There is just one major problem with throwing perma bans and all that.
Some people are in all truths just snowflakes and take offence to anything and everything and are reporting people for whatever ridiculous reasons.
There indeed is a small minority that does this and then there is the small minority that does require harsher punishments.
But whilst there is a degree of freedom of speech it should not be a bannable bein vocal and having a oppinions, only actually hatespeech and actual threats towards someone irl should be the ones that warrant a harsh punisment and ofc P**o comments.
I have bein flagged here on multiple occations for my oppinions which none were rasist, threats not targeting single people, even once flagged and banned for saying that Alliance is a toxic cancerous side, which it was, but someone flagged it and ban was given. (saying this even thou some snowflake might take offence again)
I was flagged and reported ingame for my Druids name and given game and forum ban for it, for absolutely no reason, I contacted Blizzard and got an answer admitting the name and why I made it was not wrong and specially the reasons as to why, but since there will always be those who take offence, they did it.
Now I understand people fkin up your posts may annoy and piss you off considerably but thats what trolls do, they want to piss you off and make you lose your temper and get YOU banned.
But you know, ignore is a good way to fight this, if someone is pathethic and tries to piss you off, ignore them, it pisses them off more, its really that simple.
Flagging someone should be the last means if someone really is that stupid that they continue, or make irl threats, talk about P**o stuff.
Politics and irl things will always be a topic that will pop up, Blizzard themselves is encouraging this by making trans, gay characters and making it a too special thing, whilst I have no problem with such characters bein in game, some do and they will bring the subject out over and over and over again.
But as long as its in the game and speechs is allowed, there has to be the right to speak.
Or would you prefer the forums would be like N-Korea and all speech was restricted and oppinions werent allowed?
We do not yet live in a fasist world, lets not make it happen and lets give everyone the right to speak ok.