For those who enjoys Dragonflight

Enjoy classic :slight_smile: let other people enjoy DF!

You can judge whatever you want, and I still don’t care :slight_smile: .

I think after BFA and SL, it’s good to have something like this. And yes, I think Legion was better, and is the best expansion I ever played. But they turned into BFA and SL, where they took certain things to the extreme.

Actually I’m like on 7k but is not updating.

Anyway, I do not like to pick up flowers and do old content for transmongs and alike just so to add more …achievements points lol. In the last 3 years and a half I’ve been playing mostly Classic.

Achievements means sht. Literally.

Nope. Not a better one but a worst one.

You will see soon enough, no worries.

According to the answers you are far in the minority with this. So what is even the point of trying to pretend like the only opinion that matters is yours?

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Shadowlands release on November 23. On December the 8, we got this info :

On launch day, World of Warcraft: Shadowlands sold 3.7 million copies, breaking the expansion sales records tied by Legion and Cataclysm, and even breaking records worldwide.[25]

Dragonflight released November 28. On January the 3rd, we still don’t have any sale numbers.

And you tell me I am in the minority ?! LOL…

DF sales numbers are likely going to be lower due to the exodus caused by SL.

And there will also be an exodus of players leaving DF.

DF is a very weak expansion. Weak in like…nothing to do. Much like WOD.

As much as I’d like to have more options in terms of PvE than the usual raiding/m+, I think ‘less is more’ applies here.

Grinding multiple systems through tedious chores certainly gives you stuff to do, it just isn’t fun.

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Yeah, read back here, or other forum posts!
Just because you don’t have info about exact player numbers, you can clearly see the vast majority of active players are enjoying DF.

I really like all the things to do in the open world:

  • Sebalian/Wrathion & Cobalt assembly (the assembly both in PvP and PvE is great)
  • Elemental storms & Grand Hunt events (I didn’t like them but my opinion changed)
  • Rares & treasures
  • Trial of wind & elements (weekly)
  • World quests & dailies (twice a week)
  • Fishing daily quests & PvP WQ (this is the 1st expansion I think it is worth using war mode)
  • Farming manuscripts & outfits
  • Fish feast & dragon keep events
  • Weekly Dragon keep WQ & dailies
  • M+ and normal/heroic raiding

So all in all Dragon Flight revived the open world to me. This is the best change to me. I wish there were more:

  • battle pet & profession WQ
  • special chests like those in SL requiring items/levers to unlock
  • WQ like Parasol Peril(SL) or Barrels o’ Fun (Legion)
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Seen pet battle WQs
Tho’ I 've done all the quest including a long chain for a pet, so maybe that unlocked it :thinking:
Not much, in every WQ rotation only one or two petbattle WQ

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So you want something back as choregast? If they wanna give something back let it be the vision things

Thank you for sharing because I have done 1 only 3 weeks ago. I have to research how to unlock more

I hope for less instanced casual content. Raiding/dungeons/Arenas/Battlegrounds are enough. I hope for more stuff to be put into the open world.

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The chain of pet quests start in Valdrakken at the nursery with
Oh Where, Oh Where Can He Be?

Then the World Quests:

Swog the Elder
The Terrible Three
Eye of the Stormling
Two and Two Together
You Have to Start Somewhere
The Oldest Dragonfly
Mini Manafiend Melee
The Grand Master

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oh this is a great expansion hands down. removal of choirs (still have flashback of kothia dailies and chest), no need to unlock/grind inlaid power systems (soulbind, legendaries, shards) so no one feels left behind, no borrowed power making some class/spec inhumanly strong (well, excluding class balancing sometime breaking the class, but it is one variable out). Also, have you every be in chat with someone just unlocked dragon riding and racing? I never heard anyone and feel their eyes just light up and all the joy. My guild started doing raid progressions in heroic last expansion, and we started losing players in sanctum due to korthia grind and shard rng, and even worse in sepulcher due to andruin and lord of dreads. But out of that I still had lots of fun over M+ with ksm in 4 seasons and all in all just learning the dungeons and see myself as a player grow.

I am not here to convince you to say, tbh like other replies said, it is your game, your time and your subscription. I started playing ffxiv when 9.1 came out and I am still playing it on and off, so.whats the fuss? Get some fun thats why we play games

Removal of borrowed powers & chores.

Found myself having a good deal to do outside of WoW, so being able to do other stuff without falling terribly behind and feeling guilty for it while progressing in the raid feels great.

Seems like there is enough content on a weekly basis for most players anyways - daily players might have less to do but eh, it feels healthier overall.
Alts seems a lot more possible now during launch compared to legion, BFA and SL.

If raids, m+/dungeons, WQ and other weekly stuff ain’t enough, then Alts or touching some grass is an option as well.
There is a lot more to life than WoW, and being able to enjoy a healthy balance between WoW and other things in your life without falling behind is awesome


One can enjoy things that aren’t “new”.

People enjoy dragonflight because chores were removed. Removing frustration also breeds enjoyment even if the content isn’t innovative.

People who already love raiding and m+ are happy because they can log in and just that.

All changes establish a good baseline for the future of wow. I have nothing to complain.

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Coming from a guy that states this NEW expansion is lacking of content… all that while he is stating that he plays “classic for the last 3 years”, the already digested, regurgitated, trowup and again regurgitated content from 18 years ago.

I wonder how you spend your time in WotlK, what type of “content” you enjoy repeating over and over again that is missing from a new expansion ?


Leveling up, beside the usually, Dungeons, Raids, Farm, etc .

You see, the leveling in Wotlk is not much different than Vanilla and Vanilla has THE best leveling experience like ever.

In DF you level from 10 to 60 just by afk-ing ( while you wait to enter a dungeon ). The 60 to 70 is THE worst leveling experience i’ve ever played in WoW. I cannot remember any NPCs or say about a zone “Man! That zone is amazing!” . You jump on your dragon, go from point A to point B , voila. Finish quest and repeat. You barely put foot on the ground.

Name me the best 3 moments you had in DF while leveling, LOL. And 3 NPCs you liked. And best 3 Zones! I bet you can’t even tell me the name of all zones without google!

Yup … amazing x-pac! :slight_smile:

As you can see in my posts up, and also in my topic in which I both praise and also cry out for DF’s problems, for me, DF was the first expansion that really made me feel almost like in Vanilla. I have leveled up in 1 week, talking my time, visiting, admiring, ofc reading all quests.

You clearly either didn’t play DF at all, or just zerg it to 70 mindlesly just so you can be “ready to quit”.

The story of the old man sitting on the edge of the cliff; the story of the Taivan dog; the story of the old orc that used to slaughter dragons and now came to visit their home; the story of the painter that lost his touch after he felt in love with his wife; the story of the kids that captured a baby whelp and wanted to feed the whelp but he was too sick to eat; and one of the best and comic quests, the one were you go back in time when you just created your character, also the dimension where all creatures where murlocs :)))

Dude, and trust me, this comes from someone who doesn’t give a damn about the story line, since all I do is Arena, and with all that, DF had so many great stories.

Just to show you that I have loved SL for the first 2 months until I started an ALT and realised how ALT unfriendly the expac is.

So I had my share of negative things about WoW BFA/SL but I’'ve also enjoyed them at the start of the expansion for 3 months, while we are all on the same gearing level. But as soon as I started an ALT, then everything goes nuts.

SO, after sharing this with you, and after Blizzard FIXING almost everygoddamn thing I have militate for, you want me to hate this expansion ?
Maybe it will be ok the first 3 months and then suck, which I doubt it since now ALTs are really friendly gearing, no PvE involvement in PvP, no more 50-60ilvl differences between new alts and current players, no more waiting for 30 mins for a party in LFG …

There’s a saying, when 1 says you are drunk and you should go “home”(classic) it is one thing and you may not belive him/her, but when 95% of this whole topic of yours tells you the same thing, that the xpac feels good, the choores are no more, everyone does what it loves and plays for as long as it feels … and you still share your depression like a fact …