[Forum Guide] How to clean up the Realm Forums šŸ™‚

It is no secret that the PCU does rehabilitation from time to time. Weā€™re pretty big on second chances provided the chance is actually taken.

I think that depends on the nature/frequency/severity of the sin. Most I saw on OPā€™s list are either still very much at it, have shown over years a disinterest in improvement, or have done things far beyond simple rehabilitation.

Some others on that list I have never even seen, despite my extreme activity on this forum, so I dare say that the blocking does not truly affect them.

I should add of course that the rehab schtick has to be worth doing. We arenā€™t volunteer babysitters.


One chance. Everyone gets a shot at redemption, but even though I donā€™t agree with ignoring people and all that, the people on Folktaleā€™s list are more than just past offenders. These are people who still insist on their respective behavioural patterns.

And ultimately itā€™s a two-way street. We can put OP on blast as much as we want, but you canā€™t state that PCU is only and always on the giving end of these and everyone else is blameless.


To be fair with so many people already using my list I have seen less mudflinging and repeat derailing!


Ah. The days of Rogmasha making daily posts about how u can ignore other people unrelated to what the topic is actually about. Memories.

No, its about blocking people you donā€™t want to see anymore, which i find fine because sometimes people post nothing but drivel.

Or people post things because they like to be the devilā€™s advocate and nothing else

peers at you searchingly

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Weird how you attacked my character and didnā€™t attack my arguments.

Almost as if you couldnā€™tā€¦

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No, youā€™re the perfect example.

But Tehya (who never sleeps) answered most your points which is why I donā€™t feel like reiterating them, he has given us a tool which is helpful.

Yes it wasnā€™t good that he posted his own list, but it got removed by Blizzard. But it is still a helpful tool.


Iā€™ll have you know I have a perfectly healthy 5-hour sleep schedule.


Itā€™s also to restore a function we have had on the old forums and also the equivalent of the In-Game Ignore tool.


you never sleep

That to, which is great and is why it should be commended.


:eyes: in 10chars


Well, actually, no he didnā€™t, in fact when I said:

He said:

So my point still stands. Mine and Tehyaā€™s discussion was regarding O.Ps motive, not his actions, and his actions remain undisputed. Regardless of O.Pā€™s intent, by insulting other posters and then blocking them, he was ā€œtalking mad crudā€ about them and refusing them the chance to defend themselves, as you objected to here:

So you still have to explain how itā€™s okay for O.P to do that, but not Brigante. Do try not to hide behind a) ad hominem or b) other posters when you respond.

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Is accused of arguing for the sake of arguing

Argues the point

I can see you typing now, just know youā€™re already on my list at this point in time.

I donā€™t know everybody on O.Pā€™s list, but Iā€™ve seen repeat offences actually occur in the thread, so by no means do I think - and nor did I state - the PCU is only on the giving end. Iā€™m not proclaiming the innocence of any of the posters on that list, and of the ones Iā€™m aware of, theyā€™re definitely guilty.

Well, letā€™s take Diamantia as an example.

In this post from the ā€œWhy is the PCU so hated? Serious discussionā€ thread, they righteously complain about people prejudicing others against the PCU, both IC and OOC.

In these posts from the ā€œWhatā€™s up with all these thirsty threadsā€ thread, they not so righteously try to prejudice a neutral, uninformed party against the pasta sauce RPā€™er, while pretending to lament doing that exact thing -

Now I could be wrong, but I donā€™t think the gentleman in question is still devoted to roleplay around popular Italian cooking brands. I see ā€œDolmioā€ mentioned repeatedly in various threads in jeering terms, often uncontested and unchallenged by the people it is directed at - as in the thread Diamantia was posting in. It was done - this is a fact. It was crass, juvenile, stupid, embarrassing - also a fact. But thereā€™s been no ceasefire, just a perpetuation of hostilities in the form of an endless cold war, in which Diamantia is trying to recruit new participants.

From what I understand, Briganteā€™s transgression was mana-bombing an entire campaign. This imaginary war crime is indeed a fairly major faux pas in terms of both RP etiquette and not acting like an idiot. In this thread alone, heā€™s also described various people of being ā€œnarcissistsā€, ā€œegomaniacsā€ and ā€œtoadiesā€, which is exactly what Perroy described here:

But on the other hand, ā€œBrigante-postingā€ has become a pejorative term on the forums, heā€™s regularly lambasted for posting boring word-salads even when heā€™s making an innocent post in PCU-unrelated threads, and regularly disparaged (including in this thread) even when he hasnā€™t posted (yet).

Ahaha, whoops! My bad, I forgot how accusing somebody of arguing for the sake of it immediately invalidates all their arguments!

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As a wise man once said,


Iā€™m afraid, you understand falsely. Thatā€™s just an IC thing to which people reacted to IC. Dare I say it was even based from OOC point of view, even though a little over-blown, Initially trying to easily slaughter 500+ people, which was tuned down to 100 or so. IIRC

But no, the actual problem is a lot more related to what happened more recently. And I donā€™t think Iā€™m obligated to do a full-blown history lesson on individuals rewriting someone elses character, attempting to kill them :exploding_head: without the OOC consent, but also a list of other crazy and whacky things.

Probably because the people it was pointed at are embarrassed, and rightly so. But youā€™d be foolish to think theyā€™ve not ā€œā€ā€œā€ā€œā€ā€œretaliatedā€ā€œā€ā€œā€ā€œā€, itā€™s simply that their means are a lot more griefing large RP events, instead of a open verbal spar on the forums.

Manabombing occurred at NPCā€™s. Not PCā€™s


Just out of interest, how did they react IC? By disintegrating into ashclouds?

Except instead she was clarifying something to someone who clearly didnā€™t get the sauce references.

One of many transgressions really. An ultimately minor but all the same funny one. If it was just that, itā€™d be far more forgettable.

Sorry koiffen i cant backup dance you when people compliment me.

Or rather, without the otherā€™s participation to begin with. On a holiday or something, wasnā€™t it?

He epicly nuked 500+ NPCs, not players. The mana bomb tale is mostly just a rlly funny one.