For gods sake prem vs prem only we are sick of it

No pain no gain

Queuing Warsong just to be exalted after 3weeks of Phase1? With the easy revered Ashenvale farm???
Got enough time to just play here and there as a casual to go exalted untill the lvl 40 exalted bracers be unlocked…

You premades just farm mouseclickers at GY, you don’t deserve the “title” of “PvP player”
honor/rep per hour… this is ball’less, even bots have more balls

This is the truth, i’m all with this !

premade donkeys just chase a carrot (honor/rep per hour), with no charm, no heart, they are BOTS

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Mmmm yesss, this WSG drama is delicious :yum::popcorn:


True we need more of this. Forum is so alive

Its only game y u hef to be med?

Ooooh man…

These Premade princesses with their handbag full of consumables try to dominate the PEOPLE OF AZEROTH in a 20years old game
Grow up, yes it’s a game

These Premade princesses with their handbag full of consumables can dominate in a VIP premade queue against other Premade princesses with their handbag full of consumables

If you’re going to question somebody’s English on a multi-national board then it might help you to know that the word English begins with a capital letter.

Hold my hand - I will take you on a life changing journey through the Gulch of Warsong. We will visit many places, capture many flags, and retire for the evening in Ye Olde Graveyard.

You stomping old grandmas at GY everyday all day you looser

I’m an equal opportunities offender.

You can get to a party with people who share your equality

So why gank people who can’t answer(fight back) everyday all day?

Why are you responding to yourself?

your teletubbie mate is trying to defend you but i think he is lost :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


  • Hokuto no Ken :muscle:


  • James Brown, the KING, father of all your favorite rappers, Mister Please Please Himself

Yeah baby

Lamborgimli is build different :joy:

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He has psichological and mental problems. I hope we can donate some money for his health treatment. :slight_smile:

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Honestly I’m starting to find him quite entertaining.

You breathed too much Forsaken farthead air you old auntie
Try some alliance air
You are too rotten, YOU got mental problems
Nobody is perfect :scream:

Except these premades who “never lose” :nauseated_face:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: