Flying In New Zones Is Bad

Thanks for saying that there can be no objective arguements(!) in such topic. Every comment here is subjective and there can be no objcetive arguement, i don’t know why some people expect objective arguements lmao

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Both sides’ preferences are still affecting the enjoyment of the other side.

And isn’t that basically what’s it all about?
Wanting something because it increases your enjoyment of the game.

I’m actually pro-flying. :slight_smile:
And it’s true that some ‘anti-flyers’ can be very condescending and resort to personal attacks to try to get their way. But the same can be said for ‘pro-flyers’.

I get what you’re saying, but it’s like that with everything in the game. Some people want things that other people don’t like. Technically it is forcing your way onto others, but I don’t believe it is done out of to spite to irritate those that don’t like it. Most of the times at least.


The main thing about classic was the lack of information; not slower leveling, not too long travel times, not the lack of dungeon finder… etc. So classic will not be classic, it can never be. Even if it could be ( hypothetically), i don’t want it.

I think pro-flyers should be asking for more sea zones like Vashjir, instead of flying since it is the absolute 3d experience.

Like anyone here can change how 8.2 will be :joy:

Can you just stop thinking that you know what others want or would like? Seriously :rofl:


That is 2 different things sea zones have the same problems as normal zones on ground mount.
but i personally would be ok with it if i could get my 320% extra movment speed in there.

No, actually it’s me who wants to ahve more Vashjir alike zones but i am guessing pro-flyers should be wanting it more thna me since in such zone you would be like flying all the time. Isn’t it like that???

Nope, not at all.

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Hmmm… probably because swimming doesn’t mean you can skip the content.

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And this is exactly what I mean :sweat_smile: great having a discussion with yourself huh.


I just liked your comment.

Exactly. Expressing one’s opinion does not mean oppressing other peoples freedoms. Trying to silence or shut down opinions that contradict one’s own, however, could be viewed as quite tyrannical.

I disagree that there are no objective arguments, though. There are objective arguments for both sides. Холибулл is very honest about wanting to use flying to make his gaming experience easier, which is definitely something flying does. However, this same argument is used by the other side to belittle pro-flyers, so I can understand why they resent it.

And an objective argument for the non-flyers would be that the developers can take certain liberties with the world design if flying is disabled. Spatial challenges are rendered void if you can simply fly to the reward. We do not see a lot of this in WoW, however. Timeless Isle had some jump puzzles, as did Argus, but it’s fairly rare. The point remains: you can’t have them and flying at the same time.

But otherwise I agree, this whole topic is largely subjective. I lean a lot more towards non-flying, not because I want to oppress someone else but because there are legitimate reasons for not liking flying. I think Blizzards compromise is okay, though I agree that the Pathfinder achievement is cynical.

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Are you honestly saying flying(above ground) and swimming(under water) are the same thing? Have you actually done Vash’jir? It is nothing like being above water. Vash’jir is a great zone, but it has absolutely nothing in comon with flying in ordinary zones.


No, it’s not. It should have been available from the very start of the expansion as soon as you hit 120 by just paying some gold.

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I don’t skip content unless I don’t enjoy it, and flying or not doesn’t change that part at all.

I still don’t hunt treasures, to bring that up. My biggest gripe with WoD pathfinder was the treasure hunt requirement. Sorry, I am not hunting chests. If I pick up a chest it’s because I came across it at random.

I do every single quest I can get my hand on, until I fatigue at it and have to continue later. Did this also when we had flying from “the start”. I love this world, this universe is why I am still here. I can’t get enough of it. The stories you pick up in this game is very catching, and I can’t let go. Please stop telling me I want to fly to skip the content. Just stop!


yes you can have these puzzles with flying at the same time, just put them into caves…
also I would say, they have more freedom with flying in mind, because they can create 3d puzzles if they wanted to… the world doesn’t need to be flat… it can be way more open and at the same time have some good 3d puzzles

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We know you tell us every chance you can :wink:


also something that I have always wondered, since we started to get old god themed stuff again…
there are these titan buildings, which are supposed to be HUGE but they are pretty small lately, because blizzard has to keep in mind, that we can not fly… so if we could fly, they could make multi story titan buildings to explore with brann broncebeard… just like Stormpeaks

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Yes i did Vashjir and it’s one of my favourite zones. Ofc they are not same thing but it felt like flying, but it is not same with flying in ordinary zones since you still get aggro and have to navigate through mazes which means you can’t skip the content.
And also if aerial combat was a thing it would felt like pvping in Vashjir.
Let us hope Blizzard gives us more sea zones.

If you go from A to B like you are teleporting and avoid the nearby mechanics and mobs and mazes, it means you skip the content. There is a Kirin Tor quest that you need to take an object through swimming bubbles; if you just fly to that object with your mount, it doesn’t matter you compelted the quest, you still skipped the content.

They’d better take my Vanish, Sap, Blind, Grappling Hook and Stealth away. I totally use it to skip mobs, mechanics and cheese my way to chests and other things. :smirk: