For those who enjoys Dragonflight

Really? You could get legendaries very easy in SL. Doing upgrades were a bit …slow yes, but what mattered was that you needed to have the legendary, no matter the ilvl of it.

If you are ok to do …quests in DF or Dragon Flight, well … then getting that legendary in SL shouldn’t have been a very big…“chore”, right?

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Aaaand we’re done. Insulting starts; you’re going on report and ignore.
I’m so done with people like you on these forums.


Ye again failure to recognise.

No, u most defintly couldnt run around with a base level legendary in S4 and join a +20.

hes just a flamer. he pop up everytime to stir in the turbidity. ignore him.


How …did I insult you? Are you serious?!

You are so lying.

I was there in the first 2 months. Did +15 just fine with my Shaman Resto. You are literally lying at this point. If you got yourself to push keys to +20, then upgrading your Legendary was not an issue at all.


Joining someone elses +20 key.

No im afraid your the liar. Because your simply twisting truths to attempt to validate urself.


You had to do the chores, otherwise u were behind the curve. Full stop. U couldnt match someone elses ilevel who had done the chores if u hadnt.

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Again fighting with people? :smiley: Must be all those others innit?


You again? Another lier. You kept telling me how I don’t even step foot in DF, yet… you were wrong.

Listen, you were SO wrong in BfA and Shadowlands too if you remember…right on this very forums and you told me I was right. You were so anti me and kept telling me that I am wrong and that BfA ( and Shadowlands ) are amazing. Remember, yes? Well, this time is exactly the same.

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tah is the last bastion of civilization “in this wretched hive of scum and villainy”.

He’s asking a question.
I answer.
I get abuse in return.

Yeah; it’s totally me. :thinking:


for you maybe :slight_smile: All I see is arguing with people, I had to block her some time ago also, as its do not block fully had to unblock and check it out. As after so long time my pain has gone .

yes i admitted when im wrong. just stupid ppl never change ideas. But this not take away you are here not to be convinced but just to flame ppl.
Like a doomsayer. uuuhhhhh uhhhhhhh.

ah yes. im not always agree with her (not frequently). But i recognize her a thing that many ppl in the forum never have: “intellectual honesty”.
And stubborness ofc. but this is another thing.


Yeah, your beyond conversation :joy: yoy asked what we liked about DF, then try to fight against opinons.

The chores of the prior 3 expansions had power tied to them, i.e a incentivization for players who intended to be competitive in other game modes.

Saying “oh but u could just have a base level legendary, get the waist legendary and tjen go no further”. Sure, but id boot you out my group the moment i saw u even remotely join a +5 in such mindset.

When the majority do the grind, we percieve it disrespectful if yoy join our group without doing the same grind.

U can say “thats the fault of community perception” and sure it is. But the bar is raised and the requorements are set. Get above the bar, or dont join.

Its fine Im just a lil bit teasing you.
No hard feelings :slight_smile:

Well, I was the same in BfA and Shadowlands … a…doomsayer and I was right.

Why change?

So you haven’t enjoyed the game for the last 6 years at least and you are here whining and whining still. I was right in my initial post, you just want to bring everyone else down to your own miserable level.

It’s a new year, get a new hobby like learning an instrument or language or get a dog or something, leave us in peace.

Hes a troll who joins the start of every expansipn then doomsays it :joy::joy: wouldnt worry too much

yes why change?
This is what is wrong with you. Why change?

Mate, I can barely find the time to keep up with all the stuff I need to do in the game.

If all you can find to do is M+ and WQs, then maybe you just need to step out and explore other areas of the game a little bit more.