[Forum Guide] How to clean up the Realm Forums 🙂

No don’t you see the forums are a gladiatorial arena of wits and intellect and if you’re not using them for that then you’re just some feeb who wants to live in a bubble and run from conflict and DO NOT BELONG HERE!

Now excuse me I’m going to call up random people to argue with them and call them a coward when they hang up. That’ll learn them.

That’s okay Vixi, apology accepted!

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Nah you’re wrong

Less people feeding you attention via (you)s based on your rambling non-posts written will absolutely improve the forums - because you have always posted on what will get you attention vs actually making any kind of point

I think you are a bit worried about that, actually, but it’s OK - I will always have time to type a little response to you

I guess this for example

If you break this cypher (that only genius-level posters can do) it reads along the lines of “we can keep arguing or we can make amends”


yeah i think i’d be annoyed when i tried to end communication to make myself feel better and then it comes to my attention, unwillingly, that the person i separated with conversation-wise starts trying to paint me in some evil light behind my back


That if anything, is rather cowardly.

I put a singular (currently) person on ignore, not for the health of the forums, but for the health of ME.


Which one is that?

Those two things happened on different days and your character had at that point agreed with the Alliance to stop fighting. This is another reimagining of reality that you maintained even when faced with actual screenshots

Well, no - they attacked IC (after being asked OOC) and half way through you realised that the flyer chat has PCU members in it that could see what you were doing

I find it ironic that your entire guild ditched you because now Brigante is a much more authentic self-insert than he ever was back then

Try not to grind your teeth so much thinking about me


You know full well who it is.

Clearly Akamito.


I’m actually not sure…

Allow me to clarify. It’s Jessicka.


i’ve blocked myself for my own health


I’m actually un-ignorable through all means.


Well, not having a masters in xenolinguistics, and lacking the stele used in the original translation, I can only speculate as to the writer’s intention here, but judging by the non-conciliatory tone of all of his other posts, my best guess would be that he’s not interested in making amends

If of course he extends an invitation to kiss and make up, I’ll happily stand corrected

Some day, we will find a way…

Is there supposed to be a post here?

Huh, strange.


This is understandable. I still think the advertisement of the list isn’t a good or noble idea, and basically is part of the reason I think the toxicity is still here.

But that aside, some individuals might be tempted to ignore others on the basis of their own mental health - which seems a bit of an exaggeration, but it’s part of their right as customers to do so, so well, best wishes to them I guess.

It just happens that most members of the PCU and I have a different viewpoints on a lot of things. People take me for a contrarian because I like to think for myself. But in fact, I believe many of my points could be insightful if properly understood.

Of course, the fact that most of the people ignoring others seem to be the ones so keen on formulating personal assaults and accusing everyone they disagree with of having ill-intentions any time they post something, I actually think their absence might make conversations more fruitful. Having just a more neutral audience that can read my posts is fine for me.

I’m worried about the list, I think it really borders on an attempt to organize and tell people en masse what is bad and what is good. Which, associated with the attitude, is very toxic as a behavior; and is basically an attempt to circumvent the forum rules.

Aside from that, I am not 100% sure about the ignore function. We’ll have to wait and see. I think it will be fine in the long-run.

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Fanfiction writing intensifies

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There was a POST here. It’s gone now.