For gods sake prem vs prem only we are sick of it

go fortnite noob

convert this to premade please. Oh you can’t, premades are too scared to lose against other premades so they gank some grandma mouseclickers PUGs at GY like psychos

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Win or Lose, it’s the game
It looks like Premades never lose here :yawning_face:

Ppl will still que prem vs prem coz its better and organised games
Classic wow is social game after all. Its not solo, offline game u name it
Solo que players will never have more wins even if blizz will do solo vs solo only
Ppl go premades coz its hard to play with randoms, even harder than playing prem vs prem lol
In fact u will have more %winrate in organised pvp even vs prems only than if u play with randoms only coz ppl will juat ignore all ur calls and will go zug zug mid as usual

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do them well to have a VIPremades queue so

Solo-queuers are fine with this, Win or Lose

No PUGs and no Premades gonna win more or less (honor/rep, all you want), a BG can last the same time in each category


I dont think so. Forums is full of these posts about wsg premades :rofl:
All their problems can be fixed in 1 sec. Just find a premade, thats all
Thats why blizz not gonna do this , coz this problem can be fixed by players themself

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Alliance is my “premade” so i solo-queue


yeah baby

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FOR THE ALLIENCE! Rekt ez horde

they gonna be fine with it, Win or Lose
If there are separates queues for PUGs only and Premades only

Why do you force people to group up? Joining solo a BG is joining a group without min-maxing

You premades want to force people… You are not their dads or their moms to force them to do that

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Iam not forcing. If they want play solo que, than play it. But dont complain when they get farmed by organised grp thats the problem of these ppl

Yeah that’s what “PvP” players do so…? What a shame

repeat :cd:


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Yea something like this :sweat_smile:

Yeah that’s what “PvP” players do so…? What a shame

Yeah that’s what “PvP” players do so…? What a shame

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Aragorn from LOTR is a lonewolf so he is a solo-queuer,
you little premades of gobelins ain’t chips

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Unfortunate its a bit late now as that horse had bolted, but the least intrusive solution to this would had been akin to what they set out with pvp ranking per phase, and to tie the faction reputation to them (phase 1 : honoured, 2 : revered and so on)

Majority of players are only going through the grind to fill early gear slots (neck/trinket) and a bit of honour for the cloak

The reward is the satisfaction of defeating a worthy foe :^)

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Yeah this pro-premade-discord are from retail, go take your more rewards in retail

THIS was the real Vanilla spirit

they gank some grandma mouseclickers PUGs at GY like psychos

Why do you put a selfie of a premade player here? is that you?