[Forum Guide] How to clean up the Realm Forums 🙂

kinda defeats the point if you get send screenshots and then read those selfsame screencaps doesn’t it? Haven’t seen that much on our end, I’m afraid you’re just not blocked (yet) by as many people as you think you are.

(edit: “brigante’s friend” please send this over to yourself Brigante)


Isn’t the idea of blocking someone that you don’t want to see them anymore at all? It’s really weird then to keep tabs on what they are doing anyway & makes the blocking only seem like some really weird failed attempt at a powermove or “Ahaha, I blocked you!”

I have 2 theories:

  1. Brig is just pretending to have blocked people because he actually couldn’t figure out how to add an add-on
  2. He’s constantly shifting to an incognito tab to read the posts anyway.

Both theories are sound, but they also make completly no sense anyway since it completly fails to understand the point of blocking someone.

It shouldn’t be used as some ultimate trumph card(Or I think so), it’s more of a “Okay, I would geniuenly be better if I didnt see this person anymore.”


Absolutely. When someone goes as far as sending alts to “infiltrate” ( :grimacing:) your guilds and sends people on anonymous (or not so anonymous, as the case may be) alts with extremely funny OOC callout TRPs to grief your RP events, you might be inclined to return the favour by letting people know just what kind of roleplay that guild is interested in

Because OP is using that kind of typing to avoid the naming & shaming rules and would have just dropped the names if he could do so while avoiding a lock I imagine. He probably should have left it at his discord id and explained there instead of the allusion, but I guess doing it this way generated good traffic

IDK if your argument is that Magister’s Terrace man’s post is good because people didn’t complain about the OP or what

Not at all. It was a piece of roleplay very few people acknowledged - because it was so ridiculous in scope (ie. a campaign that is maybe 100 vs 100 on average having one guy and his three guild members kill 1000 soldier NPCs who were just about to arrive and kill all the Horde basically invalidated any form of struggle / dwarfed the scope and story of the conflict) but it was one of many similar roleplay scenes from that source

Our problem is really that after years of roleplay on great terms, the moment our characters turned on him (in a way reflected in the loyalist quests) and tried to aprehend him after he landed in the middle of an Alliance base (blue shielded, ignoring all Alliance attacks on him) and attempted to surrender he flipped his lid and began raging in /e, power emoting and generally just acting in a way that made any fun roleplay impossible - despite the actual consequence for his character being absolutely mimimal after the fact. He also called in a squad of Alliance characters to bust him out via a discord chat at the time - which was weird

It got so bad that the guild that was doing the roleplay with him (HBM) was all but about to go on strike on me so I just told them to hand him over to his own guild to handle and we agreed to avoid each other in RP

Sadly after that agreement, we will occasionally get these ranting posts in what often appears to be Shath’yar going on and on about who knows what. Sadly his entire guild has at this point left him so his entire existence on AD is now on this forum which he haunts like a vengeful spirit

I think there are good reasons for that

You will never be able to put me on ignore, Brigante, because I live inside your head at all times

Yeah she’s the one who was once your second in command in the Sun Hawks and left because of the kind of conditions you would subject your members to


What does this even mean? Do you think people vote on who their guild leader is? I guess your entire guild roster did just that

What a silly dude you are. Stormbinder used to grief the Rotgarde’s events (aka. my events) about ten years ago and eventually came to join us. It’s well within my rights to forgive someone who has inconvenienced me and I think ten years is a very long time. I’m happy to report that he is now a very dear friend of mine (God forgive me) despite all that and despite his sometimes Vaxiresque political takes

Nah what soured you was that we didn’t want to roleplay with your character anymore and you seem to be under the impression that we have to do just that

They specifically left your own club because of how it was run + that kind of gnomish dialogue you were dropping in voice chat =P


Are we back in the old Cata/MoP era of Hrothgarr again? I thought AD collectivly decided/knew what an absolute :poop: move this is to do after that spectacle.


small corrections: none of us the alliance in the base attempted to attack brigante and we weren’t asked to bust him out over discord

if this is about howling fjord i can only tell you that you are dead wrong.


was it the time when we were talking to him on the top of the base? if so i don’t remember anyone trying to attack him, but i may be wrong

I believe it was, and in the half hour he spend /yelling and begging for alliance leaders to talk to him in front of the base he ignored numerous emotes, I want to say Sainur (not 100% sure it was him though!) threw half a dozen rocks at him with no response. Yes, eventually later on people just got totally apathetic about it and stopped trying, but he very much ignored countless attacks prior to his landing on the rooftop.


That happened over convenient private “aviation enthusiast” themed discords.


I’m late to this party it seems

I would like to apply to be put on the list
so that I do not have to suffer the cowards who would use it

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I recall being informed IC :man_shrugging:

I stand corrected re: brigante at the base, wasn’t at the gate, certainly don’t recall anyone tryinf when i was on the roof w/ him.


One thing I’ve noticed on AD, now that you mentioned this, is that alot of people will angrily call out others(Like calling out the PCU) how they should forgive & forget things and people, yet get apparantly really agressive and mad when it’s towards someone they don’t like for “X” particular reason. Then suddenly said person should never be forgiven whatsoever and if they are, then the people who forgave them are also labelled as evil until the end of time.

i mean sylvare its just a forum

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The fact that it is a forum is what makes this so bizarre to me
What’s the point of a forum if people are just gonna blacklist other people, discord is a better tool for only having to deal with people you want to deal with

I stand by what I said tho.

Edit: I got a lot of replies but my break is over I will come back to people


well personally i know i’ll be using it to block people who intentionally try to make jabs at me or give me headaches

if i wanna speak on the forums and contribute to threads i don’t think i should have to sit through people i don’t like

small correction: an Alliance player on the forums that they wanted to attack him but (couldn’t / were told off? Don’t remember) and I can probably fish up a screenshot of him lying dead on the roof of that Alliance keep - neither do I refer to you re. the discord (it was the “flyer” discord / some draenei

When I say Alliance I don’t specifically mean the groups you are directly associateed with


Sometimes it can be useful, like against very clear OOC trolls, or when someone geniuenly feels upset over some things other people post.

It’s all down to personal prefferences so everyone can enjoy the forums. But it shouldn’t be used as a “Gotcha!” move. Instead just simply ignore the person & go on a little happier. Also shouldn’t be used to gloat afterwards.

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idk chief when i go outdoors i’m not gonna go mosquito hunting but if one bites me you can be sure i’ll slap it.