For those who enjoys Dragonflight

I quit WoW at the end of WoD, when I came back for Shadowlands I had fun leveling up but when I got to max I frankly found all the chores and integrated systems to be very overwhelming.

I’m the sort of player who likes to figure things out for themselves but I felt lost in Shadowlands. I looked up what to do and I was immediately demoralised when I saw what could only be described as very long essays on how to do -basic- maintenance on your main. So I made a reddit thread asking for advice on what I should work on first so I could simplify the journey and every answer I got was “just do what you did in BfA and Legion”…but I didn’t play either of those. When I said that I got no response on how to approach the content as someone unfamiliar with the systems those expansions had. So that wasn’t a good start at all.

I still tried to work on my character and even as a person with no job (health issues) I felt it absorbed too much of my time for very little in return. On top of that it felt like the zones were designed to be extremely annoying to navigate on foot.

I have friends who were still approaching the game in a hardcore manner (some in top 100 raiding guilds) and even they agreed that there were too many chores and navigating the zones was unnecessarily difficult. Most ended up quitting after the first tier because all that with raiding on top completely took up what little free time they had. They really hated that in order to raid they had to do an excessive amount of mind numbing chores that amounted to hours that far exceeded the amount of time they spent raiding. In short they quit because most of their time in the game was spent doing things they did not want to do just so they could access what they wanted to do.

Lore is important to me and right away I felt as if Shadowlands didn’t fit in well. Many concepts were very interesting but ended up being very badly executed and honestly feeling half-written.

So I found the game had too many chores, too many systems that were not intuitive to a returning player, the zones were irritating to be in, the lore wasn’t given the care it deserved, and over time most of my friends quit super early in the expansion…I ended up feeling as if I had very little reason to continue playing. So I quit for a second time. I still kept up with the game’s news and lore through third party resources, and felt no regrets over quitting. Shadowlands looked like little other than a mess to me.

I got testing access to Dragonflight and right away I saw huge improvements in the areas that personally drove me to quit in Shadowlands. So now I’m back and I’m having a lot of fun :slight_smile:

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I am looking at your achievements and i can see that you don’t pve, you don’t pvp.
What exactly are you playing this game for? Do you even engage with expansion? With any endgame content? What type of player are you?

After shadowlands everything feels good. No chores. Hit max lvl and start doing dungeons, pvp etc what you like. No need to worry about borrowed powers every week.


It’s just a pointless rant, like hundreds of them around. It would stop if no attention was given. Game is great at current state, i even think it’s best ever ^^

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Being able to play our loved ALTs in the content we LOVE to play is what we always wanted. If you can’t see that and you feel the need to “HAVE TO WORK TO DO” only on your main, than that is you.

I ONLY love playing Arena, and with DF, I am pretty sure I will play Arena on more ALTs then any expansion before.

It is your problem you got this mentality of “feel the need” to have to do something daily, INSTEAD OF actually playing a type of gameplay (M+, Arena, Raiding, BGs, RBGs, Solo Shuffle, transmoging etc.).

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Well I can only provide you with my point of view, but I personally feel like this is the first expansion that doesn’t make everything feel like a chore.

I enjoy being a healer again so that is a big plus. The dragonriding is very enjoyable (though i wish it would also be available in the old zones, old flying feels like riding a slug on valium by comparison), building on that the dragonraces are cool.

Finally the Mythic plus dungeons (albeit barring the hilariously overtuned ones) are keeping me motivated, again i concede thay this would be alot less fun without friends for pushing keys.
So for me personally this is a very enjoyable expansion.

For a demographic process i’ll also list some dislikes:

  • Locking story behind rep is dumb and halts immersion to a complete stop.

  • The new crafting system is cool but Blizzard shot themselves in the foot by not making workorders available cross server. As a result there are slim to none public workorders available as there is no possibility to generate need.

