Flamelash Alliance are Pro

Complains of being ganked. Cant even gank back when numbers favour them.


Oof, that’s just sad.

How are theses last day waiting for alliance ? any prey ? How many HK per hour ?

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1 kill per hour, litterally

You seem very salty that you realm is dead.


dont i deserve to be?

You all act like you moved because you couldnt take the pain anymore, even though you dominated an unorganised horde for most of the day, everyday.

Sometimes, you got over run after you had farmed us - but that is the game!

These videos at least show you were unable to kill people without more than one of you and it likely skill and not an imblance in server that held you back as we were 40-60 for most of it, not 20-80 as people are led to belive by your rhetoric.

Instead of getting better, learning new things or trying new tactics flamelash alliance shafted an entire server without thinking of the consequences, thanks for that.

I have a right to be salty, dude.


So these three players reflect the whole playerbase?
And you didnt post the video just because it gave you a semi?


videos, plural. I got plenty more.

And ye, some of them did make me pretty happy.

edit : forgot plug. XianchiLive

You are the best don’t worry we all know that. You A R E the best.

You wil show to all hum i mean horde only on your server sadly that you are THE BEST. :smiley:

hey, i’ll take it. once in a lifetime chance to be best!

Do you ever think what kind of life r14 farmers have? Many view it as their greatest gaming achievement, but the older you get sadder it looks. When I was a kid I always thought these guys were cool, they spent so much time farming this cool gear, everybody knew them and we were jealous.

Now when I look at them I think “this is it, this is the peak of their life, they could have chosen to pursue a meaningful goal in life but instead they chose this and if they can view such a thing as a peak they will never know true joy of life because they can’t even imagine life filled with ecstasy”

Sorry offtopic but wanted to share my thoughts


Tbf those Alliance are pretty bad but you’re only marginally better. Not impressed, at all.

man, wow you are a pro

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He is the best and he knows it. He can show it to 5 alliance on the server now :smiley:


Oh my, a frost mage into pvp that can kite melee.

Better pay attention to this guy, he is onto something!


haha nice! you are a pro bro, i’m gonna roll a zombie mage so i can be just like you :smiley:


Wow!! What class are you playing?? Can you share keybinds??


I think this guy will be a meme after his server now

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Gotta work on that kiting and cc man.
Next time perhaps! :cowboy_hat_face:

btw what is your stream bro, i wanna sub and give you ALL my money because you’re awesome! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: TRUE mage SKILL :ok_hand::ok_hand::muscle::muscle: