Flamelash Alliance are Pro

I’ll take it, makes me all warm and fuzzy to see “you showed us a 3v1”

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So just because a handful of people said mean things the entirety of the Horde faction on Flamlash deserves to be trapped on a dead realm?
What a childish viewpoint to hold.

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Childish is not wanting to deal with the consequences of their acts. Those allies that transfer, they can now play the game, good for them


You don’t actually think anyone is going to believe this, do you?

This thread has to be one of the biggest flexs I’ve seen since Hulkmania took off.

that implies they couldnt before. Which is just untrue.

They simply couldnt hold 100% of the time and didnt like it.

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Sorry but that goes both ways, you can’t just handwave Horde players with “well you should have seen this coming” and then defend people who ran away from PvP servers because they couldn’t handle the experience.


I implied nothing. You (horde) created an unplayable server for many allies, they’re gone. So what is the problem?

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me? personally?

I went around solo the entire time. Getting ganked 20v1 most of the time.

I look for good fights. And got some.

I was having fun, even when the odds were down and i couldnt access BRM.

You’re playing mage, nothing to brag about

not bragging

edit : much

The problem is that now you (Alliance) have now created an unplayable server for everyone else.
Do you not see the problem here? Two wrongs don’t make a right.

Jesus christ, a wise undead mage.
Rarest specie out there.


Why did not horde transfer? They were too busy ganking alliance while enjoying a huge numeric advantage.

You are now dealing with the logical consequences of your acts. I see nothing wrong with it.


good to see both sides of the argument.

Now, wonder how this would have gone if transfers were limited to horde only?

This should have really been the case, and we know it. Making our arguments lack meaning in the end.

Have a nice night.

i really hope youre not serious, you seeme a really nice guy when we last dueled, but if u really mean it lets go 1v1, i can even handicap myself, i wont use NS and i wont use innervate, i will not let myself being called horrible, without proven otherwise, especially by you, because i believe from last time i dueled you, i am far more experienced at pvp. I mean… u dont poly druids man… u really shouldnt…

This whole thing is a troll.

Yo Kitty <3 Of course I dont mean one of a few of the alliance that were cool and had some fun with, why would I?

edit : sheeping druids so they shift and waste mana/get cast interupted is never a bad thing when i am behind. Druids own mages mostly becasue mana in the end.

Fun duels tho, love you

sad part is…all these efforts…all these recording…yet this guy has around 6 views per video…possible viewers(mom,onkel, himself…)

love you too.

Wtf a smart undead mage, what is this?

He actually tried to Poly you?

My points stand.