Flying In New Zones Is Bad

As always, I also want to add, that, as you can see, I’m subbed now and play content with flying. So what? Content with flying may be as enjoyable, as without it. And even more. Due to it’s replayability content with flying can last for much longer, than content without flying. I.e. in content without flying I would burn out within just a month of playing due to annoyance and tediousness of this content. So why would I buy BFA, if I wouldn’t play it?

Let me be that guy, but is it just me or are the sides (currently) looking like this:
Pro-flyers - reasonable arguments and satirizing Nay-flyers.
Nay-Flyers - spouting Tauren poop or covering their ears and yelling “LA LALALA LALALALALA! I DON’T CARE! LALALALALALALALALA!”


edited post



Both sides have good and bad apples.
And unfortunately it always seems the bad apples drive the ‘discussion’ by spouting personal attacks back and forth.

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i have easy solution for you

ride on your damn ground horse

if you hate flying so much

and stop destrying fun for people who enjoy flying.


I was referring to this current thread, but the overall picture is the one I show.
Also, please do give me an actual reasonable argument against flying, other than the usual trifecta:

I really want to hear something other than those, an actual objective argument that doesn’t just lose it’s ground when someone says: “If you do not like it, do not do it. Noone is forcing you to. Focus on yourself and not others.”

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Same but we wount hear it ,its ok for the to stop others having fun thats all they care about .


Dont tell that name without put “SPOILER”
I still have nightmares about it

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I’ll refer to my previous comment:

Point being, flying breaks the immersion for some people while not being able to fly breaks the immersion for other people.
Each want to have their way for their own enjoyment of the game.
Because of that I don’t think there are true objective arguments in favor of either flying or not flying.

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Well we do have the fact that people have paid real life money for mounts that can fly.

Except pro-flyers immersion is not about demanding everyone staying on air so air feels more alive. Pro-flyers are not demanding nay-flayrs to be their living scenery against their will.


The point was gone in WOD when they had to refund 1000’s of players for flase advertisement over the mount they sold and it was flying .
They have since BFA came out brought out another 3 flying mounts from store yet still expect us to wait about for it .
Sick and tired of the “anti flyers” telling me iam lazy and babababbaababababa really gets on my nerves .

Dont want flying go classic in a couple months be stuck in your bubble .

‘‘I can skip more of the content when i can fly’’ fixed.

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And I refer you to my comment:

Everything else is word salad. No point in arguing about it. Don’t force yourself upon others is all I’m saying.


I skip more when being forced to the ground. But reading more than one line isn’t easy.


Personally can’t wait. Done the BfA content on 6, about to be 7, times. Want to walk? Feel free to do so


No, flying would not break old zones like it would the current content.

The world is way too big and way too complicated now, so completely removing flying from all the past zones wouldn’t be a good idea. Locking it behind pathfinder for the last two expansions is good enough.

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Argus isn’t in the current expansion; i am against the people who wants to make current expansion and it’s content irrelevant and skip all the obstacles.

It’s not even remotely similar.

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strangely enough since patch 6.1 the have since designed onwards with flying in mind so your point is moot .

Nobody is we are saying pathfinder is good enough balance but please stop ramming your none flying down our throats or go classic simple .

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