[Forum Guide] How to clean up the Realm Forums šŸ™‚

I personally donā€™t agree with that the list was public initially. As for itā€™s existence at all, Iā€™mā€¦not really sure. But itā€™s also why I personally havenā€™t reached out about it. But if someone does, it is up to them.

That comes across dangerously like a veiled insult.
We all think for ourselves, the fact that we agree doesnā€™t mean we donā€™t.


Have a Reddit gold bro :yellow_circle:


Like a glitch in the matrix.

Then surely you can appreciate how you speaking for him with an air of undeniable authority as to his meanings and intentions is fairly obnoxious?


I donā€™t think anyone seeks to harass you personally. Quite the opposite in fact; blocking you means they donā€™t want to interact with you, which is not really harassment at all. I also think that people might want to block you not because they donā€™t want to see your ā€œinsightā€, but because the majority of your so-called insights are just really passive aggressive me smart you dumb toned posts that read like something straight off r/iamverysmart.




yo iā€™ll even give him a :white_circle: plat for that.


No ā€¦ how can this be.

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Happens to me all the time

All the time

No, of course I donā€™t appreciate this, I was merely using a little pithy sarcasm to respectfully disagree, while venturing the possibility I could be mistaken - which of course is the opposite of claiming ā€œundeniable authorityā€ as to his meanings and intentions.

I donā€™t think cessation of hostilities (how I interpreted Briganteā€™s post) is the same as making amends (Perroyā€™s interpretation), and Iā€™m making that assumption based on both the hostile tone and content of Briganteā€™s posts, and the lack of any discernible acknowledgement of wrong-doing - which, I would think, is requisite for making amends when somebody feels wronged!

But of course, all my assumptions are based on reasoning and evidence - and from the evidence Iā€™ve seen, I feel reasonably confident in my assumptions!

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To be fair I think at this point all parties have acknowledged that, as the forum previously had ignore/ mute functionality, restoring this option via a third-party system isnā€™t in itself a problem, but that the list was a mistake.

this is too arrogant even for me


F for the big-brained Umay having the guts to take a step into the pasture of us dumb sheep.


To be honest you need to have a fairly high IQ (Like me) to even beging to think for yourself.

I only look at FACTS and EVIDENCE and therefore I can EASILY summarise that I am indeed correct.


Yeah, makes one wonder how he ended up on the list too

Wow, the amount of people intimidated by the towering intellectual might of my opinions is truly gratifying, thanks so much you guys!

This is indeed the best approach, but I think you meant ā€œsurmiseā€

winky face

Oh, really now, for all of my many (nearly numberless) virtues, I donā€™t think Iā€™d count it courage for the lion to lie down with the lambs

At the end of the day, A ignore/block function is something some would want to use on the Forums and it should no doubt be an option.

Just like how in-game people can choose who to interact/RP with by using the in-game options. Of course the difference as Iā€™ve already talked with the OP on Discord before, comes when you have a list of people you might not even know you are putting on ignore.

If people want to use the list? Sure, go for it. There have been enough voices celebrating itā€™s release as it is, but Iā€™d personally wait for the actual function to be added to the Forums in the form where you can yourself pick and choose the people you want to not hear from instead.

Already a thing with this method, too. You can select right about anyone you want to not see anymore.

Would you like a beginnerā€™s lesson?

I am personally not interested in using the block function, which is something I failed to clarify in my earlier post. Not only to avoid a possible echo chamber effect in the future, but I do like chatting with people with differing opinions and points of view especially when it comes to text-based stuff.




1. suppose that something is true without having evidence to confirm it.

"he surmised that something must be wrong"





verb:  **summarise**

1. give a brief statement of the main points of (something).

"these results can be summarized in the following table"

Iā€™m sorry but I really need you to have ATLEAST my level of intelligence before trying to verbally spout with me.


Me at the existence of an arguably toxic suggested list: :rage:

Me making my own block list: :face_with_monocle:

Me finding out it ends up resembling 90% of the suggested list anyway: :scream: