Fix Twin Emps already please

Some of the people who did it back then claims otherwise, but people forget. Unless someone pulls out old footage of it happening the same way, Blizzard are the only ones who can confirm/deny it being any different.

My guild have had plenty of people on top of the platform for both our kills so far. We haven’t had any issues.

i cleared AQ twice in first reset, on my main and on my alt. so whats ur point?

People have Zero clue about any mechanics, but claim its a bug. kinda funny. Its clearly a Player-issue here and not a bug.

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so can anyone explain what is happening in this clip? vek’lor almost immediately charges to do melee dps, without a teleport having happened and everyone being on the ground floor and not on the stairs

h ttps://

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The “some” part is important. People spent countless hours on Twins. Vek’lor suddenly being a melee boss is a bug - not a feature. You’d be oneshot by his melee hits on a non-wbuffed vanilla hp pool and that’s not even mentioning the melee + arcane burst combo that he does.
I suspect that we’ve found the cause of the bug, but I won’t know until we’ve tested our theory.

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Cool, lucky you I guess?

Like I said, more kills will tell us more.

We saw a change in behaviour when we changed how we did the fight but more testing is needed to be able to really tell what is going on.

Once again, ranged and healers on the platform, locks and wars tanking at the right spots at the walls, not messing up the swap = kill on first try again for the second time with zero deaths.
What a coincidence… or could it be that those who don’t manage it simply suck at swapping or placement ?

ffs stop doing blizzard job for them badly, you’re bad at it, stop, ffs let them do their jobs for once in their lives

If I were here to do Blizzard’s job for them I would be deleting your off topic posts, unfortunately Blizzard won’t do that either.

reason he runs for you is becouse he is trying to cast blizzard on someone who is lossing him, most likely on the stairs. or your mages didnt stop casting firebolt before teleport

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We 2shot it, it’s fine.

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