For those who enjoys Dragonflight

No! I am here just to sht on DF. In the last 6 years I was playing Classic(s) all of them.

This time I was …fooled by some friends to buy DF. Well , now that I paid for it, leveled up a char to 70 and did some M+s, I can bash it as hard as I can because, it is a very, very bad expansion.


Because DF hasnt (so far) repeated the same mistakes that eventually drove players into the ground in the prior 2 expansions.


Borrowed powers.
Daily chores.

Which were major vocal points of players unhappiness.


Story feels nice.
The islands is fun place to fly around with the fun dragon flying.
Determinist way of getting gear, be it pvp or storms or lfr (yep, solo scrub who has zero interest in even looking at M+)
Hopping into random grind groups and kill rares is fun.
Not need to play every day is amazing!

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As a guy with a new baby, a toddler, an 8 year old, a dog and recently moved into my new house…. This xpac is one of the best for my time. I can do the weekly things anytime, within reason and allows me to do m+ when I’m free in an evening. I’ve yet to play PvP much yet this xpac but that’s always fun, same goes for the raid!!
The overall aesthetics of the new world is really nice, makes flying around enjoyable.
New profession over hall is a mixed bag. I like it, but it’s clunky. Needs work!
New dungeons are :ok_hand: nice to be challenged!

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Depends on what you want to do in this game. All I want is to be able to do Arena, and in DF we have Solo Shuffle which, for me, is what I have always wished for. The only downside of this expac is the long queuest 20-30mins for Solo Shuffle, other then that, all seems to fit my “topology” when it comes to gaming.

BFA was bad in the way that it didn’t had a clear delimitation between PvE and PvP, so you had to do alot of M+ and PvE in order to get gear + essences and legendaries, in order to be able to START doing PvP.

SL was bad for ALTing, and doing the quest over and over and over and over again on all ALTs, it is not fun.

Dragonflight has:

  • Solo Shuffle, fits for my style: “start game, queue for arena for 1-2 hours, then close game”.
  • new profession systems, a big PLUS that gave me vanilla vibes during leveling ,since I didn’t knew what does what etc.
  • really ALT friendly expansion. Gearing a new ALT for PvP takes max 1-2 days since you DING 70.
  • new pvp gearing system that only impacts PvE ilvl and keeps PvP on a more even ground where SKILL is a big factor, rather then 40ilvl differences between starting PvP gear and the max ilvl one.

What I woul love to see is to be able to choose, at 60, if I want to have any quests available. I hate (BIG OCD there) seeing the yellow question mark (uncompleted quests), and redoing ALL story quests feels like a step back from SL. They could have make it so you can level in PvP/PvE and obtain that missing reputation from a system where you choose what to earn rep for (similar to what has been in the past with the tabards etc.).

This is the answer to pretty much any problem (except maybe being in financial trouble).
Just make sure you treat that doggy right! :blush:

I enjoy the PvP of the expansion.

I like that Solo Arena is a thing (there is room for improvement, but it’s a start), that the gear upgrade system is gone for PvP, that WPvP is extremely active, that you get a set from WPvP that is almost as good as the Conquest set and that you can get Conquest from WPvP.

I also like dragon riding as it is a more engaging way to fly for me than conventional flying and I find the zones a 100% improvement over SL.


All in favor muting the thread and put another one on ignore?
Meeting adjourned



i love your democracy.


Being literal I just have to say suggesting that there has been zero new content is a bit silly. I mean we have a new expansion of differing zones involving dragons that we can fly and hundreds of new quests building into a different reward system for differing groups. New talent tree post the last expansion release, profession system, gear, level cap, gear level etc. All I do is take the last expansion and minus that from what we have now and it amounts to more than zero.

As to fun it really is what ever gets your engine running. I wouldn’t play it if I wasn’t getting value for ‘my’ money. So I log, I play, I enjoy myself. What more can I say. I don’t play your game so I have no idea what you are looking for.

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So you are saying that for example in BFA season 3 during azshara you could jump straight into raid? right?
no you couldn’t if you were in a decent guild you know that you were req to farm slot for your neck so your progression is smooth
And then you need to do reputation for rank 3 essence
guess what happend to people that wanted to jump with us straight into raid and they only had rank 1 green essences after 3 weeks of patch being out?
they were ditched…because they didn’t care? they were decent players but they didn’t care
What about the cloak at the end of BFA?
could you just not do it? and then go and clear vissions? or better RAID?
What about shadowlands and leggos?
could you just skiped campaing complete ? and do not pick any soulbinds?
Or even better did you need currency for your leggo? so was it req? yes it was

DF was released with 0 content req
that’s why people love it so much
you lvl up you pick few items from AH craft some items
then jump straight into content PVE/PVP whatever
simple as that


I really enjoy that we can fly from the start, and even though Dragonridig requires effort, it’s fun to do. Much better for the experience than ordinary flying in my case. I always enjoyed flying for the scenery, and dragontiding improves that feeling.

I also really enjoy that there seems to be plenty of world content for those of us who can’t really do proper group content.

Another great thing for me is that the world quests reset less often. That means I actually have a chance to get them done in time, and get the rewards from them that I want.


And how are those bad things? I can do my weekly stuff then raidlog and enjoy other stuff/games, without having to worry about being constantly behind, because I am not farming AP/Korthia

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The theme and the design of the zones, dragon flying is really enjoyable. It being one of the bigger continents they have made. I like the changes to talent trees, M+ scaling to M+20 is a good design option, Raid is well designed aswell, no AP to be grinded, no legendaries that hog up a slot of gear for the rest of the xpac, Professions seem more customizable.

All these things aren’t present in Shadowlands.

You’re having a way to narrow view of the game.

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Casuals, and their worrying that…“they are left behind” /facepalm .

On one hand you keep telling us that you play the game FOR FUN. Next … you are worried and …you don’t want to be left behind …by players who play more then you. Like really?!

I will never understand this mentality. I never ever “cry” if a player achieve more than me, especially if he plays longer than me. That’s … the human nature.

But hey! Keep worrying that you are …left behind, whatever that means! :person_facepalming:

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Yeah I’m a casual raiding mythic and pushing higher M+ (~19-20s atm). Definately a casual that should not worry about being vastly suboptimal. Mhm.


World quests reset twice per week. I do them over two days.
I like doing storms once in a while.
I am still doing LFR and not in a hurry for normal.
Just started mythic. Haven’t done keystone. I run 2 dungeons per day. Sometimes none.
I do gathering and crafting too when I feel like it.
There are also hunts and hunting quests in the plains.
Weekly quests I also do gradually.
Visiting dailies for fishing.
Visiting citadel for quest and keys. If there are people wait for rares.
The siege I do too.
And I don’t do any PvP but still have enough to do without getting fed up with daily monotony.

But if you rush through the entire content frantically and then complain there’s nothing to do, find another game where there will be enough for you to do.

But I also see that OP just feels bad that he bought DF and wants to humiliate and belittle others in order to feel good about himself.

I like the game. And yes, most of the things could be done in sl, bfa, legion, wod, but, hey, this entire game has been the same over the past 18 years and people still play it. Go figure.

Find another game.

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Then why are you crying that you are afraid to be left behind?! I mean really ?


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Too me it usually falls to class design and playstyle above anything else.
It is in fact the main reason why MoP is hands down my favorite expansion playing this frost mage right here.
In the last few expansions i also mained this mage but it was not enjoyable.

In DF, i decided to roll rogue playing outlaw
I did it completely blind without any research about the spec and i’m having a blast playing it.

So yea, class design is number 1 reason for me.