[Forum Guide] How to clean up the Realm Forums 🙂

That’s fair, wasn’t sure if things got mixed up. Personally finding out that there was such OOC organisation about the raid we did on camp winterhoof is a little upsetting to me.

Well, there was but you weren’t involved in it so I would say that your hands are clean this time around - nothing to lament on your part


Because some people prefer their forum experience to be a pleasant ride free of trollposters and other people who have nothing to add but their meaningless, contrarian takes.

If you believe the forums to be some sort of sacred verbal sparring arena where every voice should be seen and heard and argued with, that’s cool, but let’s not act like that is a more correct vision of what the forums are for (or vice-versa).


i only lament that some rp that i enjoyed wasnt as organic as i thought


Ask Blizzard, we have an ignore tool ingame and had a block option on the old forums, as well as notes that the latter will return to these forums too :slight_smile:

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It’s always quite sad when something you liked is later found out to have had some really not so likeable stuff going on outside of your knowledge.


story of my rp 2014-2017

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I wouldn’t put it to cowardice. It’s a pretty standard forum feature, for one thing, that has long been missing.
If being able to block/ignore didn’t damage the integrity of the old forums, it won’t cause any trouble on these ones either.

I think a lot of people are forgetting that on the former forums this existed, and those forums were similarly obnoxious and dramatic. Majority people won’t use it, I reckon, anyway. I never have done.


Bring back downvotes & block in 2020.


Just when I thought I was out

More that both are bad, and you can’t be partial in your application of a principle, or it’s not a principle. And really, that’s what I live in service of - principles. I inhabit an ethereal realm of the purely abstract.

As to the rest of your post - it’s why I excused myself from the discussion. My knowledge of events is like a second-hand jigsaw - missing all the crucial pieces.

This didn’t even happen in this thread, never mind anywhere else. I argued that the PCU should forgive and forget, but I didn’t angrily call them out for anything other than the not-forgiving and not-forgetting, via Diamantia, and even that wasn’t angry. Brigante did plenty of angry calling out, but again that’s been largely mutual between both parties, and I don’t recall him saying anybody should forgive and forget anything - but then I don’t read ancient Sanskrit, so maybe he did (sorry, couldn’t help it!) I feel like you’ve fallen victim to the old forum faction mentality, assuming anybody that has a dissenting opinion - and who disagrees with you - is collaborating as part of some nefarious league of evil-posters.

Until you can provide evidence that this has happened from five other threads, I declare this an imaginary scenario of your own making.

I didnt say it happened in this thread(Other than Brigante & Stormbinder), nor did I say it towards you at all.

Lol, but if you want to certainly, that is up to you :slight_smile: . I stand by that it’s something I’ve seen plenty off over the years on AD, both in the past and present, as well as both forum & ingame.

Assuming you are not pulling this out of your behind, you still happily participated in campaigns organized by that community with your guild afterwards. That doesn’t look to me like you really cared about anyone making fun of someone’s death. You only really ‘soured’ on anything when your british aviation officer larping got a blow during the Howling Fjord campaign.


As I said, I think it’s fine for some people to block others. It’s stupid, and the “list” of the OP is basically a form of harassment, and if reading insight really causes you an headache I think you should meditate upon your open mindedness, but aside from that it’s in the rights of customers to create their own areas where they experience the game as they prefer.

Imo, I think this might, in time, reduce the cohesiveness of the forums and stress further divisions. I have doubts that it will work - the ignore function didn’t really do its job back in the day, but frankly if I’m going to have some debates without people like certain guys, who barely added anything to the conversation, I believe discussions can gain a degree of benefit. I won’t be ignoring anyone myself although.

Either way, to believe that this is done for the sake of the “health” of the forums is outright false, as I see these people taking a toxic stance every two or three days against someone. It has already happened in a recent thread, and it’s clear that the problem aren’t the people on the list.


But Brigante wasn’t arguing that he should be forgiven, while others shouldn’t - I don’t see anything in his post that admits any wrong-doing, for one thing, and if he hasn’t admitted wrong-doing, he cannot by definition be seeking forgiveness. The hypocrisy you alleged doesn’t exist in the post you quoted, or the example you cited.

Brigant’es whole point was that “Perroy bad” for forgiving said person and doing RP with them nowdays.

And this is the stuff I was talking about in general on AD. I see people all the time saying things like how back when the Jade Witch scenario kicked off, it should be forgiven & forgotten and leave it at that, and people who brought it up still were “bullying”.

But said people will also be upset if the same groups choose to forgive someone else they personally disslike.


what can u do rly, hypocrisy comes out every time from these same people

it’s pretty sad but they’re not gonna stop

Well I can’t speak to the Jade Witch example, but again, what you said was this -

Where did Brigante do this? Where did he himself demand that they forgive and forget? Because if he didn’t - he didn’t, by the way - then there’s no

about saying

There’s only hypocrisy if a) Brigante demands his own crimes be forgiven or forgotten, then b) demands that Stormbinder’s be remembered in perpetuity. Only b) is true, not a).

Personally, I wouldn’t say it impacts the health of the forums overall as much as it might help some individual people.

My stance on the forum ignore function is essentially down to individual needs & prefferences. Some people are more sensitive to diffrent topics & or might geniuenly feel upset or uncomofortable with some things being posted.

They should still have the right to enjoy the forums as much as anyone, and if blocking some person will help their own well-being, then it’s up to them.

But it should certainly not be wielded as a tool or weapon to dab on other forumers.

I’m assuming this is on about the campaign where the Rotgarde went a bit atrocity happy -again-. What raid on Winterhoof? There was the one where the Rotgarde suddenly teleported from trying to chase one guild that was done with their shiz, to attack us whilst mid prep for an attack on Alliance forces. I mean I’ve seen the screenshot where Alliance folks were going “We can bust you out” and the rather clear response is “No, the Sun Hawks do not want you to do that!”

But I guess that does not fit the narrative here. No, We never asked for Alliance intervention, and refused it when it was offered.

Again, I am finding it rather ironic, that a group of people who want to shut down communication, suddenly find it frustrating when people are talking about them behind their backs, even though it was their choice to turn the back. Bizarre.

Anyway, better things to do. By ‘better’ I mean, ‘Go to the Dentists’ Amazing how cross and angry people get when a ruse backfires…

I didnt say he did. I apologise, I might have been unclear in my first post & i think that lead to some missunderstanding and I think my point came across entierly diffrent than what I meant.

It was not meant to be a jab at Brigante, nor that he was being hypocritic, but more of a side-note because the situation reminded me of this stuff happening. The reminder being how Brigante tried to “zing” Perroy over being friends with said person.