Finally the overtuned Mythic + dungeons (we all know which ones) Making the trash heal by standing in puddles, fine. Making the trash heal by standing in puddles which also damages your melees, bit tedious but handleable. Making ranged trash heal with puddles that damage our melees whilst simultaneously give the trash uninterruptable casts and immunity to knockback to push em out, allowing them to heal absurd amounts by the time they finish the cast? No. This is a bridge too far and whoever came up with that idea at Blizzard should be ritualistically doused with cold soup every half hour.

*Takes a deep breath. * So yeah, take the good with the bad i suppose xD

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Exactly this. Before, Blizzard had this weird mentality that it is more important to have more hours played instead of having fun. And they did that through mindless grinding of artifact power and trough forcing the player to do all types of content in order to be synced (essences, gear, etc).

The truth is that that was not required for a player to pay that montly fee. It was just to let the player somehow free to play his own part of the game. We don’t speak about VALUE of money over time, cause that is not the case in entertainement type.

I can have my fun only playing like 4h per week (but for the moment … i have been playing daily at least 4h per day :slight_smile: ), and still not feeling bad for the montly fee and feel it like a lost.


It’s clear that OP dosen’t care about people opinions (even if HE ask them) but just to prove (to him self?) that DF is bad.


He did the same for the last 2 exp. I admit with BFA and SL the answers were almost all negative so his ideas werent so wrong, but this time i see a more positive vibrations comin from here.


I’m very sure Vinzora is also one of his alts since the points made are almost 100% identical ( Thread with “DF is worse than SL” in the general disscussion ). How are these people still not suspended because all they do is basically enabling degrading other people and their opinions.

Sure, have an opinion but when you personally attack someone for something they do/don’t like is where i draw the line, and that’s exactly what this dude does.

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Littarly that there is nothing mandatory to do, if i dont want to play 3 or 7 days no problem immo that the biggest feature of this expansion.



So as I said, you guys actually like the…No Feature expansion, much like WOD, and…we all know how that turned out.

Lovely! Enjoy it … :slight_smile:

Well a big part of it (for me) is that the general aesthetic of the expansion is more vibrant. The zones are less drab and the talent trees allow for a lot more freedom with how you want your spec to flow. We also have a roadmap of the next 12 months and there is going to be a lot of content being added, which is a nice change from both BfA and SL.

The game just feels better than it did in both BfA and SL. I have to say though, BfA did have a certain charm to its zones and feel, even if the expansion was a little underwhelming.

I like it, gives me something to work toward and look forward to, otherwise i’d have just seen it all already.

It sounds like you enjoy because they removed and not because the few things they added…

You can just play wotlk classic and get that same experience…

Renown 19 to continue story ? Thats insane farming.
Ots easier to see it on youtube…

Except you can’t, because WOTLK doesn’t have M+.

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You don’t HAVE to do that right? Some people, like myself, will eventually get there, and then continue the story.

I honestly don’t feel the same pressure of having to do things like previous expansions. Just change your mind set, if you want to push farming just to continue the storyline, then that’s you who’s taking the decision.

The most successful expansions were the ones where you had lots of things to do, rather then …nothing.

Legion was a huge success almost the entire of the expansion and you had lots and lots of things to do there.

Saying you like the current state of the game, means you also like or liked WOD and if that’s the case, you do not wish WoW to grow, but go deeper and deeper into the mediocricy.

Oh well, at least I have Classic to play!

This post confuses me because, i dont’t know where to place you as a player.

You have 6k achievment points, meaning there’s 18 years of content for you to engage with. 18 years worth of achievments to farm, mounts to collect, transmog to gather, alts to play etc etc. Maybe you have multiple accounts, but if not, set yourself some goals and play the game.

If you’re more competitive, then i don’t understand your angle either. All weve ever really gotten is new dungeons and raids, along with new zones, quests and the associated activities. Thats what youre getting here. The same as we’ve gotten since 2004.

I think youve gotten used to the addition of new systems and borrowed power. Artifact Power, Azerite, Renown and Legendaries. They game is far better without these things, the game is better simple. As to not become a chore, or forced to play.

You are playing an expension with a different design ethic. A better one. The game needed to be changed.

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