[Forum Guide] How to clean up the Realm Forums 🙂

Easily decimates a whole army of several thousands with epic flier rp’ers at my side
Yeh, I’m the hero of this rp-pvp, see how many npc’s I killed

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My favourite one is, and I quote.
“Don’t (profanity - snip) Teleport to come and 
right, you know Borean and 
look, Northrend, its a continent”

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I was actually serving my country. Whoops. Should have joined the event instead, lol.

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Oh dear. Did I put some noses out of joint? Who could ever have foreseen such an eventuality. I had forgotten to add hypocrisy to my list of things I am not keen on, so lets add that and see what people whose posts I can’t see make of that. Jolly Wheeze this eh?

Hulloo! You were never actually unpleasant, like all of the Red Venturers I think, so I can see this. Sadly, whilst you are correct in who and what I refer to, that is not quite what was said, the Democratically Elected Leader of the PCU literally referred to said person, a person better known by the name of a character who can, hmm, Bind Storms shall we say, rather famed for griefing events, over a long span of time, as “My Attack Dog” and “Isn’t it better that I have him on a leash, rather than setting him loose?”

Pretty sure any right minded Roleplayer on the realm would be somewhat dismayed at the idea that an otherwise (at the time) upstanding member of the community would harbour such an element, and even worse use them as some sort of implied threat, that they -could- unleash said Binder of Storms on other people’s events, should they choose to do so.

One can say that one can judge a person by the company they keep. In the case of the leader of the PCU (and by trickle down association, members of that fan club) this means a person who actually made jokes about a friend of mine whose death was reported in regional news, as the victim of a hit and run. The Leader of the PCU was fully aware of this, as I stated to him directly that I found said person’s joke well out of line, and yet here we are, with him bleating about Doxxing, whilst finding his attack dog 's activities to be some sort of foible?

A guy was killed IRL and it is OK for it to be joked about, because someone ‘has them on a leash’

Yeah. That was the point that really soured me on that ‘Community’

I have no problem having civil discourse with anyone who was not part of the crony club at that time, such as yourself. But I can only -imagine- the howlings of indignation on the other side of this wall of silence

Sorry umay i think he just singlehandedly dashed your defense.

Emphasis on think because i haven’t read more than the 1st paragraph and that was a slog already


What did Brigante mean by?


That’s based


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I’m not going to lie, this former griefer, this binder of storms, has put forth higher quality of RP than I ever witnessed being in Solar Birds of Prey. And he didn’t even write any events about children being tortured.


I’d say that there was no need to do that though - I know she didn’t do it on a prohibited platform, but it’s still naming and shaming. She’d already explained the pasta sauce references, she didn’t then need to identify the culprit.

BUT, on the other hand, I’ll happily withdraw my “why can’t we all just get along” argument, and offer an added apology, on the grounds of - I don’t know enough to comment. I’ve been responding entirely to things I’ve seen on the forums, and have no knowledge of any in-game shenanigans. I guess if I was trying to say anything, it’s that the forums are ultimately a game of he-said she-said, so maybe it’s better to abstain from saying anything at all.

Very hard to do, though, if you’re under constant attack, especially when those people are anonymously sabotaging you IC as well as OOC.

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Which is why It’s good to immediately have screens to back up your claims. Something that these people seem to lack + seem to develop an amnesia towards posting when it’s mentioned.


Well, that’s the thing - in the last PCU hate thread, over a thousand posts passed without a single person being able to provide even one scrap of tangible evidence proving any wrong-doing, IC or OOC, on the part of the PCU. The dox’ing blog that got linked was, from the brief skim I gave of it, nothing but malicious misrepresentation and/ or outright fabrication, based on taking sarcasm wildly out of context amongst other things.

I think if the general RP populace had any objection to the PCU, it would be - like me in this thread - based on perceptions formed from forum posting habits. As a final word before showing myself out - I’ve been in situations IRL where I’ve been unjustly attacked for things I hadn’t done, and the injustice of it does compel you to defend yourself, to offer your side of the story as a counterpoint. BUT, that one PCU hate thread was all I needed to be convinced of the community’s virtues - it demonstrated beyond any reasonable doubt that the hate and vitriol was unjustified, and the spiteful product of bad faith actors.

Maybe that’s re-assuring, I don’t know.


Super late response, but feels like this is kinda the equivelent of muting/ignoring someone ingame then still sending them taunting whispers for the sake of pettiness.


I have plenty of things I, personally, could say (with examples), but the fact is that it’s not constructive to do so. People should form their own opinions and not solely rely on what’s said on the forums, and paggro sniping /trying to convince other people that X group is bad simply does nothing for the server.


whoa hey im super late but this is a bassed post thanks king

also concerning the weird aggression about blocking others just because you don’t like them, i think that’s kinda stupid to say? First things first, the option to block/ignore/mute is everywhere and i have no doubt that all of you complaining about this post have used those features to ignore people you don’t like/don’t agree with, it’s there for the sake of improving your own enjoyment. the forums aren’t made for arguments, the forums are made for discussions (and at this point advertisements), if you don’t like the person you fell into a discussion with or would rather not see what they say because it makes you angry/upset/uncomfortable you’re well within your right to ignore/block/mute them


I see a lot of people referencing something, but nobody of note actually saying anything to back up those claims, have I won the Internet yet?

You see it would not have taken a mastermind to work out how badly, or how well, this would work, and for it to have actually worked, would have needed a more severe divorce of the two, because we already have people who are on one side, snooping on the other, and feeding it back, and all this because someone decided to foolishly draw a line. And it was foolish. I get sent screenshots of what is sent by people I have on block, as I am assured that those who claim to have blocked me do also, in fact, I know they do, as they reference points I make.

This was a PR accident waiting to happen, and it happened, we can carry on like this, with some bizarre “Mom said, but Dad said!” scenario, with people conveying words, like clandestine diplomats at Checkpoint Charlie, or we can be grown ups.

Sadly, as some have shown, by their howls of indignation at the idea that some people are done with their nonsense, I am not sure we all can be grown ups

We can however try.

You haven’t backed up any of your claims bucko.

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I actually wonder how many of the 4000+ posts of Brigante are actually comprehensible.


he was getting better for a time im not sure what’s happened

Do you think Sun Hawks folded because there were Communication troubles?

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