This is very obviously a bug and should be a high priority fix. In my experience the bug only happens in 1/3 IDs, so you probably won’t have the same issues next reset (or it’s a fresh bug starting somewhere after sunday).

I’ll concede that to an untrained / inexperienced / unaware eye they look similar, but I assure you they’re radically different.

You know 100% of the people disagreeing with fixing this bug are going to come crawling back begging for mercy the first time they encounter it.


Lemme guess. u didnt open gates yet or havnt killed twins at least
or u did it wednnesday before this bug began

How can you be so sure about it being a bug? He was also slapping warrior tanks with melee in vanilla:

It should be pretty easy to find more examples if you want to.
I’m sure it also happened to warlock tanks in vanilla, but that would most probably have resulted in a wipe and the recording not being published.

What makes you think it’s ID related, and not just complete RNG?
All the initial wipes of the people the op links to are due to not being able to handle the teleport/tank swap resulting in their warlocks being killed by Vek’nilash. None of the Calamity warlocks gets hit by vek’lor’s melee until their third pull, after over 15 minutes of fighting the boss. In the North raid no warlock tank gets hit by Vek’lor’s melee until their fifth pull, after a total of 17 minutes of fighting. It also doesn’t happen during their next two pulls.

The op makes it sound like Vek’lor’s melee made cost him loads of consumables, while it is in fact his own personal mistakes causing most of the wipes in the public logs.

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When exactly did this “bug” start?
Here is an example of it happening on wednesday, during a fairly early kill.

I’ve heard from several raids that they fixed this bug by soft-resetting the instance.

That sounds like confirmation bias to me, until someone can provide logs where it happens frequently before a soft reset, and not at all after. In the available logs for the guilds the op provided clips from it only happens during a single pull for each guild.

It happens on their kill aswell. Where is the reset fixing it?

They got 1 melee hit at the beginning of their 10 min kill after soft-resetting, where they got 9 (3 min), 2 (11 min), 3 (3 min), 2 (2 min) and 9 (3 min) on their earlier attempts.

The supposed “reset fix” is between their last attempt and their kill.

And the reset clearly didn’t remove the issue. Or, are you now saying that resetting reduces the frequency of the issue? The op refers to people experiencing this once in their public logs. How would resetting help them?

Your guess is as good as mine. It’s clearly bugged af and random as hell. We’re currently brainstorming potential ways of preventing the bug from occuring. Multiple raids have reported success after soft-resetting the instance. Some raids have had zero issues ever. Some thought it was because of being too close, others thought it was because of being too far away. Some even thought it was caused by being somewhere in the middle range distance. Some thought it was caused by being on the stairs…

Sounds a bit like Skinner’s pigeon experiment to me.

This certainly seems true.

So. After we’ve cleared it today it might be fixed.
Vek’lor wasn’t chasing down the warlock but they weren’t standing on the stairs eather and so I’ve heard that was the cause. The only melees Vek’lor was dishing out was a slap to the warrior tanks right after teleport. And it was infrequent aswell one of them took overall 6.3k the other 3k from him as melee.

What we tried on tonights clear that seemed to work, as in we did not see the running towards and going melee on the warlock behaviour, was that not a single person went above the highest step on the stairs, going on the platform seems to be what causes the odd behaviour.

Last week we had people coming and going on the platform area during the fight and we saw the running into melee behaviour several times.

This week we had zero people going up above the highest step on the stairs and we did not see him do it even once.

Only 1 melee hit from a messy swap but thats it.

Either this fixed it or Blizz made a stealth fix to the fight.

Or, it is completely random. Just like it was in vanilla. Lots of people had no issues at all last week.


More kills on the boss will tell us.
If it does not happen again, after happening so many times last week, one would not be able to really call it random.

Although it is difficult to see, I believe I spot someone up on the platform at some point on all of those videos posted in this thread.

The behavior sometimes displayed by Vek’lor is unlike any ever shown in real vanilla.
… Unlike C’thun taking a long nap before starting to fight back, which should also be corrected, nevertheless.