Flamelash Alliance are Pro

LOL this guy claims to have not ever been on flamelash, but is being salty in all the flamelash posts. Bwhahah. Get kicked off more servers ally. :smiley:

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Continue to ridiculise yourself you’ll become a meme too mate :smiley:

LMAO bwhahaha.

:popcorn: :smiley:

“Haha wow this proves nothing I hope you enjoy your dead server lol we win.”

(This is not directed at OP in case some of you lack self awareness)


it wasnt really what I was doing, it was a showcase of the type of player that played on flamelash and why maybe it wasnt just an imbalance issue.


Love you!

Alliance from Flamelash are getting a lot of crap for migrating off the server but seeing how horde from Flamelash are i 100% get their decision. Horde from Flamelash are literally the most toxic braindead people i have ever seen in wow. Saying stupid things like HA we won because you suck and not because the server is 80% horde…i was on Earthshaker Horde before the mass migration, and all it has done is making wpvp way better for both alliance and horde… do you really think alliance would stay on a 80:20 H server just so you could farm a few more honor? You could just have migrated to a more balanced server instead you just cry on the forums about how it’s not fair that allies migrated away…


wasnt 80/20 at the start of the PvP, it was 60-40 and even with dwindling numbers alliance still dominated for most of the day.

Why do people keep ignoring this?

Uh if all the horde had moved as well, earthshaker would now be 80% horde now. You dont do math do you?

It’s true that most of Alliance player are horrible and all they want is to go on a FOTM server to outnumber us.

But it’s the case in Horde to, most Horde player are horrible and they want the same thing.

This is 2019 mentality : easy mode.

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Most horde didn’t migrate a few hundred did. Earthshaker is now listed as 51:49 A:H and wpvp is still slightly horde favoured

Wow, if those numbers are correct (and they’re probably not) then that’s actually a pretty decent ratio for a PvP server.
What’s even the problem here?

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Can confirm Wpvp is now the best i’ve ever seen. One min horde take over BRM, LHC, Everlook the next alliance take over. Earthshaker is now the most balanced server in both EU and NA. Flamelash horde are mad they no longer can play the game on ez mode and outnumber the alliance 80:20 since they all left. Have fun on your pve server


Just Flamelash horde there are mad because they didn’t transfer over to Earthshaker together with the allies. And thank god Only a few of them actually did they Can have fun getting 50 honor a day for the next week


Probably get a rank or 2 so 8 or 9 for next week. Even with 100 kills or so for the week.

Not too shabby.

It’s actually even more balanced according to ironforge. Pro it’s now 50.4 Alliance and 49.6 horde but yes it’s the most balanced server across NA and EU


Of course they’re angry, they’re trapped on a wildly unbalanced server thanks to the mass exodus and now they understandably want out.
You forget that no one wins from having a massively unbalanced faction ratio on a PvP server, now the same players who smugly mocked the Horde for being left behind on a dead server are throwing a tanty because some of them dared to follow them out (because how dare you not want to be left behind on a dead server).
I’m not sure what your goal is by pointing this out, but if it’s to annoy Horde players trapped in Flamelash you’re doing a pretty good job.

But you’ve proven nothing, you showed us a 3 v 1 against 3 badly geared Alliance players (one of which was already at half half health and most likely had CDs) , two of which played classes you heavily counter.

The other was 2 warriors which again you heavily counter.

You haven’t really proven anything other than your undying need for attention, pun intended.


that goes without saying. But you did miss the hunter + lock out, that was fun.

Again, this wasnt to show how leet i am, obviosuly i am leet. It was to show lack of decent ally.

But thank you. kisses

Have you seen how toxic horde on Flamelash are?? They kept saying stupid sh!t like “ we won the server cuz you suck” and now when the same people realize how many alliance actually left, cry on the forums because there are no more allies to gank in Ironforge. They had over a month to migrate to a more balanced server where there would be way more allies but instead decided to play it safe and stay on a 70:30 horde dominated server