Forum Behaviour

There is just one major problem with throwing perma bans and all that.

Some people are in all truths just snowflakes and take offence to anything and everything and are reporting people for whatever ridiculous reasons.

There indeed is a small minority that does this and then there is the small minority that does require harsher punishments.

But whilst there is a degree of freedom of speech it should not be a bannable bein vocal and having a oppinions, only actually hatespeech and actual threats towards someone irl should be the ones that warrant a harsh punisment and ofc P**o comments.

I have bein flagged here on multiple occations for my oppinions which none were rasist, threats not targeting single people, even once flagged and banned for saying that Alliance is a toxic cancerous side, which it was, but someone flagged it and ban was given. (saying this even thou some snowflake might take offence again)

I was flagged and reported ingame for my Druids name and given game and forum ban for it, for absolutely no reason, I contacted Blizzard and got an answer admitting the name and why I made it was not wrong and specially the reasons as to why, but since there will always be those who take offence, they did it.

Now I understand people fkin up your posts may annoy and piss you off considerably but thats what trolls do, they want to piss you off and make you lose your temper and get YOU banned.

But you know, ignore is a good way to fight this, if someone is pathethic and tries to piss you off, ignore them, it pisses them off more, its really that simple.

Flagging someone should be the last means if someone really is that stupid that they continue, or make irl threats, talk about P**o stuff.

Politics and irl things will always be a topic that will pop up, Blizzard themselves is encouraging this by making trans, gay characters and making it a too special thing, whilst I have no problem with such characters bein in game, some do and they will bring the subject out over and over and over again.

But as long as its in the game and speechs is allowed, there has to be the right to speak.

Or would you prefer the forums would be like N-Korea and all speech was restricted and oppinions werent allowed?

We do not yet live in a fasist world, lets not make it happen and lets give everyone the right to speak ok.

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I proposed the game ban as an absolute last resort.

I also fully support anyoneā€™s right to be heard, regardless of how distasteful or unpleasant the opinions are to me (note, itā€™s perfectly possible to express any opinion without resorting to profanities, threats and suchlike).

But if someone is constantly being abusive and threatening and continuing to do so even after getting forum bans then what other punishment is there ?

Like a few others here youā€™ve totally misunderstood what Iā€™m saying, please go back and see what Iā€™ve said because Iā€™m getting fed up with repeating it.

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This is why what we really need is some more hands on (visible) moderation so those few can be taken note of and dealt with accordingly.

Bagdawg, can I also suggest this would be a good place for a moderator to come along and say ā€œwalk away its not worth itā€ :wink: some people will just push and push until they can get you to say something flaggable I suspectā€¦


Where have I used bad language ?

Where have I insulted anyone ?

Where have I said anyone should be banned for expressing an opinion ? (BTW, you saying I have said that is the lie)

If this makes you angry then perhaps you should step back and reconsider your attitudes and approach.

Or should we all tippy toe around you and ā€˜not mentionā€¦ (things)ā€™ because you donā€™t like them ?

Sorry but thatā€™s not going to happen and if it makes you lose your rag then thatā€™s your issue that you need to deal with.


My god the passive-aggressiveness and condescension oozing from this guy is unreal. :rofl: Iā€™ve been lurking on here waiting for someone to call you out on it but I guess itā€™s up to me.

It has to be a weekend troll, surely, when you contradict yourself like this:

Hiding behind a clean, reasonable attitude and calling for naming and shaming/banning in the very same post.

Yeahā€¦I see you ā€œKarenā€.

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Not sure if serious

Well, the moderators have obviously seen this thread as weā€™ve had several blue posts here and I should imagine that theyā€™re ā€˜keeping an eye on itā€™ as the potential for naughtyness on this thread is fairly high.

Iā€™ve been using online forums for over a decade and have a pretty good idea of what to say and what not to say.

Iā€™ve dealt with far worse trolling than weā€™ve seen here without suffering a warning or a ban.

I will thank you for your advice as itā€™s most appreciated and welcome.

Not sure of you even understand what Iā€™m saying.


It sounds like you just want everyone who shares

banned, but have not actually specified what you mean, like if a rogue brings up that gloomblade is the best sub rogue build, which it is, then they should be banned from the game?

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Like responding to someone that replies to you is apparently harassment according to some posters here, lmfao. Like, if they donā€™t want me to respond, why even reply to me in the first place?

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Go read my posts here, I have explained what I meant and not going to do it again. If you canā€™t be bothered to scroll up and look then please feel free to carry on posting ignorant comment.

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Thatā€™s not what he is saying at all, he is saying that expressing controversial opinions in a decent way is :+1: but being offensive whilst expressing that opinion is :-1:

However the actual topic isnā€™t about controversial topics at all but about a small minority of posters who regularly derail and cause arguments on threads for no other reason thab to troll the forums. He isnā€™t saying they should be insta banned either but as a last resort perma banned after many many actions and chances.

I can see his point, its over 18 months since the new moderation system on the new forum and you can still see the same few people doing the same thing over and over. Some rules that say they are instant perma bans are broken but that person does not receive a perma ban.

Iā€™m not actually in agreement of perma bans but I do feel there are a few posters in need of a good long (maybe 3 or 6 months) time out from the forums and if they come back on a second account that second account should be banned for double the length of time.

Have a controversial opinion but express it in a socially acceptable way and be decent to people giving you criticism of it :woman_shrugging:


but rogues are degenerates, how can you expect them to discuss things in a socially acceptable way when they reject society and its rules?

This seems more unfair on them, along with warlocks and death knights, i mean we canā€™t really make a convesation without bringing up disease, so should be all be banned?

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i agree with this problem not only because there flagging people post as it true and being honest but these flagging people are taking even the smallest tiny report way to serious like etc:
the shoulders on the orc and magā€™har to me are slanted back more when upright also there pushed out halfway they prob will flag me for that which its only a minor defect that can be sorted easy.

this mmo is a great game but like all great games they have minor defects on players and etc like i said about the orcs shoulders standing up there slanted back and halfway out and there is plenty more problems bu the biggest problem in game atm is these multi botsā€¦

these multi bots are a pain in the backside now as when your trying to quest or do a daily you canā€™t cause they pull everything which makes it impossible to the daily/ quest

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No matter how you express your opinion on a sensitively controversial topic, youā€™ll end up being disliked anyway. So whatā€™s the point of giving such an opinion? Didnā€™t do me much good.

Besides, some opinions, no matter how politely said, still should be kept private, especially when it comes to stuff like sexuality or religion.

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Are you just mad because warlocks are OP in 2s right now?

[Laughs in summon infernal]

This statement is what is wrong with society, people are trying to squelch things that they do not want to hear, if you dislike something then it is better that people know where they stand rather than letting people think that you are ok with everything.

This is how established organisations get away with breaking the rules, because people are being pushed to not talk about what they do, for example if a practice is barbaric religious or not then it should come under the same scrutiny, not just ignored because ā€œits religion so its okā€

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Thatā€™s not gonna happen. If you donā€™t have the right opinion you will get plastered with reports and slander, even if you keep it civil.

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Agree, I think head straight for outright forum bans is a bit too sharp.

Iā€™d look at it like this: if someone keeps derailing a topic or generally not adding anything (they are being repeatedly personal with other posters and not forwarding the discussion) then they can be kicked out of the topic, which removes their ability to post on that topic furthermore.

If someone gets strings of being kicked out of topics, forum ban. Depending on the topics in question it can be longer or shorter. For example if itā€™s simply theyā€™ve been derailing whilst getting a bit angry, give them a month or two. If itā€™s that they keep posting in topics re: diversity for example and keep bringing up stuff in violation of the CoC and repeatedly parroting the same offensive rhetoric, give them a longer ban.

One thing iā€™d like to review regarding the forum moderation as well is how reports on posts are handled. Unless the post in question is a violation of CoC, i donā€™t think it should be ā€œhiddenā€ or removed by forum blues. If a post gets a lot of reports in a topic and itā€™s not a violation, it should flag it with the topic creator and they get an option to hide it or not. When this happens (they hide it) a notification goes to blues so they can track it happening.

I for one am a bit tired of debating people who may stand on opposite views to me, but weā€™re having a somewhat civil discussion and itā€™s heading somewhere, and then they get cagey and disengage because other posters are spam reporting their posts simply because they disagree with what theyā€™re saying.

Youā€™ll never get meaningful debate going if you are too quick to jump to hiding posts. This should only be done where thereā€™s a CoC violation or the topic creator deems it worth removing from their topic.

If this ends up with a situation where the topic creator appears to be rubber stamping all reports to hide dissenting views (which the blues can track and review as said earlier), then lock the topic.

I know iā€™ve butted heads with some here particularly in the topics re: stuff like Pelagos and Blood Elf customisations but unless they are being unnecessarily personal or unpleasant I donā€™t think thereā€™s a good reason to hide their views and choke the debate from happening. Someoneā€™s view being unpopular is not a good reason to remove it from discussion unless they are advancing it in a way that is counterproductive to discussion (e.g. spewing insults, personally attacking others posters)

If people ridicule and belittle my beliefs and faith, then thatā€™s not ok. And thatā€™s exactly what the majority of people discussing religion do.

So yeah, some opinions should be kept private, because all they do is create conflict and bad energy.

Well unfortunately you are probably correct, we have had conversation recently where I donā€™t agree with your opinion, however I didnā€™t report you I just criticised your view and you criticised mine. That was a discussion. I am aware someone was mass flagging you though and that was wrong! All the more reason for hands on moderation really wouldnā€™t you agree?

That could be a really good way forward actually!

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