[Forsaken-RP] Corpsegrin Irregulars 💀

The Irregulars are currently in Northern Stranglethorn, helping their Horde allies to fight back against the Skullsplitters and the Bloodscalps after a recent attack on Grom’gol. Following a successful evening of troll-slaying, they found that the very same headhunters they killed had risen from the dead overnight, resurrected by an unholy imitation of Zanzil’s infamous elixir.

They’re now working with a veteran of the Darkspear to track down the copycat potionmaster and pay them a timely visit.


After dealing with the Gurubashi Witch Doctor and his undead minions, the Irregulars are currently enjoying some R&R on the beach outside of Grom’gol Base Camp. We will be back in Lordaeron soon. Before we get botflies at least.


Beach episode?

Beach episode.



The Irregulars clashed with Gilneas’ Northgate Rangers last night at the side of Lordamere Lake, and have come to a consensus that fur is back in fashion.





The fires of old grievances were stoked last night when the Northgate Rangers found, in their eyes, the Corpsegrin Irregulars pilfering through the belongings of dead Gilnean prospectors. The Battle of the Burning Cottage followed and left neither side truly victorious or defeated.

We will meet again in the forests of Lordaeron. If you’re a Forsaken and want to experience future encounters like this first hand, you MUST join the Corpsegrin Irregulars


An absolute pleasure to fight these guys yesterday. I’m not quite sure where my evening went as the hours flew by!


The Irregulars currently find themselves in the ruined city of Eredath on Argus. In the company of unlikely allies, they seek to strike a blow against the Shadowguard Ethereals and take the void artifacts they have been gathering for themselves the good of Azeroth and all her peoples. Will our intrepid heroes ever make it back to Azeroth? Watch this space.


We have indeed set up camp at the Praetorium with the rest of the dubious motley plotting the Shadowguard heist, which will no doubt go down in history once we escape from space. Trust.




I had the pleasure to roleplay with a number of this guild during the Shadowguard Heist campaign on Argus.

A joy to roleplay with and DM for!


Absolutely brilliant guild, full of amazing writers and RPers alike! Absolute blast to RP with in the Shadowguard Heist campaign, I only regret I didn’t RP with them more!

A good Forsaken bunch!


The Shadowguard Heist has concluded (totally went off without a hitch and we totally didn’t end up fleeing Argus as fast as we could). Thanks to the Starfallen, the Cursekeeper Association and all the individual participants who were on campaign with us, you were all great company.

Now however, the Irregulars find themselves in Outland. Time to go home? Not quite yet!


These guys have been a real pleasure to interact with during the campaign. They might look dead inside (and outside), but they’re a lively bunch, I promise!

Hopefully there will be more opportunities to interact in the future!


Our intrepid thieves have returned from their interplanetary capers on Argus, having extracted an abundance of Void artifacts which may or may not be highly corruptive and dangerous.

Thank you to everyone whose company we shared during this great little campaign! I hope we get to inflict the Irregulars upon you again in the future.


After our trip to Argus and a short stay in Outland, we are once again back home in Tarren Mill. There are rumblings however, that the past walks Lordaeron once more. Probably just your run of the mill hauntings though and not a sign that something troubling is afoot. Anyway, we should probably investigate


Sent to investigate a ‘haunting’ in Ambermill, the Irregulars discovered that the strange spectres of the past occupying the town were not ghosts, but a mass emanation of Radiant Echoes.

While exploring this strange phenomenon they accidentally antagonised the Lieutenant’s mother, started a tavern brawl, and relived the memory of a battle with the Scourge before the echoes dispersed.


Haish. Any place for a returning player? I hate uniform and everything is formal.
I am not playing for 8 or so years, so feel a bit rusty.

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Absolutely! Get in touch in game or through Discord and let’s chat :pray:

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Rotwild here on my NPC/prism jockey rogue.

As the past walks Lordaeron once more in the shape of strange spectral figures, the Irregulars have been keeping busy trying to cull these. We still are not entirely sure what they are and why they are happening, but the Forsaken are no strangers to hauntings, so we are confident that everything will be fine.

We will see out this week of RP and then we will go on break until September 9th to allow for our members to get stuck in with the new expansion. See you on the other side, Argent Dawn denizens.


New expansion, new rp.
You won’t regret joining them in their coming adventures, if you are a Forsaken.


Aaaand we are back! Last night the Irregulars ventured into the ruined kingdom of Alterac to aprehend a former death stalker turned doomsday preacher. We found him in Strahnbrad where he was initially cooperative, but the mood turned sour when one of the Irregulars tried to hit him in the head with a hammer from behind while the others were talking to him.

Turns out our rogue doomsday preacher was a K’thir all along. Who would have thought

The K’thir was disposed of with extreme prejudice and the hunt continues for any of its would be associates. Next stop: The Eastern Plaguelands.

In OOC news, we have received a lot of attention from potential Irregulars since the beginning of The War Within. We are super happy with this, but to make sure that all new recruits are given a proper chance to settle in and get to know the rest of the Irregulars, recruitment will be closed until further notice.