[Forum Guide] How to clean up the Realm Forums 🙂

You can state an opinion without it coming off as arrogant and insulting to others.


Then let this be a lesson that some people are, in fact, not capable of doing so.

It isn’t more meant to be an insult than the claim that I am a troll or a contrarian.

I don’t think anyone who disagrees with me is brainwashed, obviously. In many cases, I’m sure that people just happen to be on the other side of the spectrum of ideas. But overall I think there is some truth in my point: a lot of people on the forums use the same wording to describe their ideas. And the same attitude. This means they have to take a very similar mindset (discord I assume). The amount of times I met someone I never discussed with using the same epithets that someone else used previously, or the amount of times the same arguments were reiterated by different people can’t be a coincidence.

That is fine for me, provided someone doesn’t actively advertise his list everyday and makes an effort to get everyone on the same page. That is something I take issue with, because we all know that it’s an attempt to exclude all the people the OP doesn’t like for his sake, which is a bad move.

I think this happens a lot in the new forums. It is curious, because it didn’t happen in the old forums - atleast not that I recall. In the end, I think the change has been somewhat recent.

That is a very arrogant choice of words.

I think I see a pattern: you’re excluding smart people to feel better with yourself?

Thats what happens when you live within a community. Typing/vocal patterns rub off over time. It doesn’t make the people a hivemind, just part of a large group.

The better thing to do would be to drop the ongoing act that revolves around you continuing to perpetuate this apparent hatred for an entire community on the basis of one night of roleplay that happened to not go your way.

What exactly is it you gain from it? Do you find an enjoyment in the spiteful nature of it all? Do you feel wronged and, as such, continuing to slander and bash the community associated feels good? I’m genuinely not quite sure, and it seems as if nobody else can find valid reasoning either.

Brigante, you’d have a far more enjoyable time - and one filled with a lot less situations such as these - if you were willing to simply agree that you acted very strangely and irrationally on the fateful night that the Red Death wandered over to the Alliance simply because you weren’t happy with the outcome of roleplay on an OOC basis.

Continuing to stay faithful to this comic routine that I personally stopped finding funny a few weeks after the roleplay happened isn’t going to hurt anybody other than you. Come back to reality, Brigante… it’s time to come back…


I don’t think that it’s a healthy attitude going though all this just to ignore someone. Do they really matter that much in any way that people have to edit their browsers to dodge interaction or even a glance at disagreeable elements?

I guess I’ll never grasp it as I didn’t ignore people even when I could.


Aha, so you admit my evidence is incontrovertible truth!

My cunningly laid trap is sprung

Yes, but where’s the fun in that?

I mean, you’d think people would be less butt-flustered by ironic ego-posting given that it’s Perroy’s favourite mode of discourse, but I suppose faith in the forums - and in forum-posters in general - is at a universal low

Teach me to stray from my well-trod path of erudite sincere-posting!

(that would have been arrogance, but it’s not arrogance when it’s true)

Irony of all kinds - verbal and situational - apparently lost on these literally-minded chaps

It depends on what’s being expressed - people can use the same words/ patterns, but when they’re repeating the same ideas, then I think at that point it’s fair to criticise the consensus as a “hivemind”, especially if those ideas are regurgitated regardless of context - i.e, “devil’s advocate”, “contrarian”, etc.

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See, I don’t find it that unusual that people who share a space, even virtually, would pick up idioms and means of speaking from their friends and peers. This is how slang happens, as a very basic example.
Neither do I find it strange that people may share their thoughts and feelings and find that others begin to appreciate their point of view, perhaps starting to share some parts of it.

As much as some in nerd culture like to believe they are on a seperated ethereal level of intellectual thought… we are a social creature, and we are still very ‘monkey see, monkey do’. All of us.


It takes literally a minute.

It is essentially what a hivemind is meant to do: have everyone on the same page and with the same ideas.

Ultimately, this form of social groups are correlated with an inability to think critically.

Other than that, we have to add an (apparent) majority bias, which means that if there is one person disagreeing and five agreeing, people will be inclined to think that the second one is the correct option.


I think sharing is different from agreeing without differentiating your ideas from other people. I recall discussing with you that one time you compared OOC presence to gentrification (it was you, right?) and I really liked that argument, in a way, because it felt genuinely new; something I hadn’t seen before.

TLDR. You can share the same ideas and not be a drone.

Takes me about 15 seconds actually!


I wouldn’t say a lot of people using the same words or sharing the exact same statements, etc means that they are “All connected to the hivemind as brainless drones”.

Mostly it’s just people who might feel a sense of kinship from the fact that as a group they use the same words or people from the same group echoing what has already been said if they don’t want to/know how to put the same thing into words themselves, etc. It’s basic tribalism. Has existed for so, so many years now.

Though personally I am a bit tired of the 2015 4chan memes being recycled like it’s aluminium can.

You say this, then…

you say pretty much the complete opposite in not-so-many words.

I can assure you that nobody is forced to download a proscribed set of opinions before heading out into the wild wastelands of the Argent Dawn forums, and infact I think what you have noticed is simply a large number of people arriving at the same conclusion due to the reasons I outlined above.

I don’t think making 1x forum post mentioning a list of the usual suspects and letting people know they can contact him on discord if they want it themselves really counts as ‘actively advertising’ or ‘making an effort’.

See, this is exactly what I meant.


I think people use the same words to feel a strong social cohesion etc, but these wording imply, most of the time, a somewhat acritical acceptance of other people’s principles.

I can’t tell to which extent, but from what I’ve seen in the forums, it’s usually more than what people are aware of.

Sure, some people might think this way, especially if they are part of the same group/circles as the mentioned four people, but there’s always the chance to not just completely flat-out ignore what the one person is saying either.

As someone who has been in the 1 v 4 situation quite often as the one person? Just make sure your spine isn’t made out of papermash and you’ll be fine with total strangers on the internet.

Seems that every meta topic these days will be taken over by non rpers / unsubbed pezheads


His references to his gargantuan ego being real or not, Perroy also has the benefit of being genuinely laugh-out-loud funny.

You’re making claims to these arrogant and snobby comments being some form of ironic wit, but honestly, you just don’t have the comedic chops to do it.

Yes, that was me. I’m glad you liked it. I still stand by it, of course, but this thread won’t be able to deal with the OOCer topic also arising.


I don’t get why you’d waste those 15 seconds on it, personally. :woman_shrugging: Our world views and opinions differ. I just hope such a thing won’t have me blocked.

In the bigger picture, filter bubbles aren’t healthy and I don’t like what it’s likely to do to the server and communities over time.


have you considered blocking features exist because there is a concept called harassment

ur lucky if u dont get harassed but when u have a presence in a community and people dont like u for it, it’s a near crucial feature

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The OP doesnt make any mention to blocking people for the purpose of avoiding harassment.

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