Forum Behaviour

Thank you for your time in this thread and if i came over as harsh and blunt i am sorry i just want whats right even if it means taking a ban myself for it .
The flag system needs a look at and the TL system as some will never get it due to being wrongly flagged because some people do not like them . It must be a challenge to mod these forums but it needs in my view a complete overhaul .

Everyone should have started with TL3 but that’s going off in another direction . Thats me done for the thread tbh thank you for the time .


Where did I make that claim ?

I also have said that the majority (that means most and not 'the few) of posters can have a sensible discussion and it’s ‘the few’ that are guilty of trolling and other negative behaviour.

As for a game ban for the most extreme offenders, obviously the current punishments aren’t enough of a deterrent and that (a game ban) is really the only thing left.

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thing is, the tl stuff is completely black and white. it takes months and a lot of time to grind for tl3. you could be behaving well all year long but once you allow yourself one tiny mishap or anything like that, its gone and you have to regrind it. its not like we re all tiny little perfect robots. :woman_shrugging:

edit: what i wanted to say i guess is that i understand that tl3 is a privilege but if you consider what it takes to get it and how fast you can lose it…its just unbalanced.


That you’re one of the few rational people?
uh… obviously you think that about yourself. Nobody think they’re irrational. It’s not something you had to say.

I am :innocent: won’t tell you how long I’ve had tl3 lol


Lets not attack a poster okay just there views and please dont turn it into a flame war and get the thread locked just be polite or move on dont make it personal.

Yep. I’ve lost the power to do good by linking pictures and direct links for others because of a brief moment of weakness I had. It’d be better if instead of an outright removal of TL3 one would get a warning that after one or two more bans they’d get the TL3 removed from them.

fine, not all of us are then. :stuck_out_tongue: happy accidents do happen from time to time i guess.


they do happen from time to time .

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Why can’t I flag a moderator! Blizzard bias!

(its a joke)

Thankyou for telling me what I think of myself, I feel that a huge gap in my life has now been filled.

In reality I can be remarkably irrational, one thing I don’t do is make sweeping generalised assumptions about other people, especially people I don’t know.

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You want people to get banned in-game, for saying something you disagree with on the forums? Logic.

Forums and game should be handled differently, and permanent ban is rarely if ever the correct response. Admittingly, I only started visiting these forums in april, but I have not noticed whatever it is you’re talking about.

This is a big problem - it’s not only that people get flagged because others don’t like them, they also get flagged if people disagree with what they say. It’s not like the thumbs down in the old forum.

I also agree it’s a huge undertaking to get back to TL3 after one minor mis-speak. The problem is, as others have said, that they must have an incredible number of posts to moderate and therefore probably don’t have the time to see if it’s a small slip-up from a normally good poster or a slip up from someone who does nothing but disrupt the forum.
I wish there was a way to explain why I report a post like the box in the old forum. The tick-boxes don’t give any sign of the severity of the infraction being reported.


You want people to get banned in-game, for saying something you disagree with on the forums? Logic.

Forums and game should be handled differently, and permanent ban is rarely if ever the correct response. Admittingly, I only started visiting these forums in april, but I have not noticed whatever it is you’re talking about.


i run out of likes but :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


This would be a massive improvement too, it might help the moderation team weed out malicious flags as well!


The new forum system is really bad, One of the worst I’ve ever seen. Players shouldn’t feel scared to voice their opinion on something within the rules of the forums because others don’t like it.

Anyone caught abusing the flag system to hide someones post when it’s just an opinion of theirs should be punished for it, if it’s obvious they are doing it.

For example it’s probably risky atm to state that you like the idea of covenants because it’s not the most popular opinion. What’s worse is this has transfered into the actual game, Where the report system auto bans people and constantly gets abused. Players are being punished from Blizzards cheapness/laziness to moderate properly.

I remember being banned from a mod during late tbc for making a “they took our jobs” south park meme when Shaman lost all of it’s unique buffs. I said something like “These people from the future showed up and took our jobs!” (talking about dk) It was just a bit of fun out of something most Shamans disagreed with. Guess the mod didn’t have a sense of humor.

I also got my post deleted that reported that there was two Harrisons in my Garrison, I found it quite amusing that it ryhmed and joked about how it ruined my immersion because “how can you have two harrisons in your garrison?” So yeah Blizzard mods can do better too imo. Having fun isn’t always trolling. You can’t report a bug or an opinion in a fun way?

my silence got revoked as it was a mods mistake. they ve even given me a pet for the inconvenience, which is super nice and im greatful for it, but i still lost my tl3 because of that. :frowning: i really hope they can restore it, waiting for a ticket response currently.

i always try to play by the rules and its kind of sad that its gone because of something like this. cant imagine what its like for other people who lose it because they get targetted by someone/some people.

imo the requirements for tl3 and how fast you can lose it although you are usually a decent poster is disproportionate.

stuff happens and im not mad about it we re all human but just sucks that trust levels are dependant on it.


lol wishful thinking, but I have to commend the moderation team on their optimism and faith in this community.

From what I’ve seen, while there are a few toxic posters, a game ban is quite severe of a punishment, especially a permanent one. Removing their voice from the forum is enough, because their behaviour may be completely different in game.

Unfortunately this is true.

The flagging system is not an improvement over the dislike. With dislike you know how many people did not like. The flag system is more obscure.

I think the best if Blizzard removed like, and hiding flagged posts.