I kinda wanna laugh and cry now Daestra…
think of the coffee gif
Better laugh, it’s quite healthy for the mind and the body.
As others have mentioned, this is just not possible due to the failure to inform us of what we said or did that was concluded to be against the CoC
I have been suspended from the forums several times and have never been informed of the reason outside of the generic copy/paste ‘you have been reported for trolling’ for example, but with no actual evidence of me breaking the CoC
I always appeal and ask for clarification of what I said, only to receive another generic reply saying something along the lines of ‘we investigated and are upholding the suspension’
If you never inform us, even after we ask multiple times, how is anyone supposed to learn from their mistakes
Threads that discuss political views have no place in a forum that’s here to discuss matters relating to WoW.
Why sorry ? I’m not speaking about those that can discuss a controversial topic in a civil and mature way, I’m talking about that minority that are unable to express themselves without resorting to insults and profanities and are just out to cause as much distress and mayhem as possible.
As this is a forum dedicated to WoW only topics then there should’nt be any non WoW related threads here.
Of course you’re allowed to post your opinions, but if you feel the need to also insult and make derogatory comments about a poster you disagree with then you’re a fool and don’t deserve to be allowed to post.
The majority of the forum community can be trusted, it’s the minority of morons and idiots that drag the quality of discussions down to sewer level. and it’s this minority that needs to be got rid of.
We need these forums and we need the freedom to air our views, no matter how unpalatable they may be to someone, and that someone needs to be able to answer it argue their point, BUT, in a civil way that doesn’t degrade into personal insults and threats.
I’m not knocking the moderation team in any way, I think they do a very difficult job in very difficult circumstances and they do it as well as I think they can and I believe we should be aiding them as much as possible by flagging any posts we deem to have broken the CoC.
#CancelCulture on a video game forum? No thanks.
I felt for you last night when you tried atleast 8 times to say how words can mean 2 different things and that poster was nothing but rude to you and the other 2 in the thread .
I did try and help you but it is like speaking to a break wall with them.
Also i hope i have’nt derailed your thread in anyway if so i offer you an apology .
That’s right, and thus all posts and threads unrelated to WoW should be deleted. Especially the controversial topics.
Blizzard should start banning everyone who creates a topic that is sensitive and controversial. It’d make these forums a much better place.
what i d like to see is something like a warning system. like 2-3, or maybe one strike, and you get a penalty. sometimes you arent aware you are trolling or something like that, just because others might perceive it that way.
i got once a post edited with the message along the lines hey thats not okey to use word x, make sure to not do that anymore.
and i didnt.
that was miles upon miles more helpful than what i have gotten now.
blizzard wants us to learn but doesnt want to help improve the situation. you learn from your mistakes. (well, most people do) nobody is perfect, i get that but how the system is right now its kind of unacceptable imo.
not sure if blizzard is prepared to take that step but since the game/forum is 12+ i d love to see them take an educational route well.
lets imagine a 13 year old got silenced and given the reason as to why he got the silence is because its against the ToU/S. thats not helping anyone.
They wont. They dont care. As evidenced by the removal of freedom of speech by threads being locked if someone speaks out against forum regulation.
You appear to be ignorant of the forum rules for this forum, it’s for WoW related topics, if you want to make a thread about something else there’s plenty of other online places you can do it.
This isn’t a general topic forum, it’s a general discussion for all things WoW related.
And so far most of what you’ve posted in this thread is just plain stupid
You appear to be confused, or haven’t understood what I wrote. I literally said that there should be no non-WoW topics here, especially any of the controversial nature, and yet you write as if I’m actually stating otherwise.
Learn to read, or you might create pointless negativity somewhere.
I’ve been in these forums for far longer than you. I’m well aware of how they work.
How about a vodka gif??
Irish coffee gif
Thinking more about tequila atm tbh
Will bump this with the team
Absolutely it’s preferred that posters have a clear message of why they’ve been actioned.
Thanks alot, it really helps everyone if they know why they were banned. Also would save some un-needed tickets
You also said this which is stupid, it’s not the creators of the threads that are at fault but some of the respondents that need to be punished.
I also apologise for misreading the other part of your post (I have vision problems)
especially when they wouldnt close them without giving me the chance to reply or reopen. i ll see myself out, thanks.
You think you’re one of the few that has sensible rational discussions while asking for lifetime game bans for forum posts?