For gods sake prem vs prem only we are sick of it

Ah sry for wanting to play BG not only for the sake of achieving some ultimate goal, be it hks/rep or w/e, but for the sake of simply PLAYING the game, just queuing and PvPing to win the game, ah yes such a forbidden thought in this eSport game.

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U can achieve all this , by joining premade too.

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Not really, as I said, most of the time enemy will be afking at GY or as u said, enemy team will quit for the sake of rep/h sooooo… That’s not really playing, that’s rushing to finish ur task list of getting exalted and R3…

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Not rly. Evryone plays wsg as usual, nothing changed. Ppl still can inore sweatlords calls ang go zug zug mid xD

Ofc ppl need exalted reputation , coz it will give them very nice loot for pve/pvp content which is ALSO FUN and PLAY the game

Nothing changed, that’s the WHOLE point of this convo of wanting A CHANGE, so u can simply play against randoms, and not rely on luck to join premade or luck of not encountering premades.

So, when u get exalted what will u do? Will u still play premade WSG?

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Theres nothing to do right now. Ppl alredy got 25 lvl, farmed bfd raids, lvled alts, profesions. The only fun left is to grind exalted reputation after they did asnvele world pvp grind

Nah , i like more open world pvp, after exalted rep farm i will do open world pvp like most ppl xD.
But i like that blizzard gave ppl at lest a reason to play wsgs too and thats ok. Premades can be fun somtimes too

Here is your answer, for u WSG is just a means of achieving something. For me it is a place to have fun and PvP. And I do not have fun afking at GY or farming randoms at GY.

U do understand, that playing instanced PvP such as WSG, IS “something to do” after u cleared all the staff and grinned exalted? There is not always should be a carrot in front of u to play a game.


True. I can go back play wsg even after done with exalted rep farm when for example open world is dead atm. PvP players always find pvp content, it dosnt matter.

Do people play games like Dota, CS, Valorant, OW because there is a reward at the end? No, not really, they are just enjoying the game. That same thought for me applies to WSG, for me it just a place to enjoy the game, and not the means to rush to finish my task list.


After ppl done with pve gear farm they do the same. They play wsg as u said

And in such games’ developers understood, that playing against a premade is not fun, and added so premades have a VERY high chance of playing against premades.

So what is the point of joining premade after u finished farming exalted? Can u explain to me? Just to enjoy farming randoms at GY to feel superior over nothing? or what?

True but difrnt ppl enjoy difrtn kind of playing game style. Somtimes i do solo que, somtimes i do premade, somtimes i do world pvp which i enjoy the most without even being rewarded lol

Some ppl play with premades coz they dont want play with randoms, and have 0 healers xD. Also not only casuals play this game, sweatlords do to but in way they want. Thus is same thing with pve content
Some ppl like casual raiding, some ppl like to play in min max style coz this is their way of fun

And in all of these arguments I see 0 reasoning against adding separate q for premades EXCEPT, that it will hurt minmaxers’ rep/h. U want to be with healers, enjoy other team being with healers too, u want to play as premade enjoy other team being a premade too, simple as that.


And ye, except people won’t be able to feel superior farming randoms… forgot about that one.


Yep thats fun for some ppl too as i said