For gods sake prem vs prem only we are sick of it

Still better looking than you.

in an other point of view:

Why not keep the queues as they are?
Like this solo-queuers can afk/jump and get a mark, and premades can stay in a hell of facing a “no challenge” challenge AFK/JUMPERS FOREVER

:smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

Edit: niark niark niak niark :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

you got no flow, go back to your knitting OLD AUNTIE

To all the AFK/JUMPERS in BG !!! Keep the premades wasting their times !!! They never gonna get some challenge in this game anymore !!!

It should suck.

PvP players need to suffer!

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Bold statements from someone who wouldn’t even get any rewards for english skills :sob: :joy:

Kinda tired of all these premade players, just as an example it is not 1 second to find a premade, sry for playing a rogue that u only need 1 or 2 max (if u need any rly). All the LFG, at least last 3-4 day, was filled with “premade LFM hunter/priest”, cos current meta is 3 hunters and 3 priests, 2 warriors (or war/pal), feral and some filler. U are outside of meta? No luck I guess. But making solo q, nah, why, finding premade is easy, right? And I am not talking about all this gs crap that is happening rn, imaging unequiping PvP trinket to make ur gs above 300, yikes.

But making soloq will make it harder for premades, making farming rep longer and less efficient than soloq (cos skilled premade vs premade can take 1h+ to finish), that’s why all of them defending all this crap. Also, since u advice everyone to join premade, imagine perfect world and everyone joined premade, wouldn’t it be same as adding a separate q for premades, since u will be only facing premades anyway?

Games like this never gonna hapen.No premade will play that long so this is bad example

I just played 1 hour 30 min game yesterday, what are you talking about?
Premades don’t give up.

That’s only you opinion, such games do happen, and I took part in some of them, not all people are gutless and ready to giveup on the first sign of lose for some rep/h crap.

All ur “problems” can be fixed if u join premade

Tired of noobs and afk players? U go prem
Tired of being farmed at gy nonstop evry
solo que? U go premade agan
Tired explainimg evry single move to randoms how to play wsg? U go premade
Tired to see that u got 0 healers agan in solo que? U go premade agan
Tired of unfair games? U also join premade
List can go on
The only reason to play solo que, is to get some free honor emblems while staying afk while looking for prem

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I never seen games 1h+ even when we faced premades. So idk

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So, u deliberately ignored all I have said about being outside of meta. All I can read on forums, day after days is “just join premade”, “just”. But everyone forgets about meta stuff, gs stuff. Also I do not complain noobs and afking people, I dong five a damn thing about them (actually none of the points u talking about I do care). And like what will change if I join a preamade, we will faceroll randoms, woohoo, so much fun.

Like I wanna join a game and PLAY the game, when u playing as a premade vs randoms ur not playing the game, u just rushing to win it. When u play the game as a random vs premade, ur not playing the game u waiting afk at gy for it to finish. But only when u play premade vs premade or pug vs pug, only then u actually have to do something.


What is this argument “never seen one so it doesn’t exist”? sure. My wild guess u let the enemy team or enemy team let u win because it took too long and hurt ur rep/h…

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I saw rogues in premadec too. U just was unlucky. Also not evry premades will invite hunters only, this is crap example. Most premades inv warriors, rets , ferals and some hunters ofc but not only hunters.

All I hear is “crap example”, but real life shows that I played all week, and all premades I saw were 3 hunters and 3 priest and 2 warriors, u not playing such a setup doesn’t mean it is not a meta.

Well was unlucky, nowadays u have to be lucky to play a game, nice one.

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Noone wants play such long games and thats ok. And theres many reasons for this:

  1. its phase 1 low lvl, so u cant get more than rank 3 anyway, evryone hard capped
  2. right now ppl interested in reputation, not hk farm. If hk farm was needed, ppl ofc would play 1h+ games no problem.Even as prem vs prem coz they are rewarded with honor they need anyway.
    3)blizz changed rank pvp system in way that rank 14 gear will obtainbl only in late phases, when Aq 40 comes out which is tooo late. So ppl are now interested only in reputsion farm ofc

Iam sry to say but this is cap. I saw many premades with rogues, ret paladins too . The only reason u get no invite if u have rly low gear score or ur class spot alredy full
Ppl dont need 7 hunters in premade to win games

Vanilla wow was always about luck , its not new. U need to be lucky to get loot, u need to be lucky with crits so u do more dmg in pve/pvp, u need to be lucky to win wsg in solo que etc