Flamelash AQ40 opening

You can probably still download the plinko addon.

ten storms is completely fine for alliance, i world pvp all day as solo and most fights are 1v1

Can’t wait for the next server to die so these losers run in here complaining hahaha

Dude i could see this coming from a mile away how could you be so clueless to play on these garbage servers?

I think Blizz should let the servers open the gates on their own. It’s a lot more interesting that way, and with all the methods of cross-faction cooperation, I think they’ll manage.

Seems like PVE won’t be happening on a PVP server.


nothing left to do for people that didn’t transfered like myself…

Gates of AQ opens 7 days after first server opens their gates. Thats how it worked back in the days and thats how it will work this time as well.

And too the salty alliance. the 20/80 trope is getting old. you guys can play on a 50/50 server and still complain that it’s 20/80… And imagine if the alliance did not camp the PvE servers and instead have spread over the PvP servers the ratios might have been better. but as every single alliance rolled PvE at start, no wonder PvP servers are abit unbalanced. But yeh go on. Whine about horde.

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No? The gates are closed until your server has completed the war effort and someone has banged the scarab gong, however long that ends up taking.

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That’s not true. There was a basic tic of progression even if no one turned in anything. I assume they recreate that, but that is the only assumption in this post.

As for having to hit the gong once the war effort is done to actually start the event, I don’t know.

There is a catchup mechanic built in. With time it will start lowering the required amount so with time it will require very little and it will be completed.

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I’m sure that this situation happened in Vanilla too on some of the hundreds of servers so Blizzard probably has a solution in place.

This is whats suppose to happen on pvp servers acording to you?

You seem to be full of hate. Wish you’d be able to think objectively. Would release that bad that eats you inside

I dont think we are on the same tenstorms.

Yes, All server that was when AQ got released got their gates opened 7 days after first server opened theirs. BUT, new servers that came after that and before Cata had too be opened the original way.

I am objectively full of hate. You maybe can’t grasp how that would be so let me explain:

I hate the fact that thousands of posts on every platform have been made before the release of classic about all the issues we are currently facing.

I hate the fact that there were at least a few dozens of posts on these forums months before the launch asking for more than only 2 pvp servers. Almost everyone knew that having only 2 pvp servers in EU at launch will be a horrendous situation but Blizzard didn’t care. Eventually they increased it to 3 after people kept making threads to make at least 10 so the population would be divided equally. They didn’t care or listen and now what we have on our hands is a bunch of ridicilously overpopulated servers and a bunch of empty servers.

I hate the fact that again, thousands of people warned blizzard about the faction imbalance coming in. Every poll or survey before the release showed that people will gather in one faction on every server and it will be a one-sided zergfest. Blizzard didn’t care, didn’t do anything. Now all we got is servers with 80%-20% population imbalances all over the place and just in a few days we will start seeing QQ posts all over the forums by horde players that their queue times are unbearable.

I hate that a lot of people made posts that layering will be exploited for gathering mats or mobs over and over and it will disrupt the economy. They didn’t care for that (like putting a cd for changing layers, which has been suggested months before and the fix came in after so long that the economy was already screwed.)

I hate the fact that hundreds of posts have been made about gamebreaking add-ons like SPY and it took blizzard 4+ months to even remotely do anything about it. What they did was still not enough and those add-ons are ruining a lot of classes’ fun.

I simply hate the fact that, the best thing for all MMO players in recent years, classic wow, is being ruined because of greedy weaklings and an ignorant company management. All the problems people are going through right now have been foreseen and reported. I hate that we prepared ourselves for classic to experience what we experienced in 2005 and all we got right now is totally a bad caricature, which could be so easily fixed by small fixes.


By the time AQ40 comes they’ll be already 60 on another realm

The Horde can funnel mats through the neutral auction house and temporarily pay a sub fee for a separate alliance account. Problem solved, one dedicated horde guild can open the gates for themselves, not very hard thing to do lol. (They can even funnel the entire guild’s mats to one alliance char)
Alliance thinks they are needed in 2k19-2k20 KEKW

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The same way retail did.

WPVP will cease existence Let’s not pretend this isn’t the same fate the retail version went.

Maybe accelerated in pace sure. But we are all the same people who played this through the first time. Why wouldn’t it be happening faster.

There’s parts here I agree with and disagree with.

The imbalance was inevitable and tbh there’s not a lot blizzard could do without drastic reactions.

You can’t choose a faction for a player, it’s on the playerbase to realistically stop this happening.

The players didn’t care either, if they did more people would have gone alliance for the sake of the server balancements.

To begin with (before you saw reroll sand more) the horde / alliance servers weren’t that imbalanced, if people wanted to save this they could of, they just didn’t want to :stuck_out_tongue:

I do agree on the servers however. Blizzard could have prevented that massively. Also the fact they made these servers so large.

What blizzard coulda done however. Is start faction specific transfers, this would have allowed the alliance to transfer servers without the horde being allowed to follow. Simple solution realistically