Flamelash, the first server to die

I’m aware, although in common parlance today, most people choose to forget that it’s physically impossible! I’m sure it’s not the only saying which doesn’t make too much sense.

But to a degree, the actual meaning still stands in my context, there’s not much one individual can do about faction balance issues etc - but they can at least try, and adopt a better attitude towards the situation.

You can call me the hypocrite all you like, but as you’d see from my other posts, I’m advocating a system whereby queues are placed on factions over 50-55% of the total population, and free transfers given to the underdog servers / factions - REGARDLESS of faction. Horde can move to alliance etc. That would affect me.

Besides, I’m trying to find a more balanced server, say 45-55, where I can reroll on the underdog side.

Youtube: WoW Classic #087 - Visiting Flamelash (EU/PVP) Realm

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I find it weired they closed Ally transfers from Shazzrah, but not from Flamelash. As I don’t think the ratio’s where that much different. But yeah, it totally sucks. I hope you get a way out from Shazzrah man.

That would just kill the servers for real. Say there was a server that had a 9:1 faction ratio and it was near capacity at prime time. With your system it will have a 1:1 faction ratio but only 20% capacity at prime time. That’s just a dead server for both factions. Players would only transfer away from the dead server.

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You should be ashamed for not staying around to make the game better for the opposite side… Not sure if serious or just a typical GD troll.

Also, why even be ashamed for finding a greener pasture? This is a game, in other words something we do for fun. We either do whatever makes the game fun for us or leave because the game isn’t really fun.
Don’t you corpsecamp lowbies, which should for all intents and purposes be something to be ashamed of, because it’s fun for you too?

We are all just making the best of what we have on our hands.


I understand that the GM’s cant fix this. But I really hope something comes that will help you out. You spend lots of time leveling a character to 60 for nothing now, and IMO the situation where you are in is unacceptable. GL!

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To begin with, it doesn’t need to occur at anything over 55%. For extreme cases such as Flamelash, it could be that horde are capped at 70% of the total population. Or some other more suitable percentage depending on the data.

It would begin to exert some pressure for players to migrate from these bloated factions.

LOOOL just logged in and this is the /WHO 60 result: 14 “60s” online!!

http s://ibb.co/LnWfXmj (remove space from “http” and “s” too see the link)


I really doubt that it would work. Players are extremely resilient when it comes to queues. They will complain of course but they won’t move easily. Not even queues several hours long were enough to make players switch servers. People just sat in queue and the ones that could login early would do so every day and then never logout.

In the end you would be improving balance somewhat but angering a lot of players with queues by doing so. You could say that it is the players fault but that won’t solve anything when it comes to customer service.

I find this situation utterly ironic.

The horde acted like butthats because “the game permits it lol” and “it’s not against the rulez lol” and “red is ded lol”… and also, of course “zomg honorz rankz lol!!!”… and they just discovered that it’s not because they can do something that they should abuse it.

This should be a good lesson for those who always say “reroll pve” or “retail is for you”, or similar childish crap… be careful what you wish for, kids.


3:22 pm
imgur /a/6iuRyUb
I just was wondering if it is true, it is actually, so sad to see this happening.

Horde won, why you all act like we lost something?
BG’s coming anyways so pvp is not dead, only world pvp is.
If we want more world pvp, we just reroll world pvp toon on server that has alliance.

Alliance is just so sore for losing whole server. You what happens when all alliance is dead?


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And I’m just sitting here loving the fact the allies ran to another server :smiley:

This is why the Horde win nearly every bg as well, the alliance mentality is run. I loved it.

10/10 would gank the alliance off another server, Flamelash will be merged at some point. So no biggie. We will enjoy uncontested raid entrances for now.

People who get joy out of pushing other players into quitting/leaving a realm are the kind of people, who also require countries to have laws against incest and murder. “If it isn’t against the rules, definitely should do it.”


Wow this is the stupidest thing I have read on these forums ever, lmao. I suppose GTA causes violence too in your mind.

Yup the only stopping me from eating other humans or indulging in incest is those pesky laws. /s.

Its annoying I even have to put /s on that. But I am 100% you would think I meant it.

this how it looks right now.


Totally agree that a queue should exist for whatever faction to maintain I would suggest 52-48 spread at worst. This way there would have been no need of the transfer farce that has materialised. For Flamelash I would like to now see the ability to transfer to a PVE server, as I have no confidence in Blizzards ability to manage this properly (crazy statement when you are pulling in so much cash for this - keep your customers happy! It’s a great game, don’t mess it up with bad administration and lack of forethought).

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Hello kitty, your children got slaughtered by those hordes near IF! Me included D:

